” Before stepping into the supreme, how tenacious skeleton can’t be considered, these people must be martial artists below the supreme. Under the erosion of the years, they can be preserved to this day because they are located The bottom of the big pit, otherwise it will no longer exist.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“This ruin is too big, this place is definitely just a tip of the iceberg, and a glimpse of the whole thing shows how much the shocking battle of the end of the ancient times has affected.”

Xie Feng sighed. Although he had not experienced the battle in his own life, he could imagine how tragic the battle was after seeing so many human bones.

“There are a lot of buildings here. Let’s split up and see if we can find any treasures.”


Each person chose a direction and searched among the buildings. It was just that some houses collapsed as soon as they approached. Although a few palaces were badly damaged, they would not collapse due to the wind.


Yang Xuan flickered and entered a palace.

The palace is not too big, there are many rooms inside, and most of the various furnishings are rotten, and they turn into powder when touched with a light touch, and the valuable things are hardly seen.

Many human skeletons were lying on the ground, many of them were fatally blown to the throat and chest.

Yang Xuan is lightly sighed, he understands that a large number of foreign powerhouses poured in at the end of the Taikoo period, and while lavishly scraping treasures, they also launched massacre on the aborigines here.


After 5 minutes of work, Yang Xuan and Xie Feng did not find anything good, and they also came to the end of the big pit.

Here is devastated and the vegetation is barren. Except for a huge manor which is kept intact, the surrounding buildings are all fragmented.

Yang Xuan and Xie Feng entered the manor and saw a large number of human bones at a glance.

The two didn’t think much about it, and they wandered around, finally meeting in a hall deep in the manor.

The main hall should be the place where the owner of the manor was dealing with such matters before his life. It was densely covered with spider webs, and all kinds of tattered furnishings fell on the ground in a mess.

In the upper part of the hall, a human skeleton remains sitting without any decay. The skeleton is full of cold jade-like luster.

Yang Xuan’s eyes bloomed with silver light and opened Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to check it. His eyes couldn’t help but condensed, and he whispered: “This life should be an emperor before.”

“What , This is the skeleton of an emperor!”

Xie Feng startled.

“You can’t go wrong, this person’s cultivation is still a powerful Ice Attribute cultivation technique, but he doesn’t have any cracks on his body. It can be seen that Divine Soul was instantly obliterated by someone.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Xie Feng was stunned and couldn’t imagine what kind of terrifying powerhouse it was that could kill an emperor’s Divine Soul with one blow.

“This manor has already been here. If there is any treasure, I am afraid it will be wiped out.”

Yang Xuan said again.

“In that case, why didn’t no one take away the emperor’s bones on it?”

Xie Feng was surprised, an emperor powerhouse, even though his body is dead and soul Skeletons are also tenacious and can be used as materials to refine Divine Weapon.

Of course, this is a blasphemy against the deceased, but there is never a shortage of evil people regardless of the law and of natural morality in the world. Only when they encounter the emperor’s bones, they will not care about so much.

“This emperor’s skeleton is not simple, and within the body there is still a Great Success Realm Profound Truth of ice. Those who dare to move its bones are bound to be killed.”

“so that’s how it is.”

“Let’s go, there is nothing to explore here.”


Exit the hall, Yang Xuan and Xie Feng glanced at each other, and neither had much disappointment on their faces.

Don’t say Yang Xuan, he doesn’t lack treasure. It’s good to be able to find treasure from the manor. If you don’t find it, you won’t feel disappointed.

And Xie Feng got a Cold Attribute Divine Sword, which just fits with the cultivation technique he cultivated. He didn’t have much extravagance for other things.

Without delay, the two of them spread out their postures and headed for the manor.

However, before they left the manor, the footsteps of Xixisuo Suo suddenly came from outside the manor. You don’t need to think about it that a large group of martial artists arrived.

In this regard, Yang Xuan has a calm expression.

With his current strength, as long as he is not against the Supreme, he is not afraid of anyone.

Furthermore, the dignified supreme, how respectable the identity, definitely will not be mixed with a large number of martial artists.

Xie Feng is also very calm. He practiced Divine Sword. With the killing move, it’s okay to come here. If you dare to pay attention to him and Yang Xuan, he doesn’t mind taking out Divine Sword. , Let those who have bad intentions try the great divine might.

It’s just a few breaths of effort. A group of dozens of people filed in from outside the manor. The cultivation base ranges from 6 Heavenly Layer to divine force Peak. A dozen of them wear uniforms. Come from the same force.

“From the Wei family, the leader is the old fogey Wei Qingshan.”

Xie Feng whispered beside Yang Xuan.

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