The tall old man has a sweet throat and vomits blood.

He fought two swords with Yang Xuan. Although the trauma was not serious, the internal organs suffered serious damage.

Feeling the power within the body that is constantly looting, his face is full of fear, and he shouts at Yang Xuan who flies away: “sword dao Profound Truth, you actually comprehended sword dao Profound Truth, no, in addition to sword dao Profound Truth, there is also Profound Truth of Fire!”

hearing this, Xie Feng and the three were all shocked, none of them doubted the words of the tall old man.

After all, the other party is an old powerhouse with many years of cultivation, and his vision is still there. Since Yang Xuan comprehended sword dao Profound Truth and Profound Truth of Fire, it is definitely not wrong.

“Wait, Profound Truth of Fire!”

Xie Feng seemed to think of something, and his body trembled suddenly.

“Is it that Brother Shi is Yang Xuan in the deserted state?”

Lei Chen was frightened and unsure. It is rumored that Yang Xuan was acting madly, his fleshy body was unparalleled, and he was comprehended Profound Truth of Fire. Looking at the world, there is no young genius who understands this Profound Truth. “

“It’s him, it must be him. “

Xie Fei is convinced that Shi Yu is Yang Xuan.

“You are Yang Xuan in the deserted state! ? “

The tall old man trembled.

Now that Yang Xuan is in the limelight, like the sun at high noon, he has naturally heard the name.

Not only that, he knows Yang Xuan’s situation very well.

Through Profound Truth of Fire, he suddenly guessed that the young boy in his eyes is Yang Xuan in the deserted state.

“Yes, I am Yang Xuan! “

Yang Xuan nodded, he admitted his identity frankly.

“Brother Shi, you, are you really Yang Xuan? “

Xie Feng was shocked.

“Well, I am indeed Yang Xuan. Because there are too many enemies, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I had to change my appearance and name. “

Yang Xuan took out the Purgatory Sword as he spoke, and approached the tall old man step by step with the sword.

The tall old man was shocked and stared at Yang Xuan’s hands. The Purgatory Sword of Purgatory Sword has a strong look of fear in his eyes.

This is an ultimate weapon. It has killed many old powerhouses such as Heifengzhai master Jiu Mingkong and Half-Step Supreme Kunwu.

In other words, it’s easy to kill him with the advantage of a sword.

Without any hesitation, both of his hands rushed out of the ground, ignoring the divine force. Consumption, use the secret skills of the body to escape at the fastest speed in his life.


Yang Xuan did not chase, and suddenly disappeared without a trace while his body was shaking.

“Space Secret Technique! “

Xie Feng’s three eyelids twitched, completely affirming Yang Xuan’s identity.

“Yang Xuan, you have to be forgiving and forgiving! “

The tall old man yelled and escaped faster.

Unfortunately, it was useless.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Xuan appeared out of thin air. Cut off his path.


The tall old man has a face of ashes, completely desperate.

“Reborn as a man in the next life, remember Be a good person. “

Yang Xuan body moved, swung his sword to kill the past.

In a hurry, the tall old man could only resist with a knife, but how could he be able to block a sword trifling? Can withstand the edge of Purgatory Sword.


Like a knife cutting tofu, the sword is broken in half, and the right arm of the tall old man is also chopped off. Go out.

He can no longer control his body, screaming dropping from the sky, slamming to the ground with a bang, covered in blood and dying breath.

“End Up! “

Yang Xuan is in the air, full of golden brilliance. Even the black hair flying all over his head has turned into bright golden. The whole person is like a Sun God mansion, bright and dazzling.

“Yang Xuan, let go of…I…”

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