Yang Xuan sneered, unabated at speed, clenched the Purgatory Sword with his left hand, raised Qilin Arm, and slashed towards Kunwu with a condescending sword.


The power erupted like a torrent of torrents. Among them are the true essence of the sun burning the heaven and boiling the sea, as well as the 3rd-layer Slaughter Sword Intent and the Profound Truth of Fire. The formidable power of this sword increases exponentially, destroying everything.

“Ice Domain!”

Kunwu’s complexion suddenly changed, and his body was shining brightly. A cold light beam covered his body, which was as large as several meters. The whole body is radiant and brilliant.

This is his field, although it is only a rudimentary form, it has unparalleled defensive power.

It’s not his boasting, a combination of several powerhouses in the divine force environment Peak may not be able to shake him.

“Break for me!”

Yang Xuan didn’t care, he castrated with one sword, and slashed in his field with lightning speed.


The crisp sound is clear and audible.

Next, the sound of ka ka ka continued.

Under the shocking gaze of countless people, the cold light gangway outside Kunwu couldn’t resist, and it kept cracking. The cracks were as dense as a spider web, and they might break at any time. Open.


Kunwu roared and hurriedly ran the divine force to repair his domain.

“There is nothing possible, break Young Master!”

Yang Xuan shouted, a golden flame gushing out of Purgatory Sword like a boiling lava, a brain will be broken The unbearable ice cold light burned out.

Kunwu eyes shrank, quickly withdrew and retreated.

However, it is still half a beat.

Yang Xuan’s body is like lightning, imposing manner is like rainbow, Purgatory Sword in his hand smashes down with boundless force.


Blood splashed and a left arm flew down.

Under the edge of Purgatory Sword, the divine force of Kunwu’s body is useless.

If he hadn’t dodged in time, he would not have been beheaded, but would be in a different place.


Kunwu screamed, clutching his broken arm and backing away.

The blood flow in the broken arm is not stopping, and the mouth is also vomiting blood. The thick blood is also mixed with a few visceral fragments, which is obviously affected by the Slaughter Sword Intent and Profound Truth of Yang Xuan’s sword. Fire hit the inner palace hard.

“One sword broke Kunwu’s arm!”

The audience was deadly quiet, everyone was petrified, and there was only a single thought left in my mind, that was Kun My left arm was cut off by Yang Xuan with a sword.

But, is this true! ?

A young man who had just entered the realm of returning to the first state, with just a sword, cut off the arm of a half-step supreme.

Who can believe it if this is not seen with your own eyes?

Everyone looked at Kun Wu, who was howling in pain, and Yang Xuan who was dancing in the dark, and their eyes fell involuntarily on the Purgatory Sword in his hand.

Everyone understands that the reason Yang Xuan can break Kunwu’s arm is that on the one hand, he is strong enough, and on the other hand, he relies on the black long sword in his hand.

This black long sword is quite weird, and it does not release such powerful divine fluctuations like other Divine Items.

But just such a seemingly unremarkable long sword broke through Kunwu’s realm in one fell swoop, and also cut off one of Kunwu’s left arm.

“What level of Divine Item is this!”

“Is it a top grade Divine Item!”

“What a joke, top grade Divine Item is in Our barren ancient continent has never appeared before. It is said that there is in the depths of the ancient territory, but since ancient times, no one has ever found it.”

The heroes discuss spiritedly, and their faces are full of horror. color.

Regardless of whether the Purgatory Sword is a top grade Divine Item or not, they all know that this sword is not simple, and anyone can skip grades to kill. It is unmatched.

Yang Xuan stood with a sword and did not pursue Kunwu.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I used Qilin Arm and consumed too much blood, so that my body was empty and very weak.

“Evil creature, you dare to break my arm, I want you to die without a burial site.”

Kunwu stopped the blood from the broken arm and screamed frantically.

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