“It’s not him or who, this is a real evildoer, as long as you step into the supreme, you will inherit the Ji Family.”

Many people talked around, all eyes focused On Ji Changtian’s body, many of the women were fascinated.

This is also normal. Young leaders with prominent family backgrounds like Ji Changtian are naturally admired by women all over the world.

“haha, I haven’t seen you in just two months, brother Ji’s cultivation base has improved again!”

“Ai, I heard that things have gone wrong with brother Ji recently. An errand runner died, and even the body of disaster that was inevitable was caught by the early bird catches the worm. I don’t know if Yang Xuan was caught?”

“It is said that that The kid comes from Outland. Not only did he become the Sun Zhenyuan, the Comprehended Profound Truth of Fire, but he also owns a Divine Weapon. It’s not easy to grasp.”

At this moment, several The voice of the Tao came to quiet this area.

Almost everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw a few young people walking side by side, striding forward.

A total of five people, about the same age as Ji Changtian, are valiant and formidable looking, with bright clothes, and the cultivation base ranges from divine force 4 Heavenly Layer to divine force 7 Heavenly Layer.

“Businessmen and businessmen!”

“Shen Family Shen Yulong!”

“Tianyuzong Qiu Shaoyang……”


The crowd inevitably murmured when they saw the five people.

These are several young Heaven’s Chosen who are well-known in Zhongyu. Each of them is from the Great Family or the Great Sect, and their strength far exceeds the cultivation base.

“Shang Jie, Shen Yulong, Qiu Shaoyang…”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, remembering these names.

Several people are indeed geniuses, neither the Fleshy body nor the Divine Soul are weak.

However, with the exception of Qiu Shaoyang of 7 Heavenly Layer of divine force, everyone else is much inferior to Ji Changtian.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, the five people didn’t care about the gazes of others, and jumped onto a few big ships that were not inferior to the giant Ji Family ship.

In normal times, no one cares about the black liquid lake, but every time the black liquid cliff appears, many forces will come here to carry passengers by boat.

Not to mention those small passenger ships, all large passenger ships are almost all owned by Great Influence, and the ship fees are expensive.

On the bow of the Ji Family passenger ship, Chief Ji Heavenly God looked indifferent. He watched Qiu Shaoyang and the others spit out coldly after boarding the ship.

“Kill my minion, take my man, no matter where he escapes, I will have him pay a heavy price for it!”

hearing this, many people look up After going, I suddenly found that Ji Changtian had disappeared.

“It seems that the Xiao Family girl with the body of disaster is very important to Ji Changtian!”

“Leave aside this, I am looking forward to Ji Changtian and the Yang Xuan’s kid’s battle is that I don’t know who is better without using Divine Item?”

“The gap in the cultivation base is too big, Ji Changtian has a huge win.”

“This is hard to say, after all, no matter how strong Divine Item is, it must have enough strength. If there is no certain strength, how can it be able to kill Kunwu’s half-step supreme.”


“Let me pay the price?”

A lot of noise came, but Yang Xuan remained unmoved, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, wondering whether to slip away quietly I used to give Ji Changtian a big curse.

But let’s just think about it. One is that Heaven’s Chosen Child like Ji Changtian is obviously very lucky, even if he is hit by the curse, the effect will be greatly weakened.

Furthermore, this trip is for the black liquid cliff sword generation, and he can’t commit himself to deal with Ji Changtian now.

It’s not that he is boasting. With his strength, killing Ji Changtian is not bothersome.

Just killing Ji Changtian will undoubtedly lead to Ji Family Two Great Supremes, which is something he doesn’t want to see.

“This Young Master is going to the black liquid cliff?”

As Yang Xuan was meditating, an azure robed man greeted him with a smile on his face.


Yang Xuan nodded, looking at the person in front of him, about 25~26 years old, tall and thin, with a beard on his lips and wearing a leather cap , The cultivation base only has 5 Heavenly Layer.

“My dear Wei Tao, Young Master, if you want to reach the black liquid cliff as soon as possible, and occupy a favorable position, you can take the passenger ship of our Wei family.”

Professional azure of Wei Tao The robed man said, pointing to a huge zhang ship in front of him with his finger, and introduced it endlessly.

“Our Wei’s passenger ship is made of hard nanmu, which can not only withstand the black sharks in the black liquid lake, but also is cheap and fast, and it will set sail soon.”

“The black sharks in the black liquid lake are Demonic beasts?”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he heard of creatures in the black liquid lake.

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