“That’s fine.”

Qiu Qianchi was nodded and waved to the middle-aged man to leave.

“Subordinates retire.”

The middle-aged man bowed and exited the hall with a face full of confusion. He understood that his owner had something on his mind, but the owner didn’t say anything. His subordinate did not dare to ask more.

As the middle-aged man left, Qiu Qianchi’s face became more and more ugly, and his gnashing teeth said: “Damn, that kid is who are you? Why is he rushing at him before leaving? I laughed.”

Just last night, a white clothed kid broke into his bedroom like a ghost, touched him and left.

Originally, he was going to chase, but the opponent was too fast, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye. No matter how strong his Divine Consciousness was, he couldn’t notice the slightest trace.

After checking carefully, he found that the things on his body were not at all missing, and there was no abnormality in his body.

But thinking of the weird smile on the white clothed boy’s face when he left, he always felt that he had one’s hair stand on end for a while.

“It’s fucking wicked, did I meet a ghost!?”

The more Qiu Qianchi thought about it, the more disturbed he became. He always felt that he was about to face disaster.

Yes, disaster is imminent!

This feeling made him unintentional in cultivation, and he was panicked, irritable, irritable…

Chapter 605 Hematemesis of anger

“The owner, it’s not good Now, a Demonic beast is killing in Zhuangnai.”

Suddenly, screams came along with the piercing sound of birds, making Qiu Qianchi, who was already suspicious, bounce up with fright, expression tension.

“What are you in a panic, say, what Demonic beast dare to come to my Hidden Dragon Mountain Village?”

“Reporting to the owner, is a giant bird.”

A thin man with messy hair and scorched robes ran in.

Qiu Qianchi frowned, and asked: “What giant bird?”

While speaking, he didn’t forget to release Divine Consciousness to investigate.

When the martial artist arrives in the divine force environment, his perception has been transformed into Divine Consciousness. Not only does it cover a huge area, but he can also see what is happening nearby.

Qiu Qianchi was also upset, otherwise he would have noticed a Demonic beast approaching the villa in advance.

The thin man didn’t know that Qiu Qianchi had used Divine Consciousness to see it. He knelt down softly under His Royal Highness, trembling with fear:

“That, that’s a fire bird, not only He was huge in size and could breathe flames. The strength was terrifying. It burned hundreds of our brothers to death at once. Third Elder first discovered that the fire bird was at the forefront and…has already died in battle.”

“What, the third child is dead!?”

Qiu Qianchi as if was struck by lightning.

“Yes, yes, I heard the brother who escaped said that in order to prevent the fire bird from going up the mountain, Third Elder fought the fire bird at the foot of the mountain, and eventually lost to the enemy.”


The thin man was obviously frightened, his face was full of horror and he didn’t say anything. He couldn’t even speak.

He trembled: “Great Elder and Second Elder are now entangled in the fire bird with all their strength, no…but I can’t support it anymore.”

“What’s the matter? , When did we have such a powerful Demonic beast in Hidden Dragon Mountain!?”

Qiu Qianchi cursed, his face was surprised and angry.

After all, their Hidden Dragon Mountain is just a small mountain range. Although there are many Demonic beasts living in it, most of them are not high-level. Under normal circumstances, they are entrenched in deep mountains and old forests and rarely come to human settlements. make trouble.

However, just after the Divine Consciousness was released, he discovered that the fire bird is a wild ancient beast, and its strength is much stronger than the ordinary divine force martial artist.

“Owner, the situation is urgent. You should go out and have a look, otherwise Great Elder and Second Elder are in danger.”

The thin man was extremely anxious.

“You tell the remaining brother to find a place to hide, I will kill the beast.”

Qiu Qianchi was coldly snorted, jumped out of the hall, and hurried to the distant fire Soaring to the sky, where the rubble flies.

“Boss, it won’t work, let’s run away.”

“You go first, I will break after.”

“No need to go.”


At this moment, a strong voice came, making the two old men who were fighting a fire bird overjoyed, and said in unison: “Master, you can count it, you have to avenge the third child. !”

tone barely fell, the fire bird spread its wings and lifted into the air, spit out a thick flame from one of the old man’s spit blood flying upside down.

“evil creature, you are courting death.”

Qiu Qianchi was furious, and his figure rose into the air, holding a sword and fighting the fire bird.

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