The crowd dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Except for the shy ones in their pockets who turned and left, everyone else obediently handed over the Spirit Stone.

Yang Xuan didn’t care about the Spirit Stone. About half an hour later, he threw ten Spirit Stones to a Wuling city guard and entered the South City of Wuling City with his head upright.

The South City is very lively, the streets and alleys are bustling with people, and there is endless noise.

Yang Xuan walked slowly and looked carefully, and found that among the pedestrians, there were not only the Human Race, but also the tiger, leopard, wolf, bear, cat and other martial artists.

One by one, either shirtless or wearing a fur coat. Some cat women with small stature and first-born cat ears even wore only a silk skirt as thin as silkworm wings.

“Young Master came to our Wuling City for the first time, would you like your servant to show you the way?”

A cat tribe woman came to Yang with sharp eyes. Xuan smiled in front of him.

“No need.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, bypassing the cat girl in front of him, and walked into the distance.

“The person is so handsome, unexpectedly so incomprehensible.”

The cat clan girl grumbled and started looking for other goals.

In the Desolate Ancient Continent, the cat girl is not talented, and she is famous for her coquettishness. As long as you give her enough Spirit Stone, it will surely make you upset.

“The sweet jujubes produced in Zhongyu are tender and juicy, with good quality and low price. Come and come and buy them!”

“The meditation refined by the South Desolate God Fushanzhuang Talisman, sticking one can make you calm, without distracting thoughts, and double the cultivation speed, only 20 Spirit Stones for one.”

“Don’t miss it when you pass by, a new 80% The middle grade spirit knives are sold at a low price, only two hundred Spirit Stones.”


There are not only a lot of pedestrians on the street, but also a lot of people who set up stalls, all kinds of shouts. Unstoppable.

Yang Xuan didn’t even hear about this. He kept walking and found a nicely decorated restaurant in Nancheng and walked in.

“Young Master alone or?”

“Just me.”

Under the warm reception of the shop’s second child, Yang Xuan looked in the lobby on the first floor I sat down at an empty table, ordered a table of dishes lavishly, and ate happily.

He hasn’t eaten a hot meal in the past few days on the road. When he came to Wuling City at the moment, he naturally wanted to open his belly and eat.

There are many diners in the lobby, most of whom are drinking and talking.

As for what to talk about, there is nothing more than Yang Xuan. After all, he not only killed Jiu Mingkong and Kunwu, but also had two Divine Items.

The most important thing is that he is from a foreign domain.

A lot of noise came, and Yang Xuan didn’t take seriously, but it didn’t take long before the conversation of a nearby table of diners caught his attention.

I only heard a big leopard guy said: “There is still a half month on the eighth day of August, shall we go to the black liquid cliff to see?”

“Forget it, let’s It’s nothing if I go there, and it’s just annoying.”

“Yes, black liquid cliffs appear once every 10,000 years, and each time they attract a large number of young martial artists, the scene is comparable to a gathering of geniuses. On an unprecedented scale, we can’t even get close to the sword wall, let alone understand Supreme sword skills from it.”

The people at the same table spoke one after another, and they were not ready to go to the black liquid cliff sword wall.

Yang Xuan was interested in his ears. He got up and left his wine table, strode to the person who was talking at the table, cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Little brother Xiao Feng , This is the first time to go out for experience, I don’t know what happened to this black liquid cliff?”

After finishing speaking, he snapped his fingers at the little second in the distance, “Little second, I have two pots of Baiguo wine, I want to drink with these big brothers.”

“Okay, Young Master, wait a moment.”

The little second in the shop has bright ears and smiles immediately. Respond loudly.

Here, the big leopard man who spoke earlier was taken aback for a moment, then he invited Yang Xuan to sit down, and said in surprise: “Has Little Brother heard of black liquid cliffs?”

“Frankly, the younger brother has stayed in the clan cultivation since he was a child. This time he sneaked out while the elders in the family didn’t notice, so I don’t know much about the outside world.”

“so that’s how it is .”

The big man of the leopard tribe didn’t doubt him, and said: “The black liquid cliff is located in the depths of the black liquid lake. It is a dark cliff, and on the top of the cliff, every Every tens of thousands of years, there will be a sword character, and this year happens to be the year when the sword character appeared. Well, it will be on the eighth day of August…”

In the Leopard Clan’s while speaking, the shop’s Xiaoer has already used Baiguo Liquor Delivered.

As the name suggests, Baiguo wine is made from one hundred kinds of fruits. It is the signature wine of this restaurant. It is extremely famous throughout Wuling City. One pot costs 50 Spirit Stones.

It is also the relationship between the two pots of Baiguo wine, otherwise it is hard to say whether the big man of the leopard tribe will pay attention to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan listened to the leopard clan man while pouring wine to the people at the table, and soon gained a deeper understanding of the black liquid cliff, and decided to go and take a look. .

His trip was for the Samsara Martial Spirit fragments, yes, but the Samsara Martial Spirit fragments are located in the depths of the ancient territory, and within the ancient territory, the danger lurks on every side, he also had to enter the ancient territory. Work hard to improve your strength.

The appearance of the black liquid cliff sword wall made him find a way to become stronger, that is, to use the sword wall to understand Supreme sword skills.

At this moment, after a cup of Baiguo wine, the big leopard guy said: “Brother Xiao is bold, but I have to remind you that it is difficult to climb the black liquid cliff with your cultivation base.”


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