Compared to fleshy body, he is far less than Yang Xuan, faster than Yang Xuan, he can’t keep up with Yang Xuan who has become a Free Spirit Step, better than Martial Dao Concept, his ten-fold Slaughter Sword Intent It was a joke in front of Yang Xuan’s sword dao Profound Truth.

It can be said that, except for the Divine Weapon, Tai Ah Jian, everything about him was suppressed by Yang Xuan.

“If I hand over Tai’ajian, will you really let me go?”

Yao Jianfei retreated and said, under the pressure of the powerful sword dao Profound Truth, he was terrified .

“What do you think?”

Yang Xuan asked, with a bright smile on his face.

“Asshole, you play with me!”

Yao Jianfei’s eyes are splitting. Although he has guessed that Yang Xuan will not let him go, he still feels Extreme anger.

“You shouldn’t make my mind.”

Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“Yes, I really shouldn’t make your idea, but no medicine for regret in the world sells, what I can do now is fight with you.”

desperate situation Next, Yao Jianfei forgot his fear, and he was full of fighting intents.

“You are very good, but when you meet me, you can only count as bad luck.”

Yang Xuan is nodded with admiration, but his footsteps never stop, and the distance from Yao Jianfei is getting more and more near.

Yao Jianfei did not retreat anymore. He held Tai A sword across his chest and asked: “Comprehended sword dao Profound Truth at a young age, I am curious, who you are, it stands to reason Your talent is definitely not an unknown person in our deserted ancient continent.”

“Since you are so curious, then I will tell you, remember, the person who killed you is called Yang Xuan. “

As soon as this statement came out, Yao Jianfei, as if was struck by lightning, lost his voice: “What, you are Yang Xuan in the deserted state!”

Yang Xuan in the deserted state, today The world is well known, like thunder piercing the ear.

What made Yao Jianfei didn’t expect was that he actually ran into the evil star Yang Xuan here, but he still wanted to snatch Yang Xuan’s Free Spirit Step.

Chapter 680 Killing and Seizing the Sword (Eight Changes)

“Yang Xuan, let me go, I am willing to hand over Tai Ah Sword.”

Yao Jianfei is all over Trembling, hurriedly said.

This time he is really scared. The fighting intent on his body is like a raging fire encountering a violent storm, coming fast and going faster, and fade away in an instant.

If he changes to another person, he can also choose to fight to the death.

But this is Yang Xuan of Huangzhou, even if he takes out all his abilities, he can’t compete with it.

The shadow of the famous tree, Yang Xuan is too strong.

It’s not a long time since I came to their deserted ancient continent from Outland. The divine force genius and the old powerhouse who died in his hands do not know how many, even the half-step supreme Kunwu was killed by him, even Successfully escaped from Demon Sovereign Yama in front of one’s eyes on the black liquid cliff.

The strength of a body far exceeds that of the same generation, and it can be called invincible below the supreme.

Yao Jian flies towards self-defeating, he would have doubts about this, thinking that Yang Xuan can stir the wind and rain in their deserted ancient continent, the biggest reliance is to have a half-step good fortune Divine Sword.

However, after witnessing Yang Xuan gaining magical powers from the top wall of the Hall of Enlightenment, and then easily torturing the murderer Tie Wanshan, he realized that Yang Xuan’s strength was very terrifying even if he did not use Divine Weapon. .

In the face of such evildoers, how can he be able to fight against Divine Force 5 Heavenly Layer.

What’s more, in this Hall of Enlightenment, his divine force has almost lost its effect, so he is not even Yang Xuan’s opponent.

It can be said that Yang Xuan kills him easily.

Yang Xuan observed his words and looks, and realized that Yao Jianfei was really timid. A sneer flashed between his eyebrows, and said: “If you want to survive, throw Tai’a sword over.”

“Sword can be Here you are, but you have to swear the Heart Demon oath.”

Yao Jianfei is not stupid, how could he give away Tai Ajian so stupidly.

“Heart Demon’s Oath?”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows. For martial artists, the Heart Demon’s Oath is a terrifying oath. Once the oath is taken, it cannot be violation.

It’s not that it cannot be violated, but it’s better not to violate it, because once the oath is violated, when Heart Demon emerges during the cultivation in the future, the power of Heart Demon will be greatly enhanced, and it is almost impossible for anyone to resist it. It will be consigned to eternal damnation at every turn.

Of course, Yang Xuan is tenacious, Divine Soul is strong, and he is not afraid of Heart Demon, but he doesn’t want to make any shit Heart Demon oath.

For him, Yao Jianfei is already fish on the chopping board, and he can pinch it to death with his bare hands.

“How about, are you willing to take the Heart Demon oath?”

Yao Jianfei asked as he stepped back.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to.”

Yang Xuan shook his head flatly, and continued to force the past.

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