“Dead, all dead!”

“Demon Sword, this is the Demon Sword, which is just a sword, and kills so many divine force powerhouses!”


“Quickly retreat, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time.”

“Yes, let’s go quickly, or we may endanger our lives.”

Many foreign martial artists such as Falling into the ice cellar, they were all guilty, all fleeing desperately outside the Yunlan Valley, all embarrassed like a stray dog.

Yang Xuan didn’t pursue it either. He took out a drop of Spring of Life to take it and thanked the purgatory boy.

It took a long time for the purgatory boy to say: “The two extreme divine might consume a lot of me. It will take more than half a month to recover. You should leave now.”

“I know Yeah.”

Yang Xuan expressed his understanding, cupped the hands to the Yunlanfeng below, and said: “Valley Lord Yun, I should leave after I have bothered for a few days, otherwise Guigu will be caused. Trouble.”

“Young Hero Yang is serious, you are my benefactor of Yunlan Valley, and you are always welcome to be a guest.”

Yun Lanfeng said politely.

Yang Xuan nodded, and Chao Ye Feiyang slightly smiled, “brother Ye, we if fated will meet again.”

“Brother Yang take care.”

Ye Feiyang cup one fist in the other hand said.

“many thanks Young Hero Yang!”

“Young Hero Yang treasures all the way!”

Many Yunlan Valley martial artists have also spoken.

hearing this, Yang Xuan didn’t say much, and he called out the flying boat to break through the air.

On the road, I saw those divine force powerhouses that had been withdrawn not long ago, and they almost rushed over with the flying boat on a rampage.

“Young Master Yang, spare your life!”

“Young Master Yang, what are you doing!?”

Everyone was scared to avoid Retreat.

Although they took the first step, they also released Divine Consciousness. They paid attention to the movement of Yunlan within the valley. They knew that Zhao Zifeng and the others had died under the divine might of Purgatory Sword. Now they see Feitianzhou. He rushed, thinking that Yang Xuan would kill to the last one.

Unfortunately, Feitianzhou didn’t have birds and they left whistled past all the way.

“Damn, this child is playing with us deliberately.”

“Everyone, this kid has gone too far. Should we return to Yunlan Valley?”

“What do you go back for?”

“Isn’t Yun Lanfeng cultivated a Space Secret Technique, why don’t we…”

“Forget it, this kid named Yang Xuan and Yun Lanfeng has a very close relationship, so we still don’t want to act blindly without thinking, otherwise I’m afraid he will get his bloody revenge.”


Yunlan within the Valley, Yun Lanfeng watched Yang Xuan go away, and then he instructed the five Yun Lan Elder Gu on the side: “Let the order go on, let everyone clean up, after 5 minutes of effort, all follow me to evacuate Yun Lan Valley.”

“Valley Lord, why is this?”

An Elder Gu startled with Yun Lan.

“The news that Yang Xuan killed Jiu Mingkong and Kunwu will spread all over the ancient continent soon, and my big Void Technique will be exposed to the world. I don’t know when the time comes. There are so many people with bad intentions.”

Yun Lanfeng said solemnly.

“Well, what the Lord Gu said is quite true, but where are we going after we leave Yunlan Valley?”

“I found a hidden Earth Palace many years ago. It’s safe and full of Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, which is perfect for us to settle there.”

“Okay, I will wait for the order to go down.”

… …

As the martial artist of Yunlan Valley was preparing to evacuate, Feitianzhou had already flown out thousands of miles and landed quietly in a mountain forest.

This time I fought with Kunwu, because the injury caused by taking Spring of Life is no longer a serious problem, but after using Qilin Arm, the blood loss is severe, Yang Xuan has to eat something to supplement.

The forest is not big, except for some snakes, insects, mice, and ants, there are no powerful Demonic beasts. Yang Xuan set up a fire, and after a while, he roasted a few animal legs and ate them like a wolf. .

After the qi and blood were refilled, he did not rush to leave, and found a cave to refining the sun gold crystal.


The next day, it will be dawn.

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