” Wow !”

As everyone flew back, a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering came.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and suddenly everyone’s face showed horror, only to see a giant beast rushing out of the Bloody Lake, setting off a monstrous water wave.

It is a blood-colored python, with a length of more than ten feet, the thickness of a bucket, and it is covered with fine scales. A single horn is as sharp as a knife, and it has dazzling blood light. Fear, seems to penetrate everything.

“What kind of demonic beast is this!?”

The five young martial artists who were sure to win the crystal blood dragon ginseng were shocked and stopped.

“What are you going to do? Run away.”

Here, Xie Feng shouted loudly.

“Go, hurry up.”

The five people turned their heads and left as if they were waking up from a dream.

“A bunch of ant-like things, just because you want to snatch my divine medicine.”

Crimson python speak human’s words, a terrifying suction from the big mouth of the blood basin , Enveloped five people.

“Ah, no!”

The five people were terrified and tried to break free of this suction.

However, everything is Final Struggle. This scarlet python is definitely the overlord of this area, with a strength comparable to the supreme.

Under its suction power, the five people persisted shortly before they were sucked into their mouths by it, and swallowed alive.

In this situation, Xie Feng, Han Fei and the others were shocked.

“Go, get out of here quickly!”

Xie Feng yelled, and one lifted his breath and accelerated away.

Others are no exception, successively using secret skills of the body technique to increase the speed to the extreme.

The scarlet python living under the Bloody Lake swallowed five young geniuses all at once. If they don’t flee with all their strength, they will definitely die.

At this moment, no one thinks about crystal blood dragon ginseng anymore. There is only a single thought left in his heart, that is, to escape from here.

“Want to go?”

The scarlet python gave out a harsh grin, and the single horn on his head was bright.

next moment, a beam of blood-colored light bursts out, which is large enough for several dozen meters. Along the way, the agitated void makes a hong long long sound, fierce and terrifying.

This is definitely its Life Source Divine Ability. Once it hits, the ordinary supreme may not be able to stop it.

Everyone changed color and dodged on both sides.

hong long!

The blood-colored beam of light fell into the air, and the emasculation continued unabated, raze a huge mountain in the distance to the ground, and the scene was terrifying.

“It’s too strong, we are not opponents, run away.”

Everyone was trembling, and they all ran wildly. However, this Underground World is forbidden to fly, which greatly restricts everyone. speed.

Chapter 658 Wild Blood Bat

hong long long! ! !

Scarlet python is chasing after him, his huge body meanders forward, the speed is fast as lightning.

Wherever I passed, the earth shook violently, the mud and rocks fell and flew, and the dust and smoke were lifted up, and the scene was intriguing.

In addition to its fast speed, its attack power is also appalling. One after another bloody beam of light shoots out from its single horn, with a pungent fishy smell, which makes people sick.

Under the endless bombardment of a large number of blood-colored beams of light, one after another mountain peaks shattered, countless vegetation collapsed, and a piece of flying sand running stone, like the end of the day.

When everyone was frightened, they all dodged in a panic.

That’s the case, there are still two people who couldn’t dodge, and they were beaten to fly ash by two blood-colored beams.

This also frightened the others, everyone was running desperately.

For so long, the rear calmed down and finally got rid of Scarlet Python.

This is also because Scarlet Python has crystal blood dragon ginseng at heart, and was worried that someone would take it away while it was gone, so after chasing it for a while, he quickly returned.

“I’m saved!”

Seeing that Scarlet Python didn’t chase him anymore, except Xie Feng and Han Fei, everyone else fell to the ground softly, their faces pale.

This time it was really dangerous to the extreme. If they escaped more slowly, they would definitely die.

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