next moment, others came to Liu Wanshan.

“Beast, you dare…”

Liu Wanshan was in horror. Before he finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly, because Yang Xuan had reached out and grabbed his neck, like twisting He lifted him up like a chicken.

“This is being captured!”

The audience was in an uproar, except for Ye Feiyang, everyone felt unbelievable.

This is the powerhouse of the Peak of Destiny, so they were taken in front of one’s eyes by a young man who had just entered the same state.

“Let me let me go…”

Liu Wanshan roared again and again, and Yang Xuan’s power was too terrifying, making him extremely suffocated, and he felt like he was about to die.

“Boy, do you dare to move my Kunwu people to try?”

Kunwu yelled, and the whole Feiyang Peak was shaking.

“A trash that’s all, if you don’t speak up, I may abolish his cultivation base, but since you threaten me with your words, then I really want to move your people to try.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan slapped out, and slapped Liu Wanshan’s face with a slap.

“Ah, you dare to slap me in the face, I fight with you.”

Liu Wanshan dishevelled hair, corner of the mouth flow blood, half of the face is swollen, just Even the front teeth were knocked out, he raised his arms with bloody mouth and punched fiercely.


Yang Xuan freed up his other hand, hitting it first, grabbing the incoming fist and making it impossible to move.


Liu Wanshan’s face is full of horror. It can’t be helped by such a close distance. Yang Xuan, teach him how to not fear?


Yang Xuan didn’t say anything, but with his big hands, the fists he held in his hands made a sound of bone breaking.


Liu Wanshan screamed and asked for help: “Lord, save me!”

“Today is the king and I will come and save I can’t stop you.”

Yang Xuan pupil light became cold, and the other hand exerted force, and Liu Wanshan’s neck broke with a sound of ka-cha. He died of anger, and there was still a residue on his face. Deep panic and unwillingness.

“Liu Wanshan is dead!”

“Stand back, we are not the opponent of this child, don’t get close to him.”

The crowd is dying, They are all rewinding fast, seeing Yang Xuan as Demon.

“This will kill people!”

Even Ye Feiyang’s expression changed.

This is too clean and tidy, regardless of Kun Wu behind Liu Wanshan, he kills when he says kill, without mercy.

“unable to withstand a single blow.”

Yang Xuan twitched his lips, took off Liu Wanshan’s storage ring, and threw his corpse away.

At this moment, the whole audience keep quiet out of fear, everyone was frightened.

Kunwu’s subordinate, a powerhouse in the Fateful Realm Peak, was crushed to death by people like this. It is conceivable how angry Kunwu would be.

A half-step supreme anger, no one in the room can bear it, almost everyone is constantly regressing, I am afraid that Kunwu will suddenly launch a disaster, to bring disaster to innocent people.

“Little devil, this seat wants you to live better than to die.”

At this moment, an angry scream came, shaking many people with a lower cultivation base bleeding, Even Ye Feiyang was shocked all over, on the verge of collapse.

Yang Xuan expression calm, standing tall, shouted: “Come to fight.”

In one word, the sound was like a stone impact, shaking the world and spreading throughout the entire Yunlan Valley.

“Too strong!”

Many Yunlan Valley martial artists trembled physically and mentally.

They all recognized who this voice came from, and for a while, everyone’s face showed a look of shock. In their eyes, the whole world is probably only Yang Xuan, the enchanting boy who dares to speak like this. Kyogen.


In the main peak hall of Yunlan Valley, Kunwu was furious and squeezed the tea cup in his hand into powder.

“Kunwu Old Brother, calm down, that kid really deserves to die, but let’s first ask the way to leave the deserted ancient continent.”

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