Tie Wanshan didn’t have time to dodge, so he slapped his face heavily. The whole person was slapped off and his face was red and swollen like a pig’s head. A few of them were knocked out, a bloody one, and embarrassed.

“gu lu!”

A dozen young martial artists who blocked the door were horrified and swallowed wildly.

No one thought that Tie Wanshan, which was still aggressive just now, was slapped away by Yang Xuan in a blink of an eye.

It’s better than even Tie Wanshan can’t handle Yang Xuan’s move, let alone them?

“Who are you and why are you so strong!?”

Yao Jianfei trembled all over, and there was no more contempt in his heart.

“This slap is just an appetizer, the next blow, send you off.”

Yang Xuan expression is cold and ignorant of Yao Jianfei, striding towards Tiewan Mountain. .

Tie Wanshan was slapped by the slap just now. It was not until Yang Xuan approached that he came back to his senses, and his whole body trembled suddenly.

Through the slap just now, he already knows how strong Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is, and he is full of fear for Yang Xuan.

He kept going backwards, and after a while he turned around and fled, running fast all the way.


Everyone, including Yao Jianfei, was stunned and seriously doubted whether they had hallucinations. The murderer Tie Wanshan of the Middle Domain generation would Flee without a fight.

“Can you walk?”

Yang Xuan yelled, and took nine steps in succession, dragging countless afterimages behind him, and chasing him up in a flash.

Tie Wanshan couldn’t help but his face changed wildly when he heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him. At the same time, the fierceness in the bones broke out completely, and his backhand was swept out in anger.

However, it failed.

Before he took the knife, Yang Xuan stepped across and walked around behind him, grabbed the back of his neck and twisted it violently.


Under the tremendous force of nearly 100,000 Jin, Tie Wanshan, who had lost its divine force protection, could not stop it at all. A head was screwed down like a ball. The blood at the broken neck rushed several feet high, horrible to see.

“Dead, kill in seconds!”

“Come on, this child is a monster, we are not his opponents, we will die if we stay.”

10 Several young martial artists who blocked the door were caught in endless panic. Without a moment’s hesitation, one by one turned around and left.

At this moment, they have no idea about Free Spirit Step, they just want to escape here as soon as possible.

Yao Jianfei did not move. Under Yang Xuan’s fierce gaze, he did not dare to move.

“It’s your turn.”

Yang Xuan’s face is calm and honest, his voice is not loud, but it is full of great deterrence, like a death bulletin, making Yao Jian fly like a fall Ice cellar, cold hands and feet.

Even Tie Wanshan was tortured and killed by Yang Xuan, how could he contend with Yang Xuan?

At least in this Hall of Enlightenment, he is by no means Yang Xuan’s opponent. Once he is handed over, even if he has the no stronghold one cannot overcome Tai’a sword, he will only be defeated in the end. Yang Xuan punched.

After seeing Yang Xuan unscrewing Tie Wanshan’s head, he already understood that Yang Xuan’s previous sentence was not a joke, but really wanted to suppress and kill himself with his fist.

“Look, you are also a genius. It’s a pity to die, I’ll give you a chance.”

Yang Xuan turned his words and stared at Yao Jianfei.

“What opportunity?”

Yao Jianfei asked, his expression on guard.

“It’s very simple. Leave the sword in your hand and I can go around you.”

Yang Xuan glanced at the Tai’a sword in Yao Jianfei’s hand.

“Wishful thinking.”

Yao Jianfei is extremely angry. Tai’ajian is the Divine Sword of their Yao Family, and there is nothing to lose.

If he surrendered Tai’a Jian, he would have to be disabled if he returned to the clan without death.

“I’ve given you a chance, but you don’t know how to cherish.”

Yang Xuan raised his footsteps and didn’t use the Free Spirit Step, so he strode towards Yao Jianfei. Release sword dao Profound Truth while walking.

A devastating imposing manner descended on Yao Jianfei, making Yao Jianfei tremble all over, and the fleshy body and even Divine Soul had a shudder that was about to collapse.

“You…comprehended sword dao Profound Truth!”

Yao Jianfei is not stupid yet, he soon sees something, his face is no longer half bloody.

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