“What, the thunder will fall down!?”

Yang Xuan was shocked, and immediately released his perception with all his strength, always paying attention to the movement of the cloud above his head.

The area of ​​the cloud is huge, and you can’t see the edge at a glance, and you don’t know how thick it is. The blackness makes people feel extremely depressed.


Suddenly, there was a deafening thunder.

Yang Xuan and the nearby crowd looked up together, and saw the clouds above violently fluctuate, like boiling oil, making a muffled sound like a galloping horse.

“Damn it, the lightning formation is on, everyone pay attention.”

“I didn’t believe it, but now it seems that with the black liquid cliff sword wall coming out, the lightning The big formation will also start.”

Amidst an exclamation, a black thunder and lightning with the thickness of a bucket struck down like a Dragon Snake, and blasted a thousand zhang mountain in the distance to smash in an instant. .

hong long long! ! !

This immediately triggered a big earthquake, between Heaven and Earth violent wind erupted, forest collapse, flying sand running stone.

“What’s going on!?”

“That’s the thunder, let’s be careful next, don’t get struck by lightning.”

This mountain There are noisy people in Linne, no one can keep calm, even Yang Xuan is afraid of it.

He understands that if he is hit by such a thunder, he will definitely be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“áo hǒu…”

When the thunder fell, it not only caused a great deterrent to everyone, but also frightened the wild ancient beasts in the mountain range.

For a time, the group of beasts rioted and roared loudly. Almost all the ferocious birds and beasts were looking for a safe place to hibernate and dared not show their heads.

This made everyone overjoyed, because going to the black liquid lake will undoubtedly have to run into many Demonic beasts, but now the Demonic beasts are all in hiding, and there is almost no obstacle on the way.

Of course, you have to guard against the thunder falling in the clouds.

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, speeding up and galloping out, without encountering any danger on the way, everyone kept on guarding each other while continuing to deepen the dragon burial mountain range.

About an hour later, when the sky dimmed, Yang Xuan found a place to rest for the night, and continued on the road with the flow of people the next day.

Avoiding a few dark thunders all the way, at about noon, Yang Xuan followed a group of people through a canyon and arrived at his destination.

This is a huge black lake. The surface of the lake is very calm, with almost no waves. It is thick like ink, giving people a sense of Yin Qi.

Obviously, this is the black liquid lake.

Along the lake, vast crowds, large or small boats are docked on the shore. I don’t know how long it stretches. I can’t see the head at all. You can also see the black liquid from here. huge.

Chapter 608 Ji Family Young Master

“Everyone, our Wang Family passenger ship will set sail after one hour. Those who want to go to the black liquid cliff must hurry up.”

“How much is the boat fare?”

“Not much, five hundred Spirit Stone per person.”

“What, five hundred Spirit Stone, you robbery!”

“Ai, Little Brother, five hundred Spirit Stones are already the lowest price. Seeing that the big ship is missing, it is a Ji Family passenger ship. Just boarding the ship requires two thousand Spirit Stones. If you want If you stay in a room, you have to increase the price separately.”


There are people shouting and soliciting passengers under the ladders of passenger ships, and there are many people who want to take a boat to the black liquid cliff. People are asking about prices.

Yang Xuan raised his ears and listened to these sounds, his gaze fell involuntarily on a huge ship in the distance.

The huge ship is as big as two hundred zhang. Although it is made of red clothes wood, there are many exquisite carvings on the whole body, which looks gorgeous.

On the bow of the ship, a huge flag is waving in the wind, with a bright golden character “Ji” painted on it, rays of light dazzling.

“Ji Family’s boat!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and fixed his eyes on a young man standing alone on the bow of the boat.

About twenty years old, he is tall and strong, his facial features are like a stone carved with a knife,

Under the cold wind blowing, a blue brocade dress with Feng Feiyang, eyes open and closed, Exciting.

Although he is not old, his cultivation base has reached the 8 Heavenly Layer of the divine force level. It exudes a powerful force far surpassing peers in every gesture. It is full of handsomeness and extraordinary temperament.

“Ji Family Young Master Ji Changtian!”

Yang Xuan asked someone on the way to the black liquid lake. He also knew something about Ji Changtian. , I guessed who the youth is in an instant.

“That person is Ji Family Young Master, right?”

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