Yang Xuan stood up and went to the high platform to take a closer look, and found that the throat bone of this human skeleton was completely shattered, and it should have been crushed to death by hand during his lifetime.

“It seems that if this person is not the Palace Lord who plays Martial Palace, or an older powerhouse who specializes in preaching to junior martial artists, it is a pity that he was caught in an accident and was killed in a flash.”

Yang Xuan secretly thought that his face was also shocked. The existence that could instantly kill the mighty power of the heavenly realm would most likely be the emperor.

“Hey, there are a few more words here!”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan eyes shined, and quickly came to the end of the high platform.

Here is a broken wall with pits and pits and dust. Yang Xuan wiped the dust off. You can vaguely see several ancient characters of “Walkabout Sect Mission Hall”.

These ancient characters, each of which has several meters big, with a silver hook and a sharp knife, which give people strength and charm.

Yang Xuan automatically derives a picture in his mind. A few years ago, a stalwart powerhouse stood proudly in front of this broken wall and carved these few with fierce fingers. ancient character.

“Walkabout Sect?”

Yang Xuan whispered, knowing that the Martial Palace he is in belongs to Walkabout Sect.

And this Walkabout Sect may be just one of the super Sects among the forces in the ancient territory. In the shocking battle of the end of the immemorial year, all sect disciples and sects of the entire family Powerhouse is dead, not one left.

While his thoughts flickered, Yang Xuan did not stay in the palace for a long time. He turned around and left. When he came to the corridor, he found that everyone else was gathered here, all browsing tightly frowns, and his face was ugly. , Don’t even think about it to know that the entire group has no gain.

At this moment, the aquiline nose old man of Divine Force Peak looked around the audience, frowned and asked: “Did you find anything?”


Everyone shook their heads.

“Boy, how about you, you are quite clever, should you have something to gain?”

Aquiline nose old man looked towards Yang Xuan here, and asked gloomily .

“Getting nothing.”

Yang Xuan spread his hands.


The aquiline nose old man pupil light is sharp, staring at Yang Xuan, trying to see something from his face.

“Really not.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, his face looked calm from beginning to end.

Other people are secretly surprised when they see him like this. You have to know that the aquiline nose old man is Tie Wanshan, a loose Cultivator powerhouse who is rampant in the Middle Territory and has a fierce reputation. It’s not that there are no people who speak, but it is absolutely impossible to appear on a destiny kid.

“This child is so confident, can it still deal with Tiewan Mountain?”

Someone was shocked to think, but no matter how he looked at it, he did not find Yang Xuan hidden cultivation base. This is indeed a young martial artist of the 3 Heavenly Layer.

“Interesting, you brat are not afraid of me?”

Tie Wanshan grinned, his voice harsh, like something stuck in his throat, making people have one’s hair stand on end.

“Your Excellency is not demons and ghosts, why should I be afraid of you? Besides, I really didn’t find any treasure.”

No one doubted Yang Xuan’s words, A young man who had just entered the divine force realm looked depressed and said: “This Martial Palace is a burial ground. Even if there is a treasure, it has already been caught by the early bird catches the worm. I think let’s go.”

“Wait, there is a stone gate there. This gate is much larger than the others. We might find a chance from it.”

Someone pointed to the corridor. Just north, said a stone gate with several feet.

“Although the door is open, there will be no restrictions, right?”

Many people hesitate. Under the pressure of gravity, they are all heavy and uncomfortable now. Fortunately, this is still within their tolerance.

But after heaven knows enters the stone gate, is there any stronger restriction? If there is, it would be dangerous.

Thinking about this, no one moved rashly.

After a short silence, Tie Wanshan yelled at Yang Xuan, “Boy, aren’t you brave? Take the lead. Right.”

“What if I don’t go?”

Yang Xuan has a bright smile on his face. Anyone who knows him knows that he is angry, and if he is angry, he will kill.

“If you don’t go, you will die. You have no choice.”

Tie Wanshan’s expression is not good, and his words are not emotional.

“You think you can kill me, it depends on whether you have that ability.”

Leave a sentence, Yang Xuan unfolds his body and rushes in like a ghost. That huge stone gate.

An old ghost that’s all of Divine Force Realm Peak can be killed at any time, so let’s go to the stone gate first.

Chapter 676 inheritance dao chart (four more)

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