In the dimly lit cave, Yang Xuan expression is solemn, the body glows, the whole person is like a golden stove, the terrifying heat is emitted, the walls of the cave are melting, and the sound of Tzzzzzzz is endless .

Such tea time, Yang Xuan was shocked, eyes opened suddenly, and a powerful imposing manner broke out on his body. Unsurprisingly, the breakthrough reached 2 Heavenly Layer.

“Yes, relying on the sun’s golden crystals, I must be able to reach the Peak of Returning One Realm within two months!”

Yang Xuan bounced up and slightly moved his lower body bones. The whole body makes a crackle sound like frying beans.

After a night of hard work, not only did he break through to the Homecoming Realm 2 Heavenly Layer, but even the fleshy body was strengthened, but because the fleshy body was too strong, this strengthening was almost negligible.

“It’s time to go.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, first changed his body to a clean white clothed, and then used countless changes to change his appearance. I stepped out of the cave and rushed to the imperial city alone.

The main purpose of entering the Emperor Tower this time is to find the Martial Spirit fragments.

But before entering the ancient territory, he had to go to the Imperial City of the ancient Foreign Domain to inquire about the ancient territory.

On the way, he didn’t use Feitianzhou either.

This thing is fast, but it is his identity.

It is estimated that it will not be long before people in the entire deserted continent know that he owns such a Divine Boat.


The deserted ancient continent has a vast area.

In addition to Southern Desolate, there are Dongyuan, Xihai, Northern Xinjiang, and Central Regions, and the most barren place is Southern Desolate.

Yang Xuan walks with the sword, all around the mountain peaks are brown and yellow, vegetation is scarce, and a desert.

“The kid in front stops.”

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

Yang Xuan paused, turned his head and said: “What’s the matter?”

“It’s okay, I like the Spirit Sword under your feet, sell it to me cheaper How?”

A black clothed man with a thick waist and round arms, shaped like an Iron Pagoda, with a cultivation base reaching the 5th Heavenly Layer of Destiny, brought a group of more than a dozen men in the same state. .

“Sorry, this sword is not for sale.”

Yang Xuan flatly refused.

“What did you say?”

The black clothed man asked with evil eyes.

“Does your ears work well, I said, this sword is not for sale.”

Yang Xuan face revealed disdain, saying: “If you rob, you can rob, if you say it is cheaper to sell You, why don’t you just ask me for it.”

“The courage is good, but your grown-up didn’t tell you that the evil came out of your mouth before you went out?”

The black clothed man extremely angry laughed.

“The big brother said so much nonsense to him, I will kill him in the past.”

Someone opened the mouth and said.

“Kill me?”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows raised and said bluntly: “Let’s go together, after I kill you, I have to hurry. Wait for it to waste.”

“courting death!”

“Damn it, I’m not too old, it’s really not ordinary arrogance when talking.”

“Big brother, I’m going to kill him.”

After a roar, a robust man from the Peak of Returning One burst out of the sky, and the fast as lightning rushed over.


Yang Xuan flicks with the finger, a golden finger shot out from the fingertips, and lightning fell into the throat of the robust man.


The robust man screamed, and fell from a high altitude.

“You… bold, dare to kill my brother!”

The black clothed man was both shocked and angry.

Yang Xuan was a rare nonsense, his figure swept out, and after a sound of pēng pēng pēng, all the people including the black clothed man died tragically.

“A group of clowns, you dare to come to me.”

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