Tiewanshan’s gnashing teeth are authentic, and there is even a hint of fear in his eyes.

Tian Zong genius like Yang Xuan, as long as he does not fall, he is destined to rise in the near future and his achievements are limitless. He is so immortal that he has already settled a grudge with Yang Xuan.

“Must die, this child must die.”

Tie Wanshan became more afraid as he thought about it, and his murderous intention surged wildly in his eyes.

He understands that if he doesn’t take advantage of Yang Xuan’s full wings to kill him now, then there will be no chance.

In addition to having no chance, Yang Xuan may kill him in turn.

Without hesitation, he suddenly released Divine Consciousness, capturing the true body of Yang Xuan from the afterimages.

But just for a moment, almost his Divine Consciousness had just locked the real body of Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan’s real body disappeared from his Divine Consciousness.

No, it’s better to say that Yang Xuan is too fast instead of missing her.

I don’t know what kind of footwork supernatural powers this child has trained. His Divine Consciousness can’t keep up with his speed.

Divine Consciousness is invisible, within the coverage of Divine Consciousness, a single thought can be reached, but his Divine Consciousness is difficult to lock Yang Xuan, from here we can see how fast Yang Xuan is fast.

These speeds are faster than lightning, which causes a lot of afterimages, which makes it dazzling and difficult to distinguish between true and false.

“What to do, this child has this speed, we may not be able to keep him!”

Some people frowned. At this speed, even Divine Consciousness is difficult to lock Yang Xuan, let alone the eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Xuan really wants to leave, and no one of them can keep him, and if he really escapes, where will they go to get the magical power of footwork.

“Why panic, we only need to block the exit. No matter how fast he is, can he break the Martial Palace?”

Yao Jianfei is cold Face.

The performance of the Martial Palace has been preserved to this day, which shows that the material is hard and there is a strong forbidden defense. Let alone Yang Xuan, I am afraid that the power of the world will be helpless.

“Yes, as long as we block the exit, this child will not be able to escape.”

Tie Wanshan is nodded, looking around Yao Jianfei and the others and saying: “Everyone quickly To block the door, the kid will be handed over to the old man to deal with it.”

“There are restrictions here, and the divine force cannot be used. Moreover, the kid’s fleshy body is tyrannical, and the strength is extremely impossible. Now he is practicing again. It has become a powerful footwork supernatural power, sir?”

Some people have deep doubts about this. It is not that he underestimated Tie Wanshan, but that Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is too strong and too fast. fast.

Don’t talk about Tie Wanshan, any one of them can hardly compete with Yang Xuan.

“Compared to fleshy body, the old man is indeed inferior to him, but better than the combat experience, the old man threw him ten streets.”

Tie Wanshan is a little unhappy, his cultivation has been hundreds of In years, I don’t know how many battles have been experienced. The combat experience is by no means comparable to a yellow mouth child.

But Yang Xuan’s speed is too fast. He is really not sure that he can win Yang Xuan alone.

“Senior is great, but am I not in order to guard against the unexpected?” Humanity who spoke earlier.

“Okay, you are going to block the door, and I and Tie Senior are going to arrest people.”

Yao Jianfei lightly shouted, and then said to the others: “What are you still doing? Please block the door.”

Or quickly block the exit of the Hall of Enlightenment, Yang Xuan will run away if he is not good, and when the time comes, it is difficult for them to catch up.

While failing to catch up with Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan’s footwork supernatural powers have no chance with them. This is not the result Yao Jianfei hopes to see.

For him, since he has encountered a horrifying footwork magical power, it is a god-given opportunity, and it is bound to snatch it. If it fails, it will become a benevolent.

Chapter 678 Lured the tiger away from the mountain? (Six more)

“Okay, there is Iron Senior and Brother Yao. It must be very easy.”

A group of dozens of young talents came to the Hall of Enlightenment without delay. exit.

The exit was not too big. A dozen people lined up in a row. Wherever they went, they couldn’t even fly out a fly. What’s more, Yang Xuan was such a big living person.

It’s okay if Yang Xuan doesn’t come here. If you want to dare to rush into, they gather and attack, and they don’t believe that he can’t be subdued.

At the same time as a dozen people blocked the exit, Tie Wanshan and Yao Jian flew, and the two quickly unfolded their postures and threw themselves out.

Unfortunately, the Hall of Enlightenment is full of Yang Xuan’s remnants, no less than a thousand Taoists. After searching for a long time, the two of them did not touch Yang Xuan’s real body.

This made them both shocked and angry. Although the divine force has lost its effect here, they can still run the divine force to increase speed.

That’s the case, they can’t help Yang Xuan.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

Yang Xuan’s eyes seem to be closed and non-closed, as if they are not open, as if not aware of everything in the outside world, each minding their own business stepping on the Free Spirit Step, in the huge enlightenment hall, almost all stay After leaving his footsteps, the end is one step at a time, and the world is everywhere.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Tie Wanshan moved around, constantly attacking, destroying a large number of afterimages, but was never able to find Yang Xuan’s true body, and on the contrary, he consumed a lot of physical strength, gasping for breath.

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