The cave is quiet.

The purgatory boy sits beside him, guarding Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is now in a deep sleep, and he doesn’t know when he can wake up. If someone is against him at the moment, he has no resistance at all.

The purgatory boy was not in a hurry, waiting for Yang Xuan to wake up, while concentrating on guard.

Fortunately, the cave is very hidden, and the entrance of the cave was blocked not long ago, and no one has ever bothered.

Such a small half a day later, Yang Xuan finally woke up.

When he woke up, he only felt refreshed, his thinking was quick, a single thought flashed by, and all kinds of strange ideas appeared in his mind.

Internally looking at Sea of ​​Consciousness, Divine Soul is extremely transparent and exudes a bright white luster. The spirit strength is twice as strong as before.

This means that his range of perception has been expanded twice, the formidable power of Spiritual Storm will be stronger in the future, and the duration of the Void Technique will become longer.

Of course, what makes him most delighted is that the perception has greatly increased.

With a thought, he concentrated on Fengshen Langjun’s terrifying sword in Feng Spirit Crystal, and suddenly he discovered many things he didn’t understand before, and suddenly he became clear.

He sat up, his right hand spread out, and a cyclone appeared out of thin air on his palm.

huhuhu! ! !

The cyclone is about the size of a fist, turning faster and faster, and in the end it becomes a spiral air mass.

“The artistic conception of wind!”

The purgatory boy squinted his eyes and praised: “Yes, comprehended the artistic conception of wind so soon.”

Yang Xuan Laughing without saying a word, this is all the credit for opening the door. If it weren’t for opening the door, with his perception, it would be difficult to comprehend the artistic conception of the wind in such a short time.

The purgatory boy naturally understands this, but what about it? Yang Xuan’s current talent has surpassed his former master.

As long as you continue to cultivation, you will have limitless achievements. One day, you may be able to enter the Immortal Sect and the legendary Immortal World.

He didn’t say much, he patted Yang Xuan on the shoulder and said: “Boy, work hard, when you step into the emperor realm, I will give you a big gift.”

“Big gift?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes lit up. In his eyes, the purgatory boy is a Duobao boy, but this brat until now tightens the belt of his pants to prevent him from getting to know him When he got up, he, the master, only got two treasures of the Imperial Qi Pearl and the True Fantasy Mask.

Of course, both things are very precious and life-saving.

For example, if there is no such thing, he might be recognized now.

“Yes, a great gift.”

The purgatory boy is nodded.

“Stop selling off, what baby do you want to give me?”

Yang Xuan’s curiosity came up.

The purgatory boy seemed to be reminiscing, and after a while, he said: “I’ll just tell you. My former lord found a treasure before his life, and got some good things from it until he fell. I haven’t finished exploring that treasure place, there must be a lot of treasures in it.”

“Well, when I step into the emperor realm, I will accompany you on a trip.”

Yang Xuan while speaking, look down towards the spiral air mass on the palm.

Under his control, the high-speed rotation of the spiral air mass turns into a jade-like wind blade.

“Condensing the wind into a blade, it seems that the door has been opened, and it is really helpful to you. You have just grasped the artistic conception of the wind to such a degree.”

Purgatory boy said with a smile.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer either. He shook his hand and the wind blade came out, fast as lightning. It sank into the rock wall not far away in an instant, and the cut was smooth and flat.

This is the formidable power of the artistic conception of the wind. Once the artistic conception is comprehended, the power of the wind can be mastered, and relying on the power of the wind can not only increase the speed, but also increase the attack power.

This is when Yang Xuan has just comprehended the artistic conception of wind, and the artistic conception of wind has only one level. When his Great Accomplishment of the artistic conception of wind, even the Profound Truth of the wind, the destructive power will be greatly improved.

At that time, a wind blade hits and kills martial artists below the divine force realm just like playing.

In the following time, Yang Xuan continued to practice until he fully grasped the power of the wind before he got up out of the cave and galloped through the forest.

On the way, Demonic beast roar, wild ancient beast rampant, and martial artist sneak attack, seeking money and killing.

Unfortunately, Yang Xuan can’t help but avoid him or kill him.

A few hours later, when he climbed a mountain, he heard loud voices from afar.

Yang Xuan was beaming, his figure flew down, relying on the force of the wind, although he still couldn’t have a spatial flight, but his stay in the air was longer, and it was more than ten feet in one jump. People are like catkins following the wind, giving people a erratic feeling.

“Haha, finally walked out of this damn mountain forest.”

“Don’t be careless, the ruins in front of you are absolutely dangerous, and you will die at every turn.”

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