As soon as he opened the door, his perception has been greatly improved. As for the rapid progress of Punishing God Sword Array, it will not take long to understand Punishing God Sword Array. Sacrifice the sword, when the time comes, the strength is bound to increase.

Punishing God Sword Array, a ghost God Divine Ability, once mastered, Yang Xuan is confident that skipping grades to challenge the ordinary supremacy.

“The supreme is here, the speed is fast, hurry up and hide.”

At this moment, the purgatory boy sound transmission said, like the supreme powerhouse, it has always been aloof and remote, looking down The common people usually do not deal with martial artists below the supreme.

But now in ruins, the tide of reincarnation has just erupted, and Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is so low that it’s strange that it doesn’t attract the attention of the supreme, but it is targeted by a supreme. It’s not a good thing, and there is a risk of life at every turn.


Yang Xuan not even think, using the big Void Technique, quickly disappeared.

Relying on the big Void Technique, unless you encounter the powerhouse in the supreme, there should be no danger.

Of course, there are exceptions in everything. If the opponent Divine Soul is too strong, it is entirely possible to capture his position.


Soon, the void is shaking, Chaotic Heaven Earth Shattering.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a silhouette broke through the air at an incomparable speed, staying in the place where Yang Xuan disappeared.

This is a two-meter-high man with whiskers and a martial artist of the bear clan. Not only does his body look like a tiger or leopard, but his skin is also covered with thick black hair, which is very permeating just by looking at it. .

He stood in the sky, a brown and red animal skin coat dancing with the wind, imposing manner tyrannical, mixed with rich baleful qi, which shows that it is a stubble of killing people like scything flax.

Needless to say, this person is the supreme in the mouth of the purgatory boy.

He glanced around, and the sights of several dozen li around the area were immediately visible, but no silhouette was found, and his mouth could not help but be lightly exclaimed.

“Weird, I clearly noticed the faint aura fluctuations, why did I disappear in a blink of an eye.”

The voice fell, and the footsteps stepped, the space seemed to be folded in front of him. He quickly disappeared into the distance, but before long, he quietly turned back and released the domain.

This is a layer of brown and yellow light curtain, gorgeous and eye-catching, as thick as a mountain, and there is a very powerful Spiritual Fluctuation in it. Once it appears, it zooms in quickly, covering the area several hundred li in an instant. Of the region.

However, everything is business as usual, within a radius of several hundred li, calm and tranquil.

“I really encountered a strange thing.”

The big man with beard scratched his head, and then he didn’t stop, he spread his body skills all the way, and went away quickly.

He didn’t come back this time, but Yang Xuan waited for a long time before coming out for safety reasons, saying with a bitter smile: “This guy is really sinister, if it wasn’t for my two lives If you are a human, you will definitely meet him directly if you meet him directly.”

“You good luck, this person has only the cultivation base up to the Venerable Realm 3rd Layer day, Divine Soul can’t be considered how strong , Otherwise, in his domain, he will definitely be able to pull you out.”

The purgatory boy indifferently said, he is not very worried, even if he is discovered by the opponent, he will consume a lot of spirit strength at most. Purgatory Sword, taking Yang Xuan with Yang Xuan to flee for his life with a short-distance escape.

“Since I entered the ancient territory, I have encountered three supreme. It seems that there are a lot of supreme in this ruin!”

Yang Xuan said to himself, the first two One supreme, one of unknown origin, the other is Wei Jiazhi, the two once fought outside the Earth Palace, and with the big man with beard, there are exactly three.

This number can’t be considered too much, but the supreme cultivation base is extremely high, coming and going without a trace, heaven knows how many there are in the ruins.

Yang Xuan understands that this number will not be small. After all, opportunities and crises coexist. Existences like Supreme will definitely come here to find opportunities.

“Hey, there seems to be someone over there!”

“What seems to be, that is clearly a person.”

“Go, let’s rush over and see, If the cultivation base is not high, we will join hands to make him.”

In the distance, a few silhouettes flew by, and their eyes were locked on Yang Xuan, but because of the distance, they couldn’t see clearly. Yang Xuan’s appearance and cultivation base.

However, this is not important. They only need to get closer to determine Yang Xuan’s cultivation base. After determining Yang Xuan’s cultivation base, they will decide whether to murder to seize the treasures or Diverted.

Yang Xuan has very good ears, so he naturally listened to the conversation of a few people. He hesitated, and his figure flickered, like a Divine Bird, rushing into the distance, causing several people to pounce. One empty.

Several martial artists that’s all, the highest cultivation base is the divine force 3 Heavenly Layer, he is rare to kill.

“Fast speed!”

“That person is an expert, and he has at least a cultivation base above the level of divine force 5 Heavenly Layer.”

“We Don’t chase it, or it will inevitably lead to catastrophe.”

Several people whispered to each other, their eyes were shocked, and they no longer dared to chase Yang Xuan, because the speed alone knows Yang Xuan cultivation base. Vulgar, especially Yang Xuan, is still alone. No one believes such people that they have no strength far beyond the cultivation base.


“I don’t know how big this ruin is. After such a long journey, it hasn’t ended yet.”

All the way fast as Lightning moved thousands of miles into the ruins, but the sight of it was still a dilapidated scene, which made Yang Xuan frown.

Regardless of how big the ruins are, the question is where to find the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments.

This is the key point. If you don’t see the Martial Spirit fragments at the end of the ruins, what should you do then?

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