Yang Xuan was angry, and his hair was dancing wildly. His eyes were blazing and he consumed 90% of his spirit strength to display Spiritual Storm.


A Spiritual Storm with the size of several feet surges out like a horrible hurricane, flooding all the spiritual swords, and erupting with the muffled sound of pēng pēng pēng, and the void is full There were thousands of ripples, and Spiritual Fluctuation was vast and amazing.

huhuhu! ! !

this world, violent wind erupted, dusty.

Xie Feng’s trio involuntarily retreated, but their eyes looked towards the battlefield without blinking.

I saw that the void quickly returned to calm. Whether it was Yang Xuan or the tall old man, he was unharmed.

It’s just that the tall old man is obviously very expensive, his face is deathly pale, and he is panting.

Although Yang Xuan looks pale, his posture is upright, his breathing is steady, and his body is full of incomparable fighting intents. The whole person is like an unmatched War God, standing in this world.

“really strong!”

Lei Chen exclaimed.

“He actually knows the secret of Divine Soul!”

Han Fei was surprised, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and the look of dreading deep inside his pupils became thicker.

“Is there any other means, if the skills stop here, then you can go to death.”

If there is no one beside Yang Xuan, he puts away the Heart Demon mirror and holds it in his hand. A long sword, stride towards the tall old man.

Although he was not walking fast, the ground was shaking when each step fell, like a wild ancient beast traveling, crushing everything, unstoppable.

“Who on earth are you?”

The tall old man both shocked and angry, unable to stop backwards.

Even the Divine Soul secret skill of the trump card failed to win Yang Xuan, and he couldn’t fight anymore.


This is Yang Xuan’s answer. In just one word, Qi of Slaughter rose to the sky.

He stomped on the ground with both feet, his body shape was like an arrow from the string, and he rushed over as fast as lightning.

“I don’t believe that you can’t kill you, this beast.”

The tall old man has his beard and hair upside down, swinging a long knife in his hand, carrying a splendid and life-threatening knife, slashing angrily Out.

“get lost!”

Yang Xuan is like a young demon, leaping up and cutting down with a sword from a high position, shaking the old man’s place hard one strike.


The swords and swords collided in an instant, and the void burst loudly.

A violent force surged, and the tall old man sank his legs and was almost beaten to his knees. Because his knees were the point of stress, his kneecaps were broken and bloody. fly.

“Eat my sword again!”

Yang Xuan’s body was bounced, and then he swooped down with his sword. With a sword, nearly 100,000 Jin’s power exploded, and his sword dao Profound Truth and Profound Truth of Fire, the imposing manner climbed to the extreme in an instant.

both of his hands holding a sword, with Mount Tai overwhelming, a sword slashed down violently.

The tall old man was frightened and tried to block the sword with his sword.

But, let him down, accompanied by a loud bang, his whole person as if was struck by lightning, blood spurted in his mouth, his legs were completely plunged into the ground, leaving him alone. The half of the body above the belly button is outside.

With him as the center, there are countless huge cracks in the earth within ten zhang, and the scene is shocking.

In the distance, Xie Wind and Thunder Chen, Han Fei, Qi Qi are petrified.

Only two swords, even the Origin Force was useless, and the strongest boss of the Profound Nether two elders was beaten into the ground with his legs. This is such a shocking battle strength and a powerful mess.

Not long ago, Xie Feng and the others thought that Yang Xuan’s strength was similar to that of a powerhouse in a divine force realm Peak. The reason why they were able to kill a short old man before was mainly relying on that black ancient demon.

But now, they suddenly realized that they really underestimated Yang Xuan.

Based on the two swords just now, we know that Yang Xuan’s strength is more than that of the powerhouse of Divine Force Peak.

Can it be comparable to Half-Step Supreme?

With this thought, the three of them all set off a stormy sea in their hearts.

A young man who is about the same age as them, and the cultivation base is only the young people of Peak, who actually has the strength of a half-step supreme.

In other words, the supreme can’t come out, and few people can help Yang Xuan, which explains Yang Xuan’s not long ago, “I am invincible below the supreme”.


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