Xie Feng was a little excited and authentic.

“I hope so.”

Han Fei browses tightly frowns, 50% sure that Xie Feng said, whether there are several points of possibility, no one knows.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Outside the ice shield, there are endless noises.

The blood-colored canes continued to attack, smashing the ice shield to flies, and it was almost impossible to hold on.

Xie Feng, Han Fei, and Lei Chen’s expression grave are all preparing for the strongest blow.

And when they are ready to go, Yang Xuan has already come to the depths of the valley outside several dozen li, and a handful of Xuantian purple lotus that will grow in the center of the pool will pull up by the roots .


Yang Xuan was overjoyed, and he put away the Xuantian Purple Lotus, and then prepared to leave.


At this moment, the mutation protrudes.

The ground at the edge of the pool exploded, and amidst the tumbling mud and rocks, a blood vine that was as thick as a dragon body with barbed thorns broke out of the ground, fiercely drawn.


This blow was faster than lightning, and the thick blood vine stroked the shatter void, and it came to Yang Xuan in an instant.

“Come on, this is the bloodthirsty demon vine.”

The purgatory boy anxiously said.

“What is the bloodthirsty demon vine?”

Yang Xuan asked and hid, stepped on the pool with his feet, his body burst up, dangerous and dangerous Avoided the incoming blood vine.

I don’t know how long this incomparable gigantic blood vine is. Just exposed to the ground is several hundred zhang long.

This is also Yang Xuan. When he was replaced by a common martial artist, he had long since been beaten into a mess.

“Bloodthirsty Demon Vine is a strange plant, very rare in All Heavens Myriad Realms. It usually grows in places rich in Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, and it is very likely to be born after a long period of time. Spiritual wisdom, especially terrifying, is that it can break through any energy shield. If you get a blow, there is absolutely no life.”

The purgatory boy said.

“So terrifying!”

“Of course, the attack power of the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine is notoriously strong, but the defensive power is relatively weak.”

“Can Purgatory Sword break its defenses?”

“It should be no problem.”

“That’s good.”

With the purgatory boy While communicating secretly, Yang Xuan did not stop, and went away quickly.

Chapter 661 divine medicine is available

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

Going all the way, the earth cracks and the sands and rocks fly away.

A large number of blood-colored rattans are like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole, constantly rising from the ground, fast as lightning.

The blood-colored rattans are densely packed, countless, they all seem to have eyes, criss-crossed moved towards Yang Xuan entwined, trying to catch him alive.

Yang Xuan’s eyes bloom with silver light, and his body shape is tossing about with the zigzag steps, like catkins following the wind, erratic.

Under the powerful Martial Dao Heavenly Eye and the ghostly body, he is not only extremely fast, but also able to avoid the blood-colored cane that approaches in advance.

However, the good times didn’t last long, as more and more blood-colored canes broke out of the ground and shot at him, he was somewhat surrounded by perils.

Not long ago, all directions were full of scarlet canes, airtight, and completely surrounded him. The point was that there was no way to the sky, no door to the ground, and it was impossible to escape with wings.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

All the blood-colored rattans are intertwined in an instant, forming a big blood-colored net that quickly gathers inward.

Yang Xuan black hair is flying, without fear of color.

Just when the Scarlet Net was about to pick him up, his figure shook, disappear without a trace.

Relying on the big Void Technique, he advances and retreats freely, no matter how many bloody canes, it is difficult to keep him.

With a swift effort, his figure flashes, he has appeared outside a few thousand zhang, and broke away from the encircling net of blood-colored rattan in one fell swoop.

si si hiss! ! !

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