aquiline nose old man and the others turned their eyes to Yang Xuan, and everyone was stunned.

It is impossible to imagine that a kid who died of the 3 Heavenly Layer can survive the eruption of the reincarnation tide, and he does not even seem to be injured right now.

For these people, although they survived the tide of reincarnation, Divine Soul was more or less injured, but Yang Xuan’s low cultivation base is okay. You can see it through. Weird.

Everyone really couldn’t figure out how this kid did it.

“Boy, what do you want to say, are you dumb?”

The man who first discovered Yang Xuan asked with a gloomy face.

“Of course I am not a dumb.”

“If you are not a dumb, answer me, who are you and how did you get here?”

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, but looked away from the stone tablet, and walked through the thick, half-open door and entered the palace.

“This kid…”

Everyone was taken aback. Although they learned that the palace was playing the Martial Palace, they were always worried about the restrictions in the palace, but Yang Xuan unexpectedly He rushed in so unscrupulously.

“This child is so courageous!”

Some people sighed that the ban on this stuff is strong or weak, some are mainly used for defense, and some are used for killing , It’s good to meet the former, but it’s not good to meet the latter.

“A yellow mouth child dared to enter, old man dignified divine force environment Peak expert, how can he shrink back?”

aquiline nose old man coldly snorted, the second jump Into the palace.

“Go, let’s go in too.”

Seeing that Yang Xuan and the aquiline nose old man have gone in, the others are bold enough to pass through the huge gate one after another and enter in file. .


In the palace is a spacious and dark corridor, and through the corridor, you will see a huge cloister.

On the walls of the corridor, there are countless stone gates, all of which are wide open, and I don’t know where they lead.

Yang Xuan didn’t think much about it. He stepped forward to the left corridor and entered a stone gate.

This hall called Martial Palace does have several restrictions, but they are not meant to obliterate creatures.

According to the purgatory boy, the Supreme cannot enter, and martial artists below the Supreme will be greatly suppressed when they enter.

This is gravity restriction, and anyone here is like a boulder carrying tens of thousands of catties.

Under this kind of gravity pressure, who can burst out the strength of ten out of ten, even Yang Xuan with the strong fleshy body can’t do it. It’s just a little bit of gravity compared with others. Oppression does not weaken him much.

The stone gate is also a corridor, and on the other side of the corridor is a small square of tens of thousands of square meters.

Here, Yang Xuan saw human bones piled up into mountains. The overwhelming majority are all decayed. As he walked by, he brought wisps of breeze and immediately turned into bone meal on the ground, showing these lives The former cultivation base is not high.

This is also normal. The so-called Martial Palace, as the name suggests, is the place where junior martial artists practice martial arts daily.

The square is all around, and there are also a lot of stone gates. Inside the stone gate are separate exercise rooms.

Yang Xuan went in one by one and found that apart from human bones in these exercise rooms, there are more powerful gravity restraints. Even after a long time, the gravity restraints are still there. exist.

Yang Xuan walked non-stop, like a gust of wind, shuttled between practice rooms, but in the end he found nothing.

In these exercise rooms, apart from human bones, there is no furnishings, so how can you find the treasure?

He is like this, as are the others who enter the palace.

Not long after everyone returned to the corridor, they did not speak to each other, and each chose a stone gate and rushed in.

At this time, no one paid any attention to Yang Xuan. Everyone worked hard, and kept their eyes bright, hunting for treasures, hoping to gain something.

Unfortunately, everyone is disappointed. There are thousands of large and small squares in the Martial Palace, and there are tens of thousands of separate exercise rooms.

But apart from the countless human bones, there is nothing of value. A few people even think that someone has come here long ago and ransacked the treasure.

To put it bluntly, they are late.


This is a small palace, located deep in a small square.

Unlike other small squares, there are almost no human bones here, all human bones are piled up in small palaces.

Yang Xuan waved his hand, and suddenly a violent wind swept across the temple, and the human bones all over the ground instantly turned into fly ash and ceased to exist.

However, on the high platform at the forefront of the palace, the only human skeleton still sit cross-legged there, motionless, without the slightest decay.

This human skeleton is extremely tall, and the skeleton is still glowing with gorgeous red light. It can be seen that during his lifetime cultivation has obtained a powerful Fire Attribute cultivation technique, and it is also a great powerhouse, a cultivation base. At least there is a realm of heaven.

In those hollow eye sockets, there seems to be a deep hatred, which will last forever.

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