“A Bloody Lake!”

Everyone stopped, looked towards the front, and saw a huge Bloody Lake outside several hundred zhang.

Bloody Lake, can’t see the edge at a glance, just like blood condensed, without any waves.

“Fortunately, there is no bloody smell, this should not be blood!”

Someone sighed lightly, and his tight nerves relaxed a little.

Bloody Lake is vast and unpredictable, thick like a pool of blood, it is extremely permeating just by looking at it, and it makes people feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

“It’s not simple here, you’d better be careful.”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, he opened his mouth to remind.

Although Bloody Lake is very peaceful, without the slightest ripples, the more so, the stranger it looks.

In his opinion, there is absolutely great danger hidden in this Bloody Lake, which can kill people at every turn.

“Brother Shi said, don’t take it lightly.”

Xie Feng’s expression grave is authentic.

As Xie Family Young Master, he not only has a good cultivation base, but also has strong survivability in the wild. He is full of vigilance for Bloody Lake.

“Let’s take a detour.” Han Fei frowns said.

“Hey, what is that, how can it look like crystal blood dragon ginseng!”

Suddenly, someone saw something and pointed his finger at a plant growing in the distance by the lake. Said the strange plant.

It is a ginseng plant, about two feet high, with roots pierced into the earth, the whole body is like a bloody amber condensed, crystal clear and near-transparent, Ruixia gushing, swaying and shining, one glance It’s out of the ordinary at the sight.

“What is it like, it is clearly the crystal blood dragon ginseng, only raw food can greatly tempering fleshy body, if supplemented with a lot of spiritual medicine, it can be refined into a blood dragon pill, the effect can be improved by at least one Double.”

A tall, handsome, and cultivation base of purple clothed man to be wild with joy, 2 Heavenly Layer, is authentic.

“Are you sure you read it right!?”

Someone cry out in surprise.

“It can’t be wrong.”

The purple clothed man is sure and authentic. He once read the crystal blood dragon ginseng illustration from an ancient book, and after a comparison, he was convinced That is Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng.

“Our luck is also very good. We actually met Crystal Dragon King Ginseng here!”

Many people’s expressions all became hot. In their ancient continent, crystal blood Long ginseng has long been extinct. It is a rare divine medicine. It has a fatal attraction for both martial artist and Demonic beast.

“Crystal blood dragon ginseng is divine medicine?”

Yang Xuan asked calmly.

He is from Outland and he has never heard of Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, but anyone who sees around him can’t wait to take the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng as his own, knowing that this thing is extraordinary.

“Well, not only divine medicine, but also body tempering divine medicine.”

Xie Feng is nodded, staring at the crystal blood dragon ginseng without blinking, but he didn’t move rashly. meaning.

No matter how good the treasure is, it has to be fate. For rare divine medicine such as crystal blood dragon ginseng, no one believes that there is no Demonic beast nearby.

“What are we waiting for, hurry up and pick it.”

After a short period of hesitation, some people couldn’t bear it, and their bodies galloped out.

“Don’t move, the vicinity of Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng is definitely not safe.”

Xie Feng complexion changed and hurriedly spoke to stop it, but it was obviously too late.

There are five people in total. The cultivation base ranges from Peak to Divine Force 3 Heavenly Layer. One is faster than the other, and they all want to take the Crystal Blood Dragon as their own.

The wealth is touching, not to mention this is still a body tempering divine medicine, no wonder they lose their minds.

“courting death!”

Yang Xuan sneered secretly. He was running Martial Dao Heavenly Eye quietly just now, and he had seen a huge monster lurking in Bloody Lake. Once the five people approached The crystal blood dragon ginseng is bound to cause catastrophe.

At this moment, someone lowered their voice and said, “Did you hear any sound?”

“The voice came from Bloody Lake, not good, there must be Demonic beast, let’s retreat quickly.”

Leave a sentence, Xie Feng retreats backwards, walking fast and running fast.

Han Fei and the others came back to his senses, all turned and fled.

The Demonic beast in Bloody Lake, needless to say, is the guardian beast of the crystal blood dragon ginseng, and the guardian Demonic beast of the body tempering divine medicine is absolutely terrifying.

Yang Xuan did not stop, almost when Xie Feng spoke, he unfolded his body skills and quickly retreated.

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