Don’t underestimate these red energy flows. This is a strong Fire Attribute divine force, which contains terrifying high temperature, which can burn financial iron with one strand, and the destructive power is amazing.

However, just now, in their front of one’s eyes, Yang Xuan absorbed a lot of Fire Attribute divine force.

Let’s not talk about how he did it, isn’t he afraid that his body can’t stand it and turn to ashes?

“How did you do it!?”

Pang Tianming was moved.

This is the second time he has said the same thing, and he almost doubted whether he had hallucinations.

Only a young junior can absorb his Fire Attribute divine force, which is far more shocking than Yang Xuan’s attack to break him.

“Does the dignified Coiling Dragon Valley only have this strength?”

Yang Xuan stood with a sword, and said softly.

“Go to death!”

Pang Tianming sent both palms together, and the red palms suddenly hid the sky and covering the earth, joined together, like a stormy sea, rolling and killing Then, Yang Xuan was completely covered.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, the top grade Spirit Sword in his hand continuously strikes, waved dozens of times in the blink of an eye, every flash of a sword light is accompanied by a red palm crumbled, without any Zhang Jin can get close to his body.

What a shocking battle strength this is!

Everyone watching the battle was petrified. It is unimaginable that Yang Xuan was able to stand up against the frenzied attacking Pang Tianming.

“The dragon ascends to heaven!”

After a long time of fighting, Pang Tianming resorted to a killer move. A huge divine force gushed out and turned into a Fire Dragon, the whole body was red and crystal clear. Cancan flourishes, heading towards Yang Xuan suppress and kill.


Yang Xuan shouting loudly, punching and punching.

The reason why you use your fist instead of a sword is because the long sword in your hand has been burned in an improper way in the previous battle.

But it doesn’t matter. In addition to his sharp sword technique, his fleshy body attacking technique is not inferior. A powder-shattered fist is used with Profound Truth of Fire, which instantly explodes the void and strikes the Fire Dragon. First up.

“bang! ”

The Fire Dragon exploded and turned into a red light, and then Yang Xuan opened his mouth and swallowed it before the light was swept away. Go down.

“Swallowing gods in the mouth, what kind of monster is this!”

The crowd shouted strangely and was so frightened that they never regarded Yang Xuan as a human being.


Pang Tianming’s face was full of surprise, and he almost fell from the sky.

“Is there any other means? If not, it will be my turn to attack.”

Yang Xuan said.

Pang Tianming did not say a word, expression grave.

His cultivation has been more than three thousand years. Although he has not been able to comprehend the Supreme Realm for a long time, he has been intensively cultivating the way of Fire Element, and he has realized the concept of fire to the Seventh Layer.

Throughout the entire desolate ancient continent, there are not many people who can comprehend the artistic conception of the Seven Layers of Fire. In addition, his Divine Force Peak’s cultivation base is enough to sweep all enemies as long as it is not against the Supreme. The last Guiyijing kid was suppressed in turn.

“Are you poor in skills?”

Yang Xuan sneered, body moved, and pounced on Pang Tianming with his sword.

It should be Pang Tianming’s bad luck. If he weren’t a Fire Attribute martial artist, Yang Xuan might have to spend some time to kill him, but he is a Fire Attribute martial artist, so Yang Xuan can deal with it. It’s easier.

The reason is simple, Yang Xuan comprehended Profound Truth of Fire, unless he is Supreme, otherwise he will have an overwhelming advantage over any Fire Attribute martial artist.

“Boy, you are too mad, I don’t believe that I can’t kill you.”

Pang Tianming saw Yang Xuan rushing, his face became a little distorted, he said With a wave of the claw, five dazzling crimson lights swept over.

This is obviously another powerful secret technique. The five-strength beams do not look big, but they are like the five-handed swords, with the power of no stronghold one cannot overcome, whiz whiz whiz’s direction Yang Xuan flashed lightning.


Yang Xuan’s tongue burst into spring thunder, and he blasted five punches in a row.

He didn’t use any Origin Force either, but every punch contained Profound Truth of Fire and Slaughter Sword Intent.

Among them, the Profound Truth of Fire is used to weaken the formidable power of the five sages, and the Slaughter Sword Intent is used to destroy.

Only heard a few muffled noises of pēng pēng pēng, the five limousines were shattered and turned into red energy in the sky, which was absorbed by Yang Xuan’s body.

“Profound Truth of Fire, you actually realized Profound Truth of Fire!”

Finally, Pang Tianming recognized something and exclaimed: “Who is you brat!?”

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