Someone speaks .

Kunwu did not say a word, strode out of the hall.

The others were stunned, and followed one after another, all preparing to meet Yang Xuan, a young man from the outer domain.

At the same moment, Yang Xuan flicked his wrist, took out the Purgatory Sword and rushed straight up, piercing the gray light curtain with a sword.

With a sound of pu chi, the light curtain was pierced, and then it quickly cracked, bursting to pieces in a moment, and no longer existed.

In the face of Purgatory Sword’s sharp edge, the big array in front of him is a joke.

In fact, this formation can’t be considered how strong it is. It doesn’t even have the defensive power of the one third defensive power of the Yunlan Valley Evil Formation. Even if Yang Xuan does not use Purgatory Sword, he throws it on fire. It can be burned to ashes.

But it was the first time that Yang Xuan saw this kind of mobile Formation. At the moment of bursting, he grabbed it and took a metal disc dropping from the sky into his hand.

Needless to say, the golden disc is the formation disc.

About palm-size, the whole body is gray and black, and densely packed mysterious formation marks are drilled on it.

Chapter 592 Tongue Fights Heroes

Yang Xuan didn’t watch too much, so he put away the battle.

Although this thing is very rare, it is of no use to him, but if it is sold, it is estimated that it can be exchanged for a lot of Spirit Stone.

After all, the formation has never appeared in the Sacred Domain Great World, and it has great appeal for those who specialize in Dao of Refining Refiner Master.

“One blow breaking the formation, is the sword in his hand really a Divine Item!?”

“It must be a Divine Item, and only Divine Item can have such formidable power! “

Below, many foreign martial artists were dumbfounded.

They thought it would take some time for Yang Xuan to break the formation. Unexpectedly, this kid would pierce the formation with a sword soaring to the sky, looking effortless.

But if the battle is broken, it means that he is about to face Kunwu.

Everyone looked up at him, but didn’t see the slightest uneasiness on his face.

“Too calm, can he still deal with Kunwu!?”

“What a joke, with his cultivation base, even if he holds Divine Weapon in his hand, he is absolutely not A half-step supreme opponent, this is absolutely impossible.”

Just as many people were whispering, a cold, harsh voice came.

“Kill this Majesty’s person, and dare to snatch this Majesty’s formation, you are digging your own grave.”

tone barely fell, a gray-haired, short stature, The skinny, skinny old man is like a fierce bird. The baleful qi all over his body is surging and rushing quickly. It is a distance from Yang Xuan but a hundred zhang. Who is not Kunwu?

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

After that, a group of hundreds of people broke through the air one after another, filling the sky not far away.

All of them are of different heights, wearing myriad, and their imposing manners are extremely powerful. The ones with the lowest cultivation base can also enter the divine force realm. The 30 or so people with the highest cultivation base all have divine Force is the cultivation base of Peak.

One after another tyrannical imposing manner gathered together to form Supreme coercion, which made the entire Yunlan Valley atmosphere depressed and extremely quiet.

Countless martial artists of Yunlan Valley looked up at the sky, all of their eyes focused on Yang Xuan. No one knows how this handsome boy will deal with so many divine force powerhouses.

“Tsk tut, there are so many people, this time I can make a big deal.”

Yang Xuan glanced away, and took Zhu Qiang’s cultivation base in the entire scene, the faint smile in the mouth is authentic.

“What do you mean by this?”

A tiger with a shirtless upper body, like an Iron Pagoda, covered with brown yellow hair, and a divine force of 8 Heavenly Layer The clan man shouted and asked.

“Fortunately, you are still a divine force powerhouse, and your brains are so awkward. I mean, you are all food delivery people. When you kill you, all the storage rings on your body will return. I own it.”

As soon as this statement came out, many Yunlan Valley martial artists trembled.

Under these powerhouses, Yang Xuan even dared to speak wild words.

“little bastard, you are the craziest person I have ever seen, but you are destined to die today, and I was thwarted by me.”

The tiger clan man has evil eyes and roars The sound shook the sky, and he raised his hand as a punch, and a fist strength with a large grinding disc flew out in the air, fiercely blasting towards Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan expression remains the same, making a fist with his left hand, and rushing forward to strike at the thunder. A fistless fist hits the fist strength, and the fist strength collapses into the air with a bang.


Many people exclaimed.

With one punch, it broke the fist strength of a divine force 8 Heavenly Layer tiger powerhouse. What a terrifying battle strength this is.

Especially, Yang Xuan is still intact. He hasn’t even moved at all, so powerful that it makes people tremble.

“You have such strength!”

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