“I heard that there are reincarnation fruit in this mountain forest. Unfortunately, this fruit is powerful and invaluable. It must have been caught by the early bird the worm.”

Ye Feiyang tone barely fell, a voice of joy suddenly came from the front, “very good, this must be the fruit of reincarnation.”

“This fruit is mine, I don’t want to die quickly.”

A more domineering voice sounded, but in exchange it was a shout.

“What a big tone, when we don’t exist?”

“What nonsense with him, kill!”

Soon, the earth shook, The voice of hong long long resounded throughout the world, and it goes without saying that many martial artists are fighting for the fruit of reincarnation.

“Good luck.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Yang Xuan’s mouth, and his figure galloped out to the place where the incident occurred.

Ye Feiyang face revealed a bitter smile. He knew that the fruit of reincarnation would eventually fall into the hands of Yang Xuan, but he didn’t know how many people would violent death.

According to Yang Xuan’s style of acting, as long as someone dares to compete with him for the reincarnation, he will inevitably suffer a catastrophe.

“haha, play it slowly, this reincarnation is mine.”

On a mountain with hundreds of zhang highs, silhouette is so prosperous, many people fight to get the reincarnation fruit.

However, just when countless people are fighting fiercely, a slender figure with handsome facial features and a cultivation base that has reached the division force level 5 Heavenly Layer’s azure robed man appeared in the sky, and a fist at the top of the peak appeared. sized, the whole body of bright white fruit was picked first.

“Damn it!”

“Don’t fight, the fruit of reincarnation has been picked by him.”

“Go up together and take him down.”

Everyone jumped up, waved their swords, murderous-looking pounced on the azure robed man.

There are a total of two to three hundred people, all of whom are very young. The cultivation base ranges from the first entry to the death stage to the divine force stage 3 Heavenly Layer.

In order to grab the fruit of reincarnation, everyone did not keep their hands, and they all displayed their unique skills to attack the azure robed man.

For a time, the sky was filled with solemn killing aura, a large number of rays of light were flying, and there was a deadly murderous intention in the splendor.

Faced with the bombardment of so many young talents, not to mention the ordinary divine force martial artist, even the powerhouse of the divine force peak can hardly be stunned.

However, azure robed man seems to be unaware of the danger.

“If you want to snatch the fruit of reincarnation, you can’t do it.”

He is coldly smiled, and he doesn’t know what secret technique he used. The whole person is like a Floating Light Sweeping Shadow. , Passing through the rays of light in the sky, no rays of light can touch him.

“Did off!?”

Everyone was stunned, and even forgot to continue attacking.

“It’s my turn to take action.”

The azure robed man swept the killer with a wave of a long sword in his hand, and a sword energy swept all over with an extremely fierce imposing manner.

“Quickly get out of the way!”

The crowd evaded in a hurry and did not dare to accept this sword energy.

Everyone sees the sharpness of this sword energy, and is afraid of dying under the sword energy.

That’s the case. There are still seven or eight people with a too low cultivation base. They were a little slower, and were swept away by the sword energy pēng pēng pēng. The sky was bloodied immediately, and they suffered serious injuries. From here we can see how strong the azure robed man is.

“unable to withstand a single blow.”

azure robed man stands with his sword, his expression arrogant.

“Boy, you dare to hurt my brother, I want you to die.”

Someone was furious.

“Kill, there are so many of us, we don’t believe that we can’t deal with him.”

Many people shouted in unison, shouting to kill the sky.

“A group of clowns, I will fight you all alone, come here and die quickly.”

azure robed man said proudly.

hearing this, the people present are annoyed, and many of them have to do it.

At this moment, someone recognized the identity of the azure robed man, loudly said: “Stop, he is Shi Shaoyu.”

“What, he is Shi Family Young Master Shi Shaoyu !”

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