“What’s the matter, a big living person just disappeared like this!?”

Someone exclaimed, completely wondering what was going on.

“How did you do it!?”

Even Pang Tianming was surprised.

Yang Xuan ignored Pang Tianming and secretly instructed: “Baby, take care of Yun’er.”

“I know.”

Baby responds with Xiao Yun Let’s play.

As an Artifact Spirit, she does not seem to be affected by Xiao Yuner’s body of trouble.

Yang Xuan didn’t know this. He raised the long sword in his hand and pointed it directly at Pang Tianming. Although there was no words, everyone had eyelids jumping wildly.

This kind of move is undoubtedly a battle with Pang Tianming.

Chapter 602 Slayer, Yang Xuan!

“Asshole thing, do you think you can kill me?”

Pang Tianming was extremely angry, with blue veins jumping on his forehead.

As the valley owner of the Cooling Dragon Valley, he has a high position and a respected identity. He is flattering and fawning wherever he goes. No one has ever dared to disrespect him, let alone use a sword in the public. Point to him.

This makes him feel very angry, and his murderous aura is like a tide, sweeping this world.

deng deng deng! ! !

The crowd was shocked and all backed away.

Pang Tianming’s murderous aura is too terrifying, making them cold and breathing hard, each stepping back and propping up the Protector Origin Force, so that they feel better.

“You can’t kill, you have to fight to know.”

Yang Xuan stands tall, his words are low but sonorous, and Pang Tianming looks like nothing.

With such contempt of Chi Guoguo, Pang Tianming was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

He climbed to the extreme with murderous aura all over his body, and pressed against Yang Xuan, shouted: “Kneel to this seat.”

“With you, I can’t make me kneel. “

Yang Xuan said proudly as if he hadn’t been affected by the murderous aura.

“A madman, this seat makes you kneel.”

Pang Tianming has all hair and beard, and his murderous aura and divine force have turned into invisible coercion, just like Mount Tai’s top pressure. Fiercely suppressed on Yang Xuan.

However, Yang Xuan still did not kneel down.

His black hair dances wildly, his pupil light is like electricity, and his slender body stands upright like a long spear. The long sword in his hand does not even tremble at all, always pointing towards Pang Tianming.

Pang Tianming was both shocked and angry. What was shocked was that Yang Xuan was able to resist his coercion. What was angry was that Yang Xuan kept pointing his sword at him.

Far away, the crowd was dumbfounded, and their hearts fluctuated. They couldn’t believe that this scene was true.

“Don’t waste your energy, your coercion is useless to me, come and fight.”

Yang Xuan deeply shouted, rising into the air against the coercion, away from Pang Tianming ten zhang stands tall, fighting intent all over the sky.


Pang Tianming couldn’t bear it, his body was radiant, and he killed the killer without thinking.


A crimson giant claw descends from the sky, it is more than ten feet in size, the whole body is burning, burning the void and twisting, fiercely pressing down towards Yang Xuan .

Yang Xuan is fearless and cuts to the sky with a sword.


giant claw cracked, and then inch by inch broke apart, and finally turned into a boundless flame with a bang, forming a huge and flaming red energy flow, gorgeous and eye-catching.

Yang Xuan saw it in his eyes, and suddenly had a brainstorm to run the Great Burning Heaven Kung, to absorb all these red energy streams into his body and merge into the Sun Golden Core.


The golden core of the sun rotates quickly, expelling impurities in an instant, and the essence becomes its own, strengthening the true essence of the sun.

“How is it possible!”

At this moment, I don’t know how many people screamed.

No one didn’t expect Yang Xuan to break Pang Tianming’s attack with a single sword, not to mention, also absorbed those red energy streams.

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