Yang Xuan sneered, grabbing with a big hand, and taking a few storage rings into his hand, then floated away, Yukong rushed to the middle area.

Middle Territory, the most prosperous region of the barren ancient continent.

There are a lot of people, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is rich, cultivation resources are abundant, and many Martial Dao forces have built cities to dominate one side.

Wuling City is a city established by a force, the Coiling Dragon Valley. How big it can’t be considered, it only has a radius of several dozen li. There are several small cities like Coiling Dragon Valley.

However, due to its proximity to Southern Desolate, Wuling City often has Southern Desolate martial artists here to stay.

Therefore, it is more prosperous than other cities. Various buildings in the city rise from the ground, row upon row, connected together, people coming, people going on the streets extending in all directions, occasionally you can see To one or two divine force martial artist.


Three days later, at noon, a silhouette dropping from the sky fell outside the south gate of Wuling City.

This is a young man, about 20 years old in his early years. He is dressed in white clothed by even a speck of dust. He wears a long sword on his waist. He is handsome and handsome, and his demeanor has changed. Yang Xuan of looks.

He intended to fall directly into the city, but the entire Wuling city was covered by a light blue array light curtain. If he wanted to force into the city, he had to break the formation first.

This Defensive Array is not strong, a divine force martial artist full strength attack can be broken, but breaking the formation will undoubtedly attract the Coiling Dragon Valley behind Wuling City.

Chapter 597 black liquid cliffs

Yang Xuan is not afraid of trouble, but he does not want to get into trouble for no reason.

He scanned his eyes and found that there were quite a few people on the official road, all waiting to enter the city.

In the distance, outside the south gate of Wuling City, more than a dozen big men with sturdy faces and swords stood there.

Obviously, more than a dozen people are guards of Wuling City and martial artists from the Cooling Dragon Valley. The cultivation base ranges from 5 Heavenly Layer in Guiyi Realm to 4 Heavenly Layer in Death Realm, all of them are moving into the city. Those who collect Spirit Stone one by one.

If you want to enter the city, you must first pay the included city fee.

The entrance fee is not much, ten Spirit Stones per person.

For Yang Xuan, trifling ten Spirit Stones not worth mentioning.

He just moved forward slowly along the flow of people, waiting to pay the fee and enter the city.

“What’s the matter, I remember when I came last time there were only five Spirit Stones per person, when did the price increase?”

Suddenly, someone in front of me shouted dissatisfied.

“If you don’t have a Spirit Stone, get out, don’t yell here.”

A guard of Wuling City from the Peak of Returned Realm shouted.


“Why, you, a poor ghost from Southern Desolate, dare to be wild on our site in the Cooling Dragon Valley?”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused public outrage.

“You are too overbearing, Cooling Dragon Valley, why do you increase the price for no reason?”

“Yes, I remember only five Spirit Stones a few days ago.”

A lot of people from Southern Desolate, waiting to enter the city are all making noise.

“Pipe down, do you want to court death?”

With a loud shout, among the dozens of Wuling city guards, a bronze bell leopard eye, the cultivation base reached Fate 4 The big guy of Heavenly Layer coldly said: “You Outsiders don’t blame us on the Cooling Dragon Valley. If you want to blame, blame the kid called Yang Xuan.”

“What does this have to do with Yang Xuan?”


Some people are puzzled, and others have looked towards Dahan.

They have all heard that Southern Desolate has produced a devilish boy named Yang Xuan. He first killed the Three Great Elders and the owner of Heifengzhai, Jiu Mingkong, and then killed him with the divine might Killing Kunwu and dozens of divine force powerhouses, but what does this have to do with the increase in the entrance fee of Wuling City?

“This is not simple, because of the trouble of Yang Xuan, Wuling City has seen a rapid increase in the floating population in the past few days. Therefore, the owner of the Coaling Dragon Valley ordered to increase the entrance fee.”

Dahan just finished his words, a divine force environment 3 Heavenly Layer, full of Yin Qi’s old man dropping from the sky, indifferently said: “Does the old man also need to pay the city fee?”

“How dare , Senior please.”

Dahan complexion changed, and he met his grandfather with his grandson. He invited the old man to enter the city and opened the City Protecting Great Formation. The attitude was called respectful.


The old man flicked his sleeves, and under the gaze of countless awe, he entered Wuling City grandiosely.

Yang Xuan took all this in the entire scene, without any shock on his face.

No matter where it is, weak are prey to the strong, strength is respect, but he didn’t expect that because he killed Jiu Mingkong and Kunwu, Wuling City would increase the entrance fee. This makes him a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Ten Spirit Stones are not two-price. If you don’t have one, go back and forth. Don’t fucking block your way here.”

As soon as the old man left, the big man put it away He bowed his knees and yelled impatiently at the people in line.

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