“It seems that you are determined to kill me, but I have to remind you that my Yao Family Supreme is now in the depths of this ruin. If you dare to take my life , It is bound to cause a terrible disaster.”

Yao Jianfei looked resentful and authentic, and he did not tell lies. They Yao Family Supreme did indeed enter the ruins. As for where he is now, he doesn’t know.

In order to survive, he was also forced to be helpless, and had to carry his supreme out in a vain attempt to frighten Yang Xuan.

“Do you know what Yang Xuan is most afraid of since my debut?”

“What is it?”

“Threat, I am the least afraid Those who dare to threaten me, kill without mercy!”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, stepping on Free Spirit Step, his figure becomes illusory, and he walks around Yao Jianfei, all directions It’s his afterimage, which can’t tell the truth from the fake.

“bully intolerably.”

Yao Jianfei roared, swept across with a sword, and wiped out the afterimage.

But there are too many afterimages, and he can’t stop killing them. No matter how fast his sword is, no matter how sharp his sword technique is, it will hardly hurt Yang Xuan.

And Yang Xuan’s real body is in these countless afterimages, and it is possible to give Yao Jianfei a fatal blow at any time.

Yao Jianfei also understands this, and the offensive is getting fiercer.

“It’s useless, although your attack is very strong, but under Free Spirit Step, everything is in vain.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“Cold Star Sword Art!”

Yao Jianfei shouted violently and used a family battle skill. In this hall of enlightenment, the divine force cannot be released outside. His greatest reliance is It is Tai A Sword and Han Xing Sword Art.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

One after another a sword light lit up, like stars blooming radiantly, gorgeous and dazzling.

I have to say that the Hanxing Sword Art is out of the ordinary, especially when the Tai A sword is used, the formidable power is more powerful, and it kills the ordinary divine force martial artist nothing difficult.

Only for an instant, under the sweep of a lot of sword light, the afterimage of Yang Xuan was almost wiped out.

“Go to death!”

Yao Jianfei showed murderous intention. He walked with the sword, locked Yang Xuan’s real body with one sword, and killed him at an extremely fast speed.

“Interesting, I take back the previous sentence that killed you with a punch.”

Yang Xuan got interested, took nine steps in a row, urging the Free Spirit Step to the extreme, The speed was incredible, and thousands of afterimages were produced.

The afterimage of one after another flickered, rushing towards Yao Jianfei continuously, or punching or kicking, the offensive was swift and violent, attacking Yao Jianfei’s vitals.

“I’m fighting with you!”

Yao Jianfei is mad with hatred, the Tai’a sword in his hand swung hundreds of times in an instant, and the golden sword light all over his body shone, Turned into a dazzling Storm of Swords, all the way only attacking but not defending the afterimages, rushed towards the exit of the Hall of Enlightenment.

As long as he rushes out of this hall, he can use the divine force. Even if he loses to Yang Xuan, he will have a chance to escape.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, but it is destined to be difficult to realize.

Just when he was crazy about his sword, Yang Xuan’s real body quickly approached, punching the thunder.


Yao Jianfei was unguarded. His vest was hit by this fist and he was beaten to donate blood. He didn’t know how many bones he had broken in his back.

Unable to use the divine force to defend, his fleshy body simply cannot withstand Yang Xuan’s strong fist power, and the whole person is like a kite with a broken line, flying out on the spot.

“Your fleshy body is really strong enough to be able to take a punch from me.”

Yang Xuan rises up like a Divine Bird flying in the sky, he lifts He lifted his right foot and slashed down with a condescending foot, centered on Yao Jianfei’s chest.


Yao Jianfei’s breastbone was broken, and he screamed and fell from in midair. Fiercely fell to the ground and couldn’t get up again. Even the Tai’ajian in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

He was seriously injured, his internal organs were almost broken, and he was unable to fight anymore.

“It’s not dead like this. Your fleshy body really makes me look at me. Maybe when your cultivation base gets higher, you can also have several points of winning against Qiu Shaoyang.”

Yang Xuan dropping from the sky, looking down at Yao Jianfei not far away, this is a real young Heaven’s Chosen, if it weren’t for provoking him, he would definitely be famous throughout the world in the near future.

“Cough cough, I never thought that Yao Jianfei became famous since I was a child, winning streak in a row, and today I will be completely crushed by others.”

Yao Jianfei disheveled hair, face deathly pale, he worked hard. Started, gritted his teeth and said: “If you provoke you, count me as bad luck, give me a good time.”

“As you wish!”

Yang Xuan took out Purgatory Sword, his figure shot out.

next moment, others came to Yao Jianfei and pierced his throat with a sword.

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