The dignified half-step supreme was cut off by a young junior in full view. What an extraordinary shame and humiliation. When the news spreads, he is bound to become a man of the world. A laughingstock, stinking for thousands of years.

“Kill me, do you think you can do it?”

Yang Xuan look pale, holding back the weakness of Qi and frailty, raised Purgatory Sword high above his head, and said: “I want to kill with a sword You, but your strength is beyond my expectations, but it doesn’t matter, you can stop my first sword, and you can’t stop my second sword.”

“Divine might!”

Kun Wu narrowed his eyes and squeezed out four words between his teeth. His expression became serious, but then he grinned again.

“Zedao divine might be strong, but are you sure you can hit me?”

That’s what he said, but he withdrew from several hundred zhang backwards, And take Healing Medicine Pill and take it.

As for the severed arm, as long as you can find the Spiritual Pill, you can regenerate with the severed arm.

Yang Xuan also ignored Kunwu, secretly thought: “Boy, this is my limit, I will trouble you below.”

He fought with Kunwu. , Nothing more than to sharpen himself, seeing that even Qilin Arm and Purgatory Sword failed to kill Kun Wu, he could only ask the purgatory boy for help.

“Remember to find me more sources of good fortune.”

The purgatory boy responded, and then consumed a lot of spirit strength to stimulate the divine might.

Although this brat has not yet reshaped the spiritual body, after refining a large amethyst source in the Supreme Profound Palace, Spirit Physique has become extremely powerful, and it’s not as powerful as it has been activated three times. As for fainting, it is true that it will be weak for a period of time.

Yang Xuan’s eyes are like electricity, and he doesn’t move, giving the next blow to the purgatory boy.


Suddenly, Purgatory Sword issued a loud sword cry, like a Divine Sword that had been covered for a long time unsheathed, and the invisible sword power swept across Nine Heavens and Ten Earths , So that the entire sky trembles.

hong long!

Yunlan within the valley, as if there was a big earthquake, many people couldn’t control their bodies on the spot, and fell to the ground softly.

In this brief moment, the heroes are like enemies.

Looking up one by one, you can see the Purgatory Sword black light in Yang Xuan’s hand rushing into the sky, the sword screams in the sky, as if it is giving birth to an ominous beast. If it doesn’t come out, it’s earth shattering. , Destroy all creatures in time.


An unimaginable coercion broke out, which immediately enveloped this world. No one can resist. Many divine force powerhouses almost all dropping from at the same time the sky.

On the ground, the martial artist of Yunlan Valley shuddered with those foreign martial artist Divine Soul, and they all couldn’t help but worship. Everyone was like facing a Demon God with awe.

Zedao divine might!

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded, unable to speak a word.

The existence of Peaks in the divine force environment as strong as Yunlanfeng was also shocked by the pressure on Purgatory Sword, trembling all over, with a heavy breath.

“Is this the ultimate divine might, and it is too afraid right?”

Ye Feiyang bowed his body, sweating profusely, and resisted hard.

“The sword in his hand is extraordinary. Kunwu is probably going to die this time.”

Yun Lanfeng whispered.

He has seen someone use a middle grade Divine Item to play the ultimate divine might, but the power is far from the present, and he understands that the Purgatory Sword in Yang Xuan’s hands is extremely high.

Kun Wu was also frightened. This coercion made him feel fear from the bottom of his heart. He felt like a sword hanging from his head and about to die.

“One sword will kill you and die!”

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan will slash with his sword, a black sword energy destroying heaven extinguishing earth from Purgatory Sword He rushed out and blasted on Kun Wu instantly.


Kunwu howled miserably.

Too fast, he didn’t even react. He was cut by black sword energy. The field that had just condensed out of his body was first annihilated, unable to withstand a single blow, and then fleshy body and even Divine Soul. It begins to fall apart, no matter how hard he struggles, it won’t help.

Soon, the black sword energy disappeared.

At the same time, Kunwu disappeared and ceased to exist.


At this moment, I don’t know how many people are trembling.

This is too scary, a sword takes one and a half steps in a second.

“cough cough!”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan shook his body and his mouth was bleeding.

He is already hurt, although he has been holding back, but as Kunwu destroys both body and soul, his spirit relaxes and it is no longer difficult to control.

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