Just when Tie Wanshan took the shot, a powerful Slaughter Sword Intent suddenly surged. Yao Jianfei carried Tai’a sword and rushed to it at a swift speed. One sword.

As Yao Family Young Master, and comprehended ten Slaughter Sword Intent, Yao Jianfei’s sword technique is a natural Major Perfection.

Although there is no divine force blessing on the Tai’a sword, relying on the sharpness of the Tai’a sword, this sword is enough to kill any martial artist below the supreme in a second.

Of course, in order to gain the supernatural powers of footwork, his sword did not attack Yang Xuan’s vitals.

Shua! Shua!

a sabre light, a sword light, struck almost at the same time, and wanted to destroy Yang Xuan on the spot.

“overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Yang Xuan face revealed disdain, just when the sword is coming, he unfolds the Free Spirit Step, one step two steps three steps, nine steps to exit in succession , Seems to be walking leisurely, but the speed is incredibly fast, and he avoided it in a short time.

Although I learned the Free Spirit Step not long ago, I still can’t fully display the speed of this footwork, but after nine steps, Ghost God is difficult to follow.

Don’t say it is in this Enlightenment Hall, even outside the hall, Tie Wanshan and Yao Jianfei can hardly catch up with him.

“It feels so cool!”

Yang Xuan is very excited. This kind of body cuts through the air and generates extreme speed, making him feel refreshed from the heart.

“Did off!”

In the distance, a dozen young martial artists who blocked the door took a cold breath. You must know that Tie Wanshan and Yao Jianfei are among them. The strongest, even the two of them failed to win Yang Xuan together, which shows how fast Yang Xuan is.

With this speed, Yang Xuan can always remain invincible.

“This impossible, under the divine might of my two, you can still have such a fast speed!”

Tie Wanshan was shocked.

“What footwork supernatural power did you get?”

Yao Jianfei was also shocked, but he was even more curious about what footwork supernatural power Yang Xuan had learned from the top wall pattern.

“For the sake of your dying, it’s okay to tell you, this is the Free Spirit Step.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are like electricity, and his face is cold and authentic.

“Free Spirit Step?”

The faces of Yao Jianfei, Tie Wanshan and the others are full of blank expressions.

“This Martial Palace belongs to Walkabout Sect, and Walkabout Sect should be a super Sect in the ancient territory in the ancient times. There are nine protective sect magical powers in it. The Free Spirit Step of my cultivation happens to be It’s one of them.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, everyone finds it difficult to keep calm. Although they are unheard-of with Walkabout Sect and Free Spirit Step, Walkabout Sect is a member of the ancient territory in the ancient times. Great Sect, how can its protecting sect supernatural powers be rubbish.

“The nonsense ends here, who should kill first?”

Yang Xuan while speaking, his eyes scanned back and forth between Yao Jianfei and Tie Wanshan.

Soon, his eyes fixed on Tie Wanshan.

Tie Wanshan’s vision freezes, and at the same time was very angry, Yang Xuan’s eyes seemed to be his first hunting target.

“It’s you, come and die.”

Yang Xuan stared at Tiewan Mountain, his words were biting cold, if it weren’t for exploring this Martial Palace, he would have Just killed Tie Wanshan, how can this Old Guy live to the present?

“little bastard, the old man is bound to kill you.”

Tie Wanshan state seems crazy, he is approaching again with a knife.

This time he started even more ruthlessly. He completely forgot about the supernatural powers of his footwork, as if he wanted to put Yang Xuan to death and then hurry up.


With one stroke, the long knife in his hand came to the top of Yang Xuan’s head.

“Tie Wanshan, are you crazy?”

Yao Jianfei is surprised and angry. If Yang Xuan goes down this blade, how can he get the Free Spirit Step?


If there is no one beside Tiewan Mountain, only Yang Xuan is in his eyes. He hates Yang Xuan so much. Therefore, this blade almost uses his whole body strength. As long as the knife is hit, Yang Xuan had blood on the spot in an instant.

“It’s too slow.”

Yang Xuan smiled contemptuously, stepped sideways, and avoided with no difficulty.

“Also, your mouth is smelly, you should palm your mouth.”

Yang Xuan is shouting loudly again, he bullied himself up, raised his right hand, wrapped his palm in his palm The strong wind threw away with lightning speed.


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