Tiewanshan flustered and exasperated, yelling and raising the divine might to the extreme, flocking to Yang Xuan frantically.

However, it is still useless, Yang Xuan fleshy body is too strong, unless it is in the Supreme Realm, it is difficult to restrain him.

He carried his hands on his back and said nonchalantly: “I said that your divine might is useless to me. You just don’t believe me. Look at what you look like now. A face looks like a monkey butt.”

“This child is really powerful. Even Tiewanshan’s divine might oppression does not work on him.”

The dozens of people guarding the exit were moved, even Yao Jianfei was too impressed. The discoloration.

His temples are bulging, and he subconsciously releases divine might, a violent suppression to Yang Xuan.

The two divine might be present, he does not believe that Yang Xuan can be so calm.

Unfortunately, let him down, Yang Xuan still face doesn’t change and moves freely.

At this moment, Yao Jianfei and Tie Wanshan’s pupils tightened. They looked at each other, and both saw a thick look of shock in their eyes. Under the pressure of their divine might, Yang Xuan actually Being so indifferent shows how terrifying its fleshy body is.

This is by no means a fleshy body that a martial artist can have, and since it has, it proves that it has a chance, and cultivated powerful physical training, the two are indispensable.

“Let’s do it, I hope you two can go through a trick in my hands.”

Yang Xuan loudly shouted, he is crazy in words, and also has crazy capital.

In this Hall of Enlightenment, where only fleshly body strength can be used, even if he doesn’t use any secret magical powers, killing Tie Wanshan and Yao Jianfei is easy.

“little bastard, damn you.”

Tie Wanshan was furious and took out the weapon directly from the storage ring while turning his hands.

This is a dim-blue long knife. The whole body is made of icy iron. The cold light on the blade flashes and the sharpness is striking.

Obviously, Tie Wanshan also understands that fleshy body is inferior to Yang Xuan, so he needs to take advantage of the sword.

Yao Jianfei didn’t say a word, but he also pulled out the saber around waist.

This is also a treasure sword. The sword is three feet and seven inches long and about two fingers wide. The whole sword is bright golden. As soon as it appears in the air, it immediately emits Wan Daoguang flower and it hurts. The eyes of many people.

“This is the Divine Sword of Yao Family’s town clan-Tai Ah Sword!”

Someone cry out in surprise.

Tai Ah Sword is too famous. This is the high grade Divine Sword passed down from generation to generation by Yao Family. It is cast by ether platinum. Although the Sword Spirit died as early as the ancient times, the sword The benefits are enough to tear apart all defenses.

“Good sword!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes lit up and he was full of praise.

“Of course it is a good sword, and you are about to die by my sword.”

With a sword in his hand, Yao Jianfei’s black hair is flying, the imposing manner changes drastically, and his body is full of With a Qi of Slaughter looting everything.

“Ten Slaughter Sword Intent!”

Yang Xuan is fearless, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“Yes, it is the ten-fold Slaughter Sword Intent. If you don’t want to die, you can quickly hand over your footwork supernatural powers.”

Yao Jianfei raised his right arm and pointed his sword at Yang Xuan. , Although the Divine might cannot be activated here, but with the sharp sword in his hand, Yang Xuan has no chance of survival as long as he hits the sword.

“You can’t kill me, not only can’t you kill me, you have to die in my hands and be punched by me.”

Yang Xuan casually said, but made Yao Jianfei furious. Burning, dignified Yao Family Young Master, when was someone so humiliated, not to mention that the other party was still a kid of 3 Heavenly Layer.

“And you, old fart, you have been pointing at me from before entering the temple, screaming and drinking, and later I will screw off my head with my hands.”

Yang Xuan ignored Yao Jianfei, who was about to leave the anger, and turned his head towards Tie Wanshan Road.

“A fanatic, you better not be captured by me, or I will let you taste the cruelest torture in the world.”

Tie Wanshan’s eyes were red. He hated Yang Xuan deeply. He was also an old powerhouse of divine force Peak. Who knows that Yang Xuan let out wild words, saying that he would screw his head off in full view.

What kind of humiliation it is, whether it is tolerable or unbearable.

Chapter 679: The Might of Free Spirit Step (seven more)

“you think you can kill me, if you come here for a fight, if you don’t dare, use your hands and let me You leave.”

Yang Xuan coldly shouted, his voice was not loud, but he was full of domineering.

“Go to death.”

Tie Wanshan roared and killed him with a knife.

Although the divine force cannot be placed here, his speed is still fast to the extreme under the urge of the strong divine force, and the knife is shot in an instant, sweeping towards Yang Xuan’s legs.

The anger returned to anger, but before he got his footwork supernatural powers, he still didn’t think about killing Yang Xuan.


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