
Everyone flew away, daring not to delay for a moment, they were all ready to leave this strange valley as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I haven’t run far yet, all around the rubble is flying, and rattans are flying up into the sky. As soon as the scarlet appears, it is interwoven into a blood-colored rattan net, which will hundred everyone around. The area of ​​zhang is completely covered.

“Damn, we are trapped!”

The incomparable gigantic of the scarlet vine net, rushed out from the underground all around, forming an inescapable net, so that everyone could not escape, some of them A person with a low cultivation base has a look of despair on his face.

Just now, a blood vine jumped out of the ground, killing Su Han and Yao Qing one after another, very ruthless and sharp.

Compared with Su Han and Yao Qing, their cultivation base is still inferior. If they are hit by a blood vine, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

What frightened them the most was that they were now surrounded by a large number of blood vines, which seemed to be a certain death situation.

“Why panic? Let’s work together to break the vine net.”

Xie Fengqiang calmly and authentically.

“These blood vines are tenacious. Let’s try our best to attack a place.” Han Fei also opened the mouth and said.


Everyone had no objections, each of them performed their unique skills, and all kinds of splendid splendor burst out at the same place.

This is a use point to break surface. No matter how tenacious the blood vine, it may not be able to stop it.

However, under the attack of everyone, the vine net is unbreakable. All the brilliance falls on a certain place of the vine net and it is difficult to cause any damage to it. The hard thing is like a sky wall, which can not be broken by external force. .

“It’s over, we’re dead.”

There were two people trembling all over, their faces were gray, they both used the trump card ability, but they couldn’t shake it. Scarlet Vine Net, the next thing to do is wait for death.

“By the way, where’s Brother Shi?”

At this time, someone looked around and suddenly found that Yang Xuan was missing again.

“This child must have escaped while we were not paying attention.”

Han Fei gloomy face said.

“What’s the use of saying these now, everyone pull yourself together, and can hold on for a while.”

Xie Feng frowned, speaks while propping up the body divine force .

Han Fei and the others came back to his senses, they also defended.

Up to now, they have no other choice but to defend.


Suddenly, there was an ear-piercing sound, and on the vine net in front, a blood-colored vine with the thickness of a thumb flew over and threw a white clothed man. Tie tightly.

“Help me!”

The white clothed man opened his mouth and called for help.

Unfortunately, no one has slowed down. This scarlet cane is incredibly hard, unless it is Divine Weapon, otherwise it cannot be cut at all.

At this moment, everyone is backing away, all on guard.

“No, I don’t want to die yet!”

The white clothed man has a pale face. Under the drag of the scarlet cane, he can no longer control his body. The whole person is in an instant The scarlet vine was pulled to the vine net in front, and was tightly entangled there.

“Save me!”

The white clothed man was terrified, but he was unable to move even a little bit, just like a moth caught by a spider web, impossible to escape.

puff puff puff! ! !

Scarlet rattans sprang out from the vine net suddenly, and the tips were inserted into his body.

Blood flowers bloomed, but no blood splashed. All the blood was sucked clean by the blood-colored rattan.

In a short moment, the white clothed man died and became a corpse, falling to the ground from the Scarlet Vine Net.

In this scene, Xie Feng, Han Fei and the others chilled their backs.

In their eyes, a companion died in an instant, and his death was still so miserable. Compared with Ling Chilai, it was not much more than letting people have hair stands on end.

“Too terrifying, we can’t stop it at all.”

“What to do, I don’t want to die yet.”

Death is so close, no People are not afraid, as Xie Feng and Han Fei are also trembling. Obviously, neither of them is completely sure to avoid the blood vine attack.


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