“Boy, have you found anything?”

Yang Xuan asked.


Hearing this, what Yang Xuan can say, he can only speed up and fly away.

“Everyone, what do you think it is?”

“What’s frightened and flustered, can’t you see Divine Item?”

“Not Divine Item It is a palace.”

After the tea ceremony, there was a loud noise at the end of the horizon.


Yang Xuan’s eyes shone brightly. Under the cover of the rocks on the road, he quietly rushed past, and he saw a place outside thousands of zhang, which occupies an area. The vast palace is located there, in sharp contrast with the surrounding ruins.

The palace is round in shape, dark and azure, like a bronze cast, ancient and majestic, imposing manner majestic, although some places are damaged, but not decayed.

A palace has been preserved almost intact during the battle at the end of the ancient times.

What is even more shocking is that countless years have passed, whether the palace has the slightest sign of weathering, and it has not been destroyed even in the recent wave of reincarnation.

Based on this, it is known that this hall is out of the ordinary. In addition to the hard material, there may be some kind of prohibition and protection.

“as the saying goes there must be a blessing if you don’t die. There must be treasure in that palace!”

“It’s not too late, let’s go in and find out if it’s good Luck, there will definitely be big gains.”

“Don’t act blindly without thinking, who knows whether there are restrictions in the Dao Palace, if there are any strong restrictions, it is courting death to enter our cultivation base.”

Not far away, a group of martial artists discuss spiritedly, but did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

After a huge boulder, Yang Xuan looked at it and found that there were a total of fifteen people, 99% of them were young people in their twenties, all of them were dressed luxuriously, have a dignified appearance, and a cultivation base. Enter the divine force environment to the divine force environment 5 Heavenly Layer.

There is no doubt that these people are geniuses. Both Divine Soul and the will are not weak, so they can survive the explosion of reincarnation.

Yang Xuan glanced over the people, and finally fixed on an aquiline nose old man with white beard and hair, wrinkled face and short stature.

This person is the only old martial artist, and the cultivation base is also the highest among them. He has reached the peak of divine force and is surrounded by baleful qi. At first glance, he knows that he is a very ruthless who kills without blinking an eye. generation.

However, neither aquiline nose old man nor anyone else noticed Yang Xuan.

With Yang Xuan’s ability, unless it is deliberately discovered, it is difficult for martial artists below the supreme to detect his existence.

A group of people stayed in place for a long time, and a young man of the divine force 3 Heavenly Layer couldn’t bear it. Loudly said: “if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub , If anyone is afraid, don’t go in.”

“Come closer, there seems to be a stone tablet outside the palace.”

Someone pointed to a black stone outside the palace. Tablet said.


Soon, everyone moved, one by one rose up and rushed to the distant palace.

“Boy, are there any restrictions in the palace?”

Yang Xuan asked secretly.

“Of course there are prohibitions, and there are more than one, but they are mainly used for defense. You can go in boldly.”

The purgatory boy drowsily said, following the tide of reincarnation The breath disappeared, his Spiritual Consciousness had been restored, and he was naturally clear about the situation in the palace.

“That’s fine.”

Yang Xuan laughed and hurried over. He trusts the purgatory boy. Since the purgatory boy said that the palace is not dangerous, he Just ready to go in and find out.

Chapter 675 Treasure Hunting in the Palace (three shifts)

In front of the huge palace, a large gate is half open, and on the left side of the gate, a black stone tablet stands There, although it was covered with dust, it was not weathered, and it seemed to last forever.

On the stone tablet, words are vaguely visible.

Someone waved a big hand, a gust of wind swept out, and wiped the dust on it. All the people who stopped in front of the stone tablet could clearly see the three powerful characters “playing Martial Palace”.

Obviously, the palace in front of me is the Martial Palace.

“Play Martial Palace!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes.

“Hey, when is there an extra person, boy, who are you, how can the cultivation base of Trifling 3 Heavenly Layer come here alive?”

There is someone at this moment When I found Yang Xuan, I was very surprised at his appearance. After seeing his cultivation base, his face showed a ghostly expression.

“It’s the cultivation base of Heavenly Layer 3 Heavenly Layer!”

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