Suddenly, Yang Xuan’s silhouette reappeared, and a sword pierced Kun Wu’s vest.

Kunwu had been prepared for a long time, so he avoided it.

With a miss, Yang Xuan disappeared again, making Kunwu feel more uncomfortable than eating a fly.

Soon, he thought of something, said with a sneer: “Space Secret Technique is very powerful, but this kind of secret technique consumes a lot of spirit strength. With your cultivation base, you can use it continuously. Time?”

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Big Void Technique consumes a lot of spirit strength, but Yang Xuan Divine Refining Technique Small Accomplishment, Divine Soul is extremely powerful, and Divine Soul is powerful means that spirit strength is abundant.

It is no exaggeration to say that the spirit strength of Yang Xuan is no less powerful than the cloud wind of Divine Force Peak.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

He is like a ghost, appearing from time to time to launch fierce assassinations on Kunwu. Kunwu has been troubled so much, and the whole person is on the verge of running away.

“Bastard, I want you to die!”

With a roar, Yang Xuan saw Kun Wu slamming his fist as soon as he appeared.

This time, Kunwu obviously guessed where he would launch the sneak attack, so he used a powerful secret technique with one punch to make him unable to hide.


Yang Xuan looks like a cold star, with no fear on his face, and the Purgatory Sword in his hand smashes out with no stronghold one cannot overcome the golden sword energy, and Kun Wu hard boo.



The deafening loud noise is accompanied by a splash of blood, Yang Xuan flies upside down like kite with its string cut Going out, one right arm was cracked and broken.

As a half-step supreme, Kunwu is too terrifying. It is because he holds the Purgatory Sword and can hardly compete with it.


He endured the pain, and his body disappeared invisible.

“Go to hell!”

Kunwu lost his target and slammed down with a punch.

“Kunwu, you are bully intolerably!”

Yun Lanfeng was furious, took a palm and stopped a mountain-like fist strength.

Only hearing a bang, the huge energy turned into a storm and swept away, so that the foreign powers all supported the divine force guard.

The martial artist of Yunlan Valley below was terrified. Everyone knew that if their valley owner hadn’t resisted just now, they still don’t know how many of them would be suppressed and killed by that fist strength. .

“Damn it!”

“This bastard, he didn’t take Young Hero Yang, he sprinkled anger on us.”

“Don’t talk about this That’s it, this old bastard is more ruthless than Jiu Mingkong, let’s quickly find a place to hide.”

The martial artists of Yunlan Valley scattered one after another, and no longer dared to gather together.

“Yang Xuan, if you don’t come out again, don’t blame me for killing the people in Yunlan Valley.”

Kunwu looked crazy.

“One blow to kill you.”

Yang Xuan appeared, and smashed it with lightning.

“This time…”

Kunwu grinned first, then his eyes drenched.

In his eyes, Yang Xuan’s left arm has suddenly become a huge weird arm full of dragon scales.

Chapter 595 destroy both body and soul

“What is it!?”

“A certain kind of Martial Spirit!?”

The crowd lost their voices, all shocked.

Although they can’t recognize what Yang Xuan’s huge weird arm is covered with dragon scales, everyone feels a violent and fierce force from this arm, which seems to be able to overwhelm the ocean. Kill all spirits.

“This is Qilin Arm, you, a Human Race kid, actually got the Life Source Divine Ability of Fire Qilin Race!”

Kun Wu’s eyes widened and finally recognized this I just blame the arm, the face is incredible, because the Fire Qilin Race was extinct as early as 100,000 years ago in the battle of the world.

“Some eyesight, yes, this is the Qilin Arm of Fire Qilin Race.”

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