Yang Xuan slightly smiled, and instead asked about Xie Feng’s experience over the past half day.

Xie Feng regards Yang Xuan as a friend, a benefactor, and naturally knows everything is endless.

Yang Xuan listened slowly without interrupting.

According to what Xie Feng said, he and Han Fei froze more than half a day ago. After the two parted ways, he and Lei Chen walked with Lei Chen, traveling through the dense mountains and forests all the way through the ruins. .

However, in the depths of this ruin, Lei Chen died.

Yang Xuan feels pretty good about Lei Chen. When he heard the news of his death, he couldn’t help but sighed: “Although Lei Chen is a little timid, his talent is pretty good. He didn’t expect to die an untimely death. “

“It’s all my fault. If I didn’t insist on going deep into the ruins, he would not die.”

Xie Feng blamed himself.

When he found Divine Sword, Lei Chen was by his side. Later, under the chase and interception of a large number of martial artists, Lei Chen was conspired by someone and splashed with blood on the spot.

“Life and death are up to fate, wealth is in heaven, brother Xie doesn’t have to blame himself too much.”

Yang Xuan comforted.

Xie Feng was silent. In any case, Lei Chen’s death could not be separated from him.

When he wanted to come, if Lei Chen followed Han Fei, he might not die.

“Okay, the rest is almost the same, let’s set off now, but before departure, Brother Xie still practiced Divine Sword first.”

“Don’t tell Brother Brother Yang, I also tried to sacrifice the Divine Sword not long ago, but unfortunately I still failed, and I couldn’t even sense the spirit of the sword.”

“The Sword Spirit of this sword was seriously injured and almost wiped out. Falling into a long sleep, unless there are a large number of fossils, it will not be able to wake up in a short time.”

Yang Xuan has Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. When I watched Divine Sword earlier, I already saw Sword Spirit. Status.

“My Xie Family has some fossils, but I don’t know if it is enough to wake the Sword Spirit?”

Xie Feng frowns saying.

“Let’s not talk about this first, you will talk about this sword sacrifice first.”

Yang Xuan said, he taught Xie Feng a technique of sacrifice and refinement.

This is the blood sacrifice technique taught to Ye Feiyang by the purgatory boy. Yang Xuan also learned it at the time.

Xie Feng got the skill. After studying it, he firmly grasped it. He immediately took out the Divine Sword, bit his index finger, and started the sacrifice.

Everything went well. After a bloody formation diagram was integrated into Divine Sword, he immediately became the new owner of Divine Sword.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

He held a few swords in his hand, and suddenly discovered that Divine Sword was not only like an arm’s finger in his hand, but he could also control the array text contained in Divine Sword.

As long as Divine Item, there are many arrays inside, and Xie Feng can control the arrays in Divine Sword, which means that he has mastered the divine might.

Soon, Xie Feng put away the Divine Sword, and pointed at Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand: “many thanks Brother Yang!”

Divine Sword sacrificial refining succeeded , It means that he can motivate the divine might.

Although this will deplete his spirit strength and divine force, it can be used to save his life in a critical moment. A single blow is enough to suppress and kill any martial artist below the supreme, as easy as blowing off dust.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, such as Yang Xuan. Xie Feng is not sure about it. Fortunately, he and Yang Xuan are friends and will never be enemies with him.

“It’s just a small matter, let’s go.”


While speaking, the two unfolded their postures and marched toward the depths of the ruins.

On the way, apart from human bones, there are abandoned buildings, deserted and silent.

After 5 minutes of effort, the two came to the edge of a big pit.

“Lots of buildings and human skeletons!”

Looking at the scene under the big pit, Xie Feng involuntarily let out a low cry.

The big pit is almost as deep as hundreds of zhangs. It is unknown how big it is. The collapsed houses and broken palaces in the pit are connected together, and most of them are severely weathered. When a strong wind blows, it is estimated that they will become broken powder.

In addition, the number of human bones is endless, everywhere, and the skeletons of some human bones are still glowing with jade, which shows that the cultivation base was not low during the lifetime.

“Terrifying, I don’t know how many people died here.”

Xie Feng took a cold breath.

“Let’s go down and take a look, maybe we can gain something.”

Yang Xuan said hello, and immediately jumped down to the big pit with Xie Feng, neither too fast nor too slow forward As they walked, many human bones were turned into powder on the spot, accompanied by wisps of breeze.

Chapter 671 The Emperor’s Skeleton

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