“Think about it, but it won’t work. Although the uncle is not very good to me, he has also found several experts for me in the past, but they all said that I am incurable and without medicine. Resolvable.”

Xiao Yun’er was overjoyed at first, and then fell into depression.

“Well, big brother has a way, maybe I can try it, but I just don’t know if it will succeed, there may be danger in the process.”

“big Brother, try it, Yun’er is not afraid of danger.”

“Okay, Yun’er is so brave.”

Yang Xuan complimented him, and then he opened his palms without delay. The sun Golden Core floats out.

Around the Golden Core, a colorful cloud floats around.

The colorful auspicious clouds, about the size of a palm, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Each color seems to represent a certain kind of Taoism, extremely mysterious and abstruse.

“Big brother, what is this, it’s so beautiful!”

Xiao Yun’er’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, and she stared at her being surrounded by colorful clouds without blinking. Sun Golden Core.

“This is the inner core of the big brother. Yuner knows the martial artist of Guiyijing, right?”

“I know.”

“Well, cultivation When the base reaches the home state, it can condense an inner core within the body, and the inner core of the big brother is called the Sun Golden Core.”

Speaking of which, Yang Xuan paused and said:” Yun’er, touch this colorful auspicious cloud with your hand and take a look.”


Xiao Yun’er did what she said, slowly reaching out and touching the colorful cloud. Surprised and said: “It’s so comfortable, it’s cold.”

Yang Xuan was silent, staring at the colorful clouds intently.

At the moment when Xiao Yuner touched the colorful clouds, he suddenly discovered that the orange clouds in the colorful clouds were flourishing, covering Xiao Yuner’s body, so Xiao Yuner felt Comfortable.

Suddenly, something even stranger appeared, strands of gray and black mist escaped from Xiao Yun’er’s hair.

“The air of misfortune!”

The purgatory boy took a cold breath, and said anxiously: “Boy, get out of the way, don’t get this thing, or a catastrophe will come.”

The voice is still there, these gray and black mists suddenly divided into two, merged into the colorful clouds, and turned into two gray and black clouds.

“What’s the situation!?”

Yang Xuan was stunned, with a look of uncertainty. It was too late to stop, so he could only stare blankly at the sun around Golden Core. Film’Nine Colors Xiangyun’.

Well, with the addition of gray and black clouds, it can indeed be called a nine-color auspicious cloud.

However, the ash-gray cloud and black rain and mist reveal the smell of evil and weirdness, which is very different from the remaining seven brilliant clouds.

“Big brother, Yun’er is so tired, I really want to sleep.”

At this moment, Xiao Yun’er sat down on the ground and soon fell asleep, breathing smooth.

“Boy, Yun’er is okay?”

Yang Xuan asked.

“Let me see.”

The purgatory boy appeared out of thin air, checked Xiao Yun’er’s body with his hands, and said: “Don’t worry, she’s fine, not only is she fine, she is lurking Her troubles within the body are gone, and her body has been transformed by the orange auspicious clouds, and her talent has greatly increased.”

“That’s good.”

Yang Xuan relaxed , Let the baby take Xiao Yuner into the flying boat.

“Stop talking about this, you brat should care about yourself.”

The purgatory boy twitched his lips.

ash-gray cloud and black cloud and fog are the air of misfortune, representing bad luck and disaster. Ordinary people will not end well after catching a little bit, let alone like Yang Xuan, heaven knows colorful clouds blend in What will happen with so much trouble.

Yang Xuan took a closer look and said in a slightly surprised manner: “Strange, I don’t think there is anything wrong.”

“Are you sure!?”

“Well, my sun Golden Core is intact with my body, and seems to be able to control this ash-gray cloud.”


Purgatory boy slightly startled, said: “You demonstrate, let me see.”

Yang Xuan said nothing. When he thought of it, the ash-gray cloud broke away from the nine-color auspicious cloud and floated alone. In front of him.

This ash-gray cloud is like a part of his body, he can manipulate it freely, like an arm, let it go east and go east, let it go west and it can even be free Change various forms.

The purgatory boy’s eyeballs twisted and he couldn’t help laughing out loud: “haha, you brat have found a treasure!”

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