“The old man will give you 3 breaths time. After the three breaths, those who stay will kill without mercy.”

The white clothed old man is coldly snorted again, without a word His emotional color, murderous intention is biting.

“Wei Liangfang, you are bully intolerably.”

A middle-aged man with a tall body and a rough appearance, whose cultivation base has reached the divine force level 8 Heavenly Layer, angered.

“old man stand by one’s word, if you are not convinced, let your horse come and fight.”

white clothed old man coldly smiled, it is Wei Liangfang in the mouth of the middle-aged man , One comes from Wei’s Elder.

“A little Wei’s Elder that’s all, you try to take my life.”

A cold voice came, and Wei Liangfang suddenly shouted: “Who is it? What kind of ability?”

“Haha, with the deity’s cultivation base, is it necessary to hide the head and show the tail?”


A wild laugh, tight Then, the void violently screamed, and an Extreme Cold sword energy fell across the air, slashing on Wei Liangfang in an instant.

Wei Liangfang didn’t say a word, and instantly disappeared under the sword energy.


Many martial artists of the Wei family were shocked, and they couldn’t believe that the scene before them was true. One of them, the peak Elder of Wei family’s divine force, actually Was killed in the blink of an eye, skeleton doesn’t exist.

“Second kill!”

“Supreme, there must be a supreme coming.”

A large number of foreign martial artists were also shocked.


At this moment, a white hair and youthful face, a thin blue robed old man dropping from the sky, rushed directly into the canyon.

Everyone didn’t see the old man’s appearance clearly, but everyone knew that this was a Highest Paragon, and only the Supreme could kill a powerhouse in a divine force peak with no difficulty.

“Everyone charge!”


In a brief silence, the crowd moved, frantically rushing to the canyon, and those guarding outside the canyon The Wei martial artist was killed.

Wei Liangfang is dead. Everyone is no longer afraid at the moment, and they attacked the martial artist of the Wei family as soon as they came up.

Under the sound of hong long long, the sword energy glows into one piece, and various secret skills bloom.

In just a few breaths of effort, both sides suffered casualties, but the most casualties were undoubtedly the Wei family martial artist.

Under the flood of foreign martial artists, they retreated steadily, and in the end they were all terrified, and turned around and fled into the canyon.

About the tea time, when Yang Xuan and Ye Feiyang Yukong arrived, they could only see the corpses all over the floor.

“Has the war started?”

Ye Feiyang took a cold breath, remembering that two hours ago, many foreign martial artists were still in confrontation with the Wei family martial artists, didn’t ‘t expect Two hours have passed, there has been a big war here, blood flowing into a river.

“Let’s go.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and, together with Ye Feiyang, strode into the canyon.

The canyon is very large, and its internal chaotic rocks stand in great numbers, and corpses can be seen everywhere on the ground. The smell of blood is mixed with the smell of medicine, and it is permeated.

“There really is a Medicine Garden.”

Yang Xuan eyes shined, speeding up with Ye Feiyang, all the way through the canyon, and came to a mountain forest.

Mountain forest is boundless, with luxuriant trees and overlapping peaks and mountains, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is incapable of being rich, and the strains of spiritual medicine grow vigorously, and the scent of fragrance comes out, making people feel comfortable and relaxed. and joyful.

Chapter 650 Shi Shaoyu

“So much spiritual medicine!”

“It’s developed, let’s pick it quickly.”

“Damn it, what gun did you grab? I saw this strain of spiritual medicine first.”

Nearby, the martial artists who just came here are all beaten up with blood, and they are very irritating to the surrounding spiritual medicine. Medicine started a frenzied snatch. Some people suddenly faced each other with swords for a strain of spiritual medicine, and the audience was in chaos.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Earth Palace to have a look.”

Yang Xuan ignored spiritual medicine and went away.

Ye Feiyang was stunned and hurried to catch up.

On the road, there are abundant vegetation and spiritual medicine everywhere, but I have never seen the legendary reincarnation fruit.

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