Resurged out of thin air, and another scarlet cane swept in at a rapid speed.

“Hurry up and get away.”

Xie Feng roared and dodged with Han Fei.

The two have the highest cultivation base and the strongest among them. Relying on their extraordinary eyesight and speed, they evaded without danger.

As for the rest of the people, although they are also dodge fast, there are still two people who are a little slower and are entangled by the blood-colored cane.

This time, the Scarlet Cane obviously didn’t satisfy one person, and dragged the two to the cane net to suck blood.

“Ah! Ah!”

After two screams, their bodies dried up in the blink of an eye.

“Dead, two lives in one blow!”

Xie Feng, Han Fei, and the last blue clothed man of the 4 Heavenly Layer of the divine force realm, all sucked in cold air.

They all have a hunch that the bloody cane will entangle their three people next, swallowing their blood.

“What to do!?”

The blue clothed man said in horror.

“You two come to me quickly.”

Xie Feng gritted his teeth, as if he had made some decision.

“Brother Xie has a way to get out of trouble!?”

The blue clothed man was surprised and delighted, and appeared with Han Fei.

“I can’t get out of trouble, I can only do my best to defend and delay some time.”

Xie Feng gritted his teeth and decisively took out a cold light flashing talisman from the storage ring .

“This is?”

Han Fei asked in surprise.

“Give me up.”

Xie Feng didn’t answer, shouting loudly, the talisman in his hand whirled up and broke apart on the heads of the three people, suddenly all The temperature dropped suddenly, and the moisture in the air condensed into ice.

In an instant, a large ice shield with several meters appeared, covering the bodies of the three of them.

“This is the ice congeal talisman handed down from the ancient times. It can block the ordinary supreme full strength attack. It should be able to last for some time under the attack of the blood vine.”

Xie Feng said At this point, there was a muffled sound of pēng pēng pēng from outside the ice shield, and the blood-colored canes flew in, making the ice shield tremble.

Fortunately, the ice shield is hard enough, no matter how many scarlet canes, no matter how fierce the offensive is, it has not been broken.

Of course, both the blue clothed man and Han Fei understand that the ice shield will last for a while, but will not last a lifetime. Under the continuous attack of a large number of scarlet canes, it will sooner or later be penetrated.

But once they lose the ice shield, they will undoubtedly die.

“Two of you, don’t hide your clumsiness. Take out all the treasures. When the ice shield is breached, let’s do it together, hoping to break the vine net.”

Xie Feng said, another crimson talisman appeared in his hand.

This is the fire rune, and it is also a powerful talisman handed down from the ancient times. A single blow can kill any martial artist below the supreme.

As for whether the rattan net can be destroyed, it is unknown.

“I have no treasure, only this sword.”

Han Fei flicked his wrist and took out a long sword.

“low grade Divine Sword!”

Xie Feng said in surprise.

“It’s a low grade Divine Sword, yes, but this sword has been severely injured, the internal array is damaged, and it can’t send out the divine might.”

It’s in Han Fei while speaking , The blue clothed man also took out a pearl, the pearl is about the size of a dragon eye, the whole body is shining with lightning, and the fluctuation is amazing.

“Lei Family’s explosive thunder bead!”

Xie Feng was surprised again.

“Not bad.”

blue clothed man nodded and said.

His name is Lei Chen and he is Lei Family Young Master. This explosive thunder bead is an ultimate weapon uniquely refined by their Lei Family. The formidable power is not inferior to Xie Feng’s fire rune.

“Okay, thunder bead, fire rune, and Han Fei’s Divine Sword, we are at least 50% sure to break the vine net.”

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