Someone wiped his neck and asked sharply

“Don’t worry, when he wakes up, let’s capture him, ask for magical skills, and then kill him. Not too late.”

Yao Jianfei waved his hand, turned his head and looked towards Tie Wanshan not far away, “What do you think?”

Among them, they belong to Tie Wan Shan hates Yang Xuan the most. Although they don’t care about Yang Xuan’s life or death, they have to get the magical skills first. As for whether Yang Xuan will be tortured to death by Tie Wanshan afterwards, it has nothing to do with them.

“I have no opinion.”

Tie Wanshan shook his head and forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

As Yao Jianfei said, if Yang Xuan is killed now, then they will have no chance of some kind of magical power.

It’s better to wait for Yang Xuan to wake up and let him spit out the magical skills he has obtained.

Then there was a long wait. About the tea time passed, and Yang Xuan looked like an old monk, a yellow clothed man became impatient, foul-mouthed authentically: “Damn, this When will the child wake up?”

“Pipe down, if you disturb him, wouldn’t we wait for nothing?”

Yao Jianfei frowns saying.

“It’s only time for tea. If you can’t wait any longer, just leave here.”

A blue clothed youth coldly said in a divine force environment 4 Heavenly Layer.

“Well, since everyone can afford to wait, then I won’t say more.”

tone barely fell, someone cry out in surprise: “Look, The pattern above is bright.”

“It’s really bright!”

Everyone looked up, and they were all surprised to find that the pattern on the top wall bloomed with brilliance.

next moment, strands of brilliance gathered together to form a beam of light, dropping from the sky, crashing into the top of the head of Yang Xuan.

“Unbelievable, this child must have obtained some magical secret technique!”

Someone lost his voice.

Others didn’t speak, but everyone understood that Yang Xuan succeeded, he learned a magical skill from the pattern, and only when he truly realized it, the pattern will lower the mysterious light beam.

This is the inheritance, the cultivation method of magical skills. As long as Yang Xuan asks this kind of cultivation method from Yang Xuan’s mouth, they are bound to increase their strength.

No one has to act blindly without thinking. Yang Xuan is now accepting inheritance. If they take him down now, they are most likely to only get an incomplete Divine Ability secret.

As they guessed, Yang Xuan is accepting inheritance.

As the beam of light sank into the top of the head, there was a sudden shock in his mind, and there was an extra message.

Without any hesitation, he immediately absorbed this information, and soon obtained a technique of cultivation.

Free Spirit Step!

Yes, it is Free Spirit Step!

This is one of the nine protection sect secrets of Walkabout Sect. Once practiced, it will have extreme speed. No one in the same generation can match it. It is ten times more powerful than the shadow that Yang Xuan has mastered.

“Good, good!!!”

Yang Xuan smiled in his heart, and started cultivation with Free Spirit Step without anyone else.

After opening the door, his perception has already reached an unimaginable height.

Although the Free Spirit Step is extremely difficult to practice, he has seen the mysterious person evolve countless times from the video not long ago, and has already grasped what he has obtained. Now he has obtained the technique of cultivation of the Free Spirit Step, suddenly Full Mastery.

“Moved, the kid moved!”

Here, some people whispered, and the others looked intently and saw Yang Xuan stand up from the ground.

But the weird thing is that Yang Xuan still closed his eyes, as if he hadn’t woken up yet. Then something stranger happened, and he saw Yang Xuan stepping on the strange asynchronous method with his feet, just starting to speed Not fast yet.

But not long after, there was wind under his feet, and the whole person became illusory, and he shuttled around in the huge square with incredible speed.

Everyone stared wide-eyed. In their eyes, they can no longer see the real body of Yang Xuan, only countless afterimages.

“What footwork is this?”

“Not only footwork, but also magical powers, a superb power of speed.”

“Damn it, Where did this child come from? How could he learn the inheritance magic so quickly.”

At this moment, everyone is not calm.

What kind of footwork supernatural powers are, and how fast it is, Yang Xuan has just acquired inheritance supernatural powers from the top wall pattern, and he has realized it in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the world, any cultivation technique must pay attention to a step by step. No matter how high is innate talent, it is difficult to learn in a short time after getting a great Great Divine Ability.

“No matter whether this child is innate talent or perception, he is more than us better than us.”

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