“Well, the black shark is indeed a Demonic beast. Although it is not big, it is sharp-tongued and can also spit out highly corrosive venom, which is extremely corrosive to the hull.”

Speaking of this, Wei Tao patted his chest, solemnly vowed: “Young Master, although you can rest assured, our Wei passenger ship has a strong defensive array as well as a strong defensive array. Even if a large group of black sharks comes, it is difficult to shake. Hull.”

Yang Xuan didn’t answer. He raised his eyes and saw that the Wei’s passenger ship was already crowded, and he couldn’t help but frowned, saying, “I like to be quiet. Is there a single person under the cabin? Room?”

“Young Master is lucky, there is one room, but…”

Wei Tao stopped talking.

“Just say what you want, don’t hesitate.”

Yang Xuan looked unhappy.

“Yes, there is indeed one more room, but it is a luxury suite, which is expensive.”

“How many Spirit Stones?”

“One Wan Spirit Stone.”

Wei Tao said truthfully.

Ten thousand Spirit Stones are naturally nothing to young martial artists from the Great Family.

But Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is not high, and he wears ordinary clothes. I don’t know if I can get so many Spirit Stones.

“There are ten thousand Spirit Stones in it. You count them.”

To say that Yang Xuan lacks the last thing, it must be the Spirit Stone. He threw it to Wei. Tao a storage bag for him to check.

In the ancient continent, storage bag is also a necessity for martial artists to go out to experience walking. It can be used to load a lot of items, but the service life is relatively short, so the price is low.

“Yes, exactly ten thousand Spirit Stones.”

Wei Tao counted, with a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and warmly greeted Yang Xuan to board the ship.

“Young Master, please.”

The words are very respectful.

This is not surprising. As an entourage of the Wei’s passenger ship, every time a certain number of passengers are recruited, there will be a small commission.

And passengers like Yang Xuan who live in luxurious suites can get very rich achievements.

For a time, Wei Tao almost regarded Yang Xuan as his relatives, and accompanied them with a smiling face all the way to the ladder of the Wei’s passenger ship.

However, before the two of them set foot on the ladder, an arrogant voice came from behind.

“Wait, your Wei family’s luxurious suite, this Young Master.”

Wei Tao started, and even Yang Xuan was taken aback, and the two turned to The speaker looked over.

This is a 20-year-old aquiline nose young man, tall and thin, with slanted eyes, look pale, and the eye sockets are blue, will know when you see it too much wine, but this person is cultivation The base is not low, reaching the 6 Heavenly Layer.

Behind him, a dozen young martial artists dressed as guards standing side by side, one by one eyes high above the top, staring coldly at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan has no doubt that if he dares to compete with the aquiline nose youth for a room, the henchman behind him will jump out and bite.

Nearby, many young people passing by here stopped to watch the theater.

On the deck of the Wei’s passenger ship, there are also many passengers looking at it. I don’t know if the cultivation base is not high and the weak Yang Xuan will choose to yield and give up the luxury suite.

Under one after another, Yang Xuan looked calm and calmly said to the aquiline nose youth: “Sorry, you are a step late. I have already paid for the Spirit Stone for this luxurious suite.”


“It’s ridiculous, isn’t it just ten thousand Spirit Stones?”

The aquiline nose young man let out a hum, his eyes fell on Yang Xuan side Wei Tao, and said: “this Young Master gave out 20,000 Spirit Stone, you can take me to that luxurious suite now.”

“This Young Master, we have to follow the principles when we open the door to do business in the Wei family. This is not a lot of Spirit Stone. Question.”

Wei Tao’s face is full of smiles. Although he doesn’t know the aquiline nose youth, he knows that the other person’s dress and the dozen or so guards behind him are not small, so don’t Offend as well.

Unfortunately, his words undoubtedly offended the other party.

“Give me a dog minion who has no shame, don’t force me to kill you.”


Wei Tao was secretly angry, Although he is only a slave of the Wei family, his status is low, but their Wei family is also a well-known Martial Dao Aristocratic Family in Zhongyu, and there are not many people who dare to provoke the Wei family in Zhongyu.

Chapter 609 is all down

“What I am, this Young Master dignified, the second young master of the Wei family, did you kill you, a humble dog minion? Can’t stand up for you?”

The aquiline nose youth eyes high above the top, domineering, and didn’t put Wei Tao in his eyes at all.

Don’t talk about Wei Tao, he didn’t even look at Yang Xuan, completely treating him as air.

Yang Xuan looked indifferent and unrelenting. He put his hands on his chest and stood beside Wei Tao, watching with cold eyes.

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