“Have you found a treasure?”

Yang Xuan was confused.

“Yes, ash-gray cloud represents bad luck, and it can also be called a curse. If you see who is upset in the future, just throw this thing off the other side, and the other side will be in bad luck.”

The purgatory boy said: “Try to see if you can control the black cloud and mist?”


Yang Xuan shook his head, the black cloud and mist seemed thick A pool of stagnant water, no matter how he drives it, he will not move.

“Black cloud represents disaster, far more terrifying than ash-gray cloud. When your cultivation base is higher, you may be able to try to control it.”

The purgatory boy squinted.

“Regardless of this, I will find someone to try the effect of the gray auspicious clouds.”

Yang Xuan clap your hands, and the gray auspicious clouds will merge into the nine-color auspicious clouds, wrapping the sun Golden Core sank into his sea of ​​anger.


At this moment, his body was shaken, and a mysterious and obscure incantion came into his mind.

“What’s wrong?”

The purgatory boy asked with concern.

“It’s nothing, I got an ancient incantion.”


“It’s not so much an incantation, it’s a magical power. “

“What kind of magical power?”

“Divine Ability, a famous curse technique, once this technique is used, it can add bad luck to death.”

“Are you sure it is the curse technique!?”

“Is there any problem?”

“No problem, but the emergence of the curse technique makes me It confirms the guess in my heart.”


“According to legend, in the ancient times, there was a Human Race powerhouse cultivated with two evil supernatural powers: curse and catastrophe.”

The purgatory boy said: “In order to let the magical powers inherit, the Human Race powerhouse condensed two Great Divine Ability into the clansman bloodline under its knees, so every hundreds of thousands of years, Some of the descendants of his descendants may inspire the seeds of magical powers and become the body of disaster.”

“so that’s how it is, the ancestor of Xiao Family who wants to come to Wuling City is the Human Race powerhouse.”

Yang Xuan suddenly, then lightly sighed, “Although I saved Yun’er, I snatched the two Great Divine Ability of her ancestors.”

“It’s not about snatching, the body of disaster has always It is not a good thing to appear on a man, but appear on a woman. In particular, Yun’er has a weak physique since childhood and is not suitable for cultivation. Therefore, it is difficult to master the two Great Divine Ability. Not to mention it, it will bring uncertainty to others.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan felt better, and he said with a cold face: “Ji Family Young Master wants to snatch Yun’er. It seems to be looking at the curse and another magical power.”

“It’s possible.”

“By the way, what is the other magical power called?”

“You brat is not quite smart, guess it yourself.”

“Even hardship represents curse and disaster. Is it a catastrophe technique?”

“Yes, another magical power is called catastrophe technique. This technique is extremely evil and domineering and can corrupt living things. The fleshy body and soul are used to yin people without any disadvantage. ”


Hidden Dragon Mountain, located in the southern border of the Central Region, is as large as several hundred li, and contains many bandits.

Hidden Dragon Mountain Village is one of the most powerful. The villa is located on a towering mountain. Its owner, Qiu Qianchi, has a cultivation base of 7 Heavenly Layer in the divine force environment. It is rampant in the area of ​​Hidden Dragon Mountain and no one can beat it. .

But, just yesterday, a strange thing happened that made Qiu Qianchi’s face gloomy and browse tightly frowns.

“I wonder why the owner is so frowning? “

In a large hall, a middle-aged man in his thirties, who was thin and dressed up as a master, asked.

He is the steward of Hidden Dragon Mountain Village. Come to report to Qiu Qianchi’s recent gains. Who knows that Qiu Qianchi looks restless, and he didn’t even listen.


Qiu Qian Chi hesitated to speak, then turned to say: “Go on, let me be quiet, by the way, Brother hasn’t been outside to cause trouble recently, right? “

“The owner can rest assured that the brothers know who can provoke, who can’t provoke, and won’t mess around. “

middle-aged man road.

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