Others did the same, looking up at the top wall pattern.

This pattern is very magical. They exchanged in private just now, and they realized that the patterns they saw are different. This picture seems to change the shape according to each person’s situation. It is extremely mysterious.

Tie Wanshan’s chest is ups and downs, but after all he didn’t do it anymore, because of the Fleshy body competition, is he sure that he can deal with Yang Xuan.

Without the slightest delay, he sat on the spot and looked up at the top wall pattern.

The time passed slowly, and the hall of enlightenment was quiet, except for the breathing of everyone, there was no other sound.

“Nine magical powers, I must master all of them.”

Yang Xuan clenched his fists, and a pair of eyes became bright silver.

Under the gaze of Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, the pattern on the top wall suddenly changed strangely.

Originally, the pattern composed of thousands of bright white lines is still.

But it didn’t take long for all the lines to twist and twist like long snakes.

“There is a show!”

Yang Xuan opened Martial Dao Heavenly Eye just to try it out. Didn’t expect actually worked, which made him excited.

He concentrated attention completely staring at the twisted lines, trying to realize something from it.

These lines are densely packed and countless, just like human meridian.

Gradually, starting from the very central position, bright white lines light up one after another.

Not only that, these lines are also intertwined quickly and evolved into an image.

In the video, a person is showing something.

He was a very vague person with black hair and Feng Feiyang. He was tall and straight, but he couldn’t see his face clearly. He wandered back and forth in the image as soon as he appeared.

The whole person is like a breeze, not only erratic, but also appear and disappear unpredictably, and the speed is almost at the extreme. Yang Xuan can only see a dazzling afterimage.

Chapter 677 Enlightened Magical Powers (Five Changes)

“This must be a Shenfa magical power!”

Yang Xuan to be wild with joy, also He really wanted something, he was now in need of a magical power, didn’t expect met him in this enlightenment hall right now.

Of course, encountering does not mean learning, he has to carefully comprehend it, so that it is possible to master it.

This is simple, Yang Xuan holds his breath, sees with his eyes, and comprehends with his heart.

This is not so much a posture, as it is a footwork, Unparalleled, an ancient footwork.

From the beginning to the end, there are only 81 steps in total. Although not many, there are countless changes between steps, which are vast and unpredictable.

“Very powerful footwork!”

Yang Xuan was shocked, knowing that this must be an unspread secret of Walkabout Sect, and his mind was completely immersed in it for a while.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

In the image, the mysterious person continues to use the mysterious footwork, over and over again.

If it were before, Yang Xuan might find it difficult to realize the mysterious, but after opening the door, his perception advanced by leaps and bounds, in just a quarter of an hour, he could grasp it. what.


Time flies, one hour later, Tie Wanshan, Yao Jianfei and the others woke up one after another, everyone’s face was full of loss.

Just now, a mysterious power gushed out from the pattern on the top wall, shutting his mind away from the door.

No matter how much they think about it, it will be hard for them to get in touch with the pattern.

“Did you realize anything?”

Even though they knew that everyone had learned nothing, someone couldn’t help but ask.

No one answered, what can they say, after all, they got nothing.

“The kid hasn’t woke up yet, has he realized that there is nothing wrong?”

At this moment, someone glanced at Yang Xuan and saw that his eyes were closed, wandering beyond the sky, and he was shocked.

“What’s the joke, it’s hard to comprehend anything from our perception, how can he succeed as a fate boy?”

Some people disdain.

“He must have realized some magical secret skills, otherwise he would have woken up a long time ago.”

Yao Jianfei opened the mouth and said, aside from envy, the greedy color on his face did not hide. .

“Brother Yao, shall we take the opportunity to do him?”

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