“Crisis and opportunity coexist. We may find some treasure in it.”

“Treasure, let’s not talk about it, this place is full of the breath of reincarnation, and the deeper it goes , Presumably the stronger the breath of the tide of reincarnation, we must be very careful.”

“That’s right, but before going deep into the ruins, let’s search in the vicinity first, maybe we can have unexpected gains. “

This is a peripheral zone in ruins, all around are broken walls and ruins, building after building is buried in this Underground World how many years, most of them are already decayed .

Some human bones can occasionally be seen on the ground, but they are equally decayed and turned into a pool of dust when the wind blows.

After Yang Xuan came here, he found that there were hundreds of people gathered here. The lowest cultivation base is also the 5 Heavenly Layer. He kept his eyes open and wandered around, trying to find something from under the ruins. .

It’s a pity that they are disappointed. Even if they find some weapons, they are already weathered. With a light wave, it becomes a piece of broken copper.

“Hey, look at that kid, this cultivation base can actually come here!?”

At this moment, someone saw Yang Xuan and couldn’t help but exclaim.

This attracted the attention of others. Almost everyone looked at Yang Xuan. After seeing his cultivation base, almost everyone showed a look of shock on their faces.

It is impossible to imagine that Yang Xuan, who is only in the Peak of Guiyijing, can travel through the vast mountains and forests to come here.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan remain unmoved, expand the body method, and go away quickly.

“So courageous, I dare to go into the ruins alone.”

“Stupid, with his cultivation base, he will die under the tide of reincarnation soon.”

“This child not simple, don’t underestimate him.”

Many people regard Yang Xuan as a daredevil, but there are also some young geniuses in the divine force environment. The old powerhouse looked shocked.

For nothing else, it is Yang Xuan’s speed is too fast, and his stature rises and falls before disappearing into their vision.

This kind of speed appeared on a martial artist in the first realm, how weird it looked, it was incredible.

The ruins are extremely vast and endless.

I don’t know why, here is not at all any demonic beast activity track.

Don’t talk about Demonic beasts, you can’t even see the birds, desolate and silent, like an ancient forbidden place isolated from the world, everything is full of unknowns.

Yang Xuan is flying all the way, sometimes I can see some martial artists, but most of them go very slowly.

In this ruin, the breath of the tide of reincarnation is stronger, and people have to slow down.

Besides the ruins are so big, who knows if there are any treasures below, so the overwhelming majority choose to explore while walking, hoping to gain something.

Yang Xuan’s speed does not decrease, as if he has not been affected by the tide of reincarnation.

He has been a man for two lifetimes and has a strong will. The most important thing is that his Divine Soul is extremely powerful.

No matter how strong the tide of reincarnation is, it will not pose a threat to him.

It was the chaotic memories that came in his mind from time to time, which made him gradually understand the ruins.

As he guessed, this is an ancient battlefield.

There was a terrifying battle in the Primordial Era. I don’t know how many powerhouses died. There was even the Ancient Great Emperor, and even the Ancient Great Emperor fell here. It’s not difficult to see how tragic the battle was. .

As for why the battle broke out, it was nothing more than to compete for the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments. Unfortunately, in a large amount of messy memory, Yang Xuan never found the location of the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments.

This is also normal. After all, it is a fragment of Martial Spirit of Reincarnation. There are very few people who can see it. Most of the powerhouses that came here back then may not even see the shadow of the Fragment of Reincarnation Martial Spirit. died.

This makes Yang Xuan expression grave, even the ancient powerhouse has never seen the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragment, how should he find it, and even if he finds it, how should he take away the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragment ?

“Quickly, stop him, don’t let him escape.”

“Boy, hand over the Divine Sword, the old man will save you.”

At this moment, the distant silhouette swayed, and the shouts were endless.

Yang Xuan looked up, and saw a young man with disheveled hair, escaping in his direction with all his strength.

“Thank the wind!”

After seeing the other person’s face clearly, Yang Xuan couldn’t help showing a surprised look. It seems that didn’t expect to meet again in this ruin Xie Feng.

But think about him falling asleep for a long time after opening the door, and during this time, Xie Feng will not stay in place, so it is not surprising that he came here.

What only left him speechless was that Xie Feng also found a Divine Sword and was hunted down. This was similar to the situation when he met Ye Feiyang in Burial Ground not long ago.

Chapter 668 is too evil

“Boy, you can’t escape. If you know, you will immediately leave Divine Sword. The old man may be able to leave you a whole body.”

A group of hundreds of people, all imposing manner tyrannical, cultivation base ranging from 6 Heavenly Layer to divine force Peak, chasing Xie Feng, among them the person with the highest cultivation base speaks.

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