This young man’s name is Su Han. He has a cultivation base of the 3 Heavenly Layer of the divine force, and he can be called a genius.

But under the swift and violent assassination of the scarlet cane, his protective body divine force was useless.

The scarlet cane didn’t know what it was, it easily pierced his eyebrows, and swallowed his blood within the body.


The scarlet cane comes and goes quickly. After swallowing Su Han’s blood, it shrank into the ground abruptly, the end is come and go without a shadow or trace.

Xie Feng, Han Fei and the others can only vaguely see a dazzling blood light flashing by, and then Su Han shook his head and fell to the ground, all of his skin showing dryness. The state of death is miserable, horrible to see.

“Su Han is dead and drained of blood!”

Everyone changed color and never dared to pick spiritual medicine anymore and quickly came to Yang Xuan’s side.

“Brother Shi can see that blood light clearly?”

Xie Feng asked with expression grave.

“That is not a blood light, but a weird blood vine.”

Yang Xuan said with a calm face, now he finally knows the crisis of the mountain within the valley. What is it?

There is no doubt that it is the blood cane that sprang from the ground. Anyone who attempts to go deep into the valley will inevitably be attacked and killed by a large number of blood cane.

“A blood vine?”

Xie Feng and the others were stunned. They couldn’t believe that it was only a blood vine that killed Su Han.

“Are you not mistaken?”

Han Fei frowned and asked, no matter what blood vine, it is a plant after all, how can a plant kill people, especially one hit? instant kill Su Han is such a genius.

“believing or not by you.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.


Han Fei was secretly angry, but thought of Yang Xuan’s strength, but didn’t say much.

“Is there a martial artist in the sneak attack? That blood vine is the Martial Spirit.”

Someone has been speculated.

“Well, it’s possible.”

Several people were nodded, and Martial Spirit is very rare in their deserted ancient continent, but not without.

In their opinion, the blood vine in Yang Xuan’s mouth may be the Martial Spirit of a martial artist hidden in the dark.

Yang Xuan was silent. He didn’t think that blood vine is a Martial Spirit, because any Martial Spirit carries the spirit strength of its owner, but on that blood vine, he never felt it. Halfway through Spiritual Fluctuation.

According to this, it is known that it is not Martial Spirit, but a real blood vine, a blood vine that no stronghold one cannot overcome and can absorb the blood of living beings.


Suddenly, there was an abnormal movement from deep underground. Although the sound was inaudible, Yang Xuan noticed it.

He moved his body, as vigorous as a cheetah, and moved out quickly.

Chapter 660 Bloodthirsty Demon Vine

“Quickly get out of the way!”

Xie Feng and Han Fei are not slow, and the two jumped to each other. He immediately left the place where he stood.


At the same time, the ground cracked and a bloody rattan sprang up from the ground in the dust, piercing the head of an azure robed man.

This blow was ruthless and accurate. It was killed in one blow. It didn’t give azure robed man any chance. In the blink of an eye, he sucked his blood all over.


azure robed man’s knees softened, his eyes dimmed, his skinny body fell softly to the ground, and his wide-open eyes were filled with endless panic.

“Yao Qing is also dead.”

Nearby, several people have one’s hair stand on end.

This time they all saw clearly that it was really a blood vine. After killing Yao Qing for a second, he quickly retracted into the ground.

“What the hell is that!?”

The more they thought about it, the more scared they became. They hurriedly came to Yang Xuan, Xie Feng, and Han Fei.

“Whatever it is, staying here is doomed to life, let’s go.”

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