Yao Jianfei has a deep mind without moving his footsteps, but Divine Consciousness is released with all his strength, trying to find out Yang Xuan’s real body. Only by locking Yang Xuan’s real body can their attack be It works, otherwise it will only waste energy.

Not long after, his pupil light condensed, and he stretched out his hand to point to an afterimage not far away, “There.”

Tie Wanshan reacted swiftly and rushed over at full speed, just for an instant. He grabbed the afterimage in one fell swoop, but it was a real afterimage, and it became invisible on the spot.

“Damn it!”

Yao Jianfei cursed secretly. He was sure that he had found Yang Xuan’s real body just now, but after Tie Wanshan rushed over, Yang Xuan’s real body Has long since become an afterimage.

For a long time to capture Yang Xuan, Tie Wanshan’s heart was mad, anger and blood rushed to the top of his head, almost roaring: “Little beast, you fucking stop me.”

That is to say casually, no one thinks Yang Xuan will stop.

Who knows, just in Tiewan Mountain tone barely fell, all the afterimages disappeared one after another.

“This child really stopped!”

Someone was surprised to see Yang Xuan’s real body appeared in the center of the Hall of Enlightenment, his face looked as usual and his expression was flying. , Did not appear to be seriously consumed, which made Tie Wanshan and Yao Jianfei surprised and happy.

It is conceivable that Yang Xuan’s footwork magical powers are not only fast, but also not too expensive for Origin Force, which is flawless.

“Good, good!!!”

Tie Wanshan’s face flushed and was extremely excited. He has been in the peak of divine force for hundreds of years, and it has been difficult to make progress in the cultivation base over the years. Compared with a hundred years ago, his strength has not improved much.

But if he gets Yang Xuan’s footwork supernatural powers, his strength is bound to have a qualitative leap.

Martial arts in the world, only speed can not be broken. When the evenly matched person can’t keep up with your speed at all, then you will win.

While Yao Jianfei is excited, he has several points of alert in his heart. Since Yang Xuan dared to stop, it shows that he has no fear. He should be careless, he is very likely to fall in the sewer.

“My man has stopped, what do you want Old Guy to do?”

At this moment, Yang Xuan spoke, faint smiled at Tiewan Mountain.

“Boy, the old man won’t talk nonsense with you. Those who don’t want to die will immediately hand over the magical powers they have gained.”

Tie Wanshan stared at Yang Xuan with extremely cold eyes. While speaking, he released divine might and pressed Yang Xuan to his heart. Otherwise, Yang Xuan might use his footwork magical powers and slip away from him in front of one’s eyes.

Compared to Tie Wanshan, Yao Jianfei is quite polite. He said: “as the saying goes, you have a share, I wonder if Brother is willing to share his footwork magical powers?”

“Haha, what a seer is worthy of, you might as well grab it.”

Yang Xuan laughed loudly, his tone full of sarcasm.

He was comprehending the Free Spirit Step just now, but he did not relax his vigilance. He knew that Yao Jianfei and Tie Wanshan and the others were unpredictable.

“You are very strong, I don’t want to be your enemy, but if you refuse to surrender your footwork supernatural powers, you can’t leave this place alive today.”

Yao Jianfei looks like Han Xing, cold and authentic.

He has always been an arrogant person, he has super confidence in his own strength, he is on guard, and he does not really take Yang Xuan seriously.

“Just because of you two, there are more than a dozen wastes over there?”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, with a look of disdain, he swept his eyes and crouched at the exit. Several people.

“Boy, you are too arrogant, you can’t be the supreme?”

“That is, although our strength here is greatly reduced, it is not a small fate for you If you don’t want to die, you can quickly surrender your footwork supernatural powers.”

The eyes of a dozen people are red, and they can’t wait to rush over to take Yang Xuan off.

“A group of clowns who can only bark.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Everyone go up together and take him down, otherwise it will be difficult to feel sick.”

A dozen people are crazy, they will rush over.

“Don’t move, don’t fall into his plan to lured the tiger away from the mountain.” Yao Jianfei shouted.

hearing this, more than a dozen people stopped, and they were also dazzled by anger. They did not consider that Yang Xuan had developed a powerful footwork supernatural power. If they don’t block it Exit, Yang Xuan can escape in the blink of an eye.

“The plan to lured the tiger away from the mountain?”

Yang Xuan was taken aback, then smiled, and said, “You can rest assured, I will not run away, too. There is no need at all, because with my strength, I will crush you to death with bare hands, as easy as blowing off dust.”

“Little devil, will you die if you don’t speak big words?”

Tie Wanshan’s forehead jumps with blue veins, in his soul, no matter how powerful Yang Xuan’s footwork is, he will be greatly restricted. The slower speed is indispensable, and when the speed slows down, he and Yao Jianfei have a chance Here comes.

“Do you think your divine might is useful to me?”

Yang Xuan moved his hands and feet, completely unaffected by Tiewanshan’s divine might, and even pointed at the iron Wan Shan beckoned, full of provocation.

“Arrogant boy, you kneel down for the old man.”

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