“Hey, why didn’t you see Brother Shi?”

Someone swept around and found that Yang Xuan was missing.

“What’s the matter, I remember he ran in the front, did we leave without waiting?”

Someone frowns saying, in this Danger lurks on every side Underground World, one more person means more strength, not to mention Yang Xuan is stronger than them, and they are much safer with him.


At this moment, a silhouette jumped out from a mountain forest not far away. Who is it if it is not Yang Xuan?

Not long ago, he used the big Void Technique to turn back and wanted to pick the crystal blood dragon ginseng.

Who knows that the sky is not what he wants, when he arrived at Bloody Lake, he happened to see the blood python biting down the crystal blood dragon ginseng and sank into the bottom of the lake with a thud.

This made him vomit blood in anger, but he had no choice but to leave depressed.

“Where did Brother Shi go?”

Xie Feng stepped forward to greet him, and asked with a puzzled look.

“Where I didn’t go, I just wandered around.”

Yang Xuan said without thinking, he looked around and found that adding himself, there were only nine people.

As for the others, they were all killed by Scarlet Python.

Xie Feng didn’t ask any more, he looked around at the people present, said solemnly: “Everyone rests on the spot, eats something, and then it’s not too late to hurry.”

“Hurry, where to go?”

Someone asked.

“I don’t know, but we’d better not stay in one place for too long.”

As Xie Feng said, he turned his head towards Yang Xuan and asked:” Brother Shi thinks which direction we should go next?”

“Go over there.”

Yang Xuan blurted out, pointing his finger in a direction.

Just when he was on his way, he already felt the breath of the tide of reincarnation, and following the direction of his fingers, the breath of the tide of reincarnation will become more and more intense.

“Why go in that direction?”

Someone wondered.


Yang Xuan spit out two words.

Everyone was silent, intuition that this thing is too mysterious, but they are now a group of headless flies, they can only choose a direction to travel, but fortunately the direction Yang Xuan pointed to bypassed the previous Bloody Lake.

Thinking of bloody python rushing out of Bloody Lake, everyone was palpitating, and they never wanted to meet that animal again.

After a little one hour, Xie Feng said: “It’s almost time to rest. Let’s set off. I hope I can go out alive this time.”


Everyone got up one after another, and then proceeded cautiously in the direction pointed by Yang Xuan.

Along the way, with dense vegetation and towering ancient trees, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth has become stronger and stronger, and even the breath of the tide of reincarnation has become a lot stronger.

“This is the breath of the tide of reincarnation!”

Xie Feng finally noticed something. He is also a person who has experienced two tides of reincarnation, and is no stranger to the tide of reincarnation , It’s just that the breath of the tide of reincarnation is relatively weak today, far less violent than when the tide of reincarnation broke out.

“What, the breath of the tide of reincarnation!”

Everyone was shocked, and someone worriedly said: “Everyone, are we going in the wrong direction? If we go on like this, we will encounter What if the tide of reincarnation erupts?”

If you want to say what is the most terrifying thing in their barren ancient continent, it must be the tide of reincarnation. Even the supreme may fall in the tide of reincarnation, let alone Say them.

In fact, the wave of reincarnation also has strengths and weaknesses. Generally speaking, in the ancient territory periphery zone, the wave of reincarnation is much weaker, and the deeper the ancient territory, the more overbearing the formidable power of the wave of reincarnation. , Easily can make people flew away and scattered.

“Who of us has not experienced the wave of reincarnation once or twice, if you are afraid, you can go back.”

Han Fei coldly snorted and said to the person who spoke.

“Who is scared, I am worried that the formidable power of the wave of reincarnation is too strong, and we can’t stop it.”

“Let’s not talk about it, the wave of reincarnation originated from Reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments, we might see legendary reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments this time.”

Xie Feng opened the mouth and said, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

“The closer you get to the Martial Spirit Fragment of Samsara, the stronger the tide of Samsara will become. Our top priority is to find a way out.”

Someone said.

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