Soon, three more Wei martial artists died tragically, plus the previous one, the Wei martial artist died in a few seconds.

Among the four, the highest cultivation base is the first to enter the divine force realm, and they are all those who protect Wei Qingfeng. With the death of the four, Wei Qingfeng immediately fell into the encirclement of the enemy.

This immediately made him terrified, and he didn’t care about his face, so he hurriedly moved towards Wei Qingshu yelled not far away: “Cousin, save me!”

“Really A waste!”

Wei Qingshu kept cursing secretly, but he had to help him.

He used his secret skills to get rid of the two powerful enemies around his body, and then rushed over with a sword, killing several people who were attacking Wei Qingfeng.

At the same time, the battle between Wei Qingshan and Robust Man came to an end.

I saw Wei Qingshan couldn’t dodge, and was taken away by the wolf fang club in the hands of the robust man.

Rao is because he has a divine force protective body. After this blow, he also vomited blood for three liters, and the whole person fell to the ground with a thud.


Wei Qingshu lost his voice.

Wei Qingfeng and a group of martial artists from the Wei family also all change color.

As the Wei family Elder, Wei Qingshan is the strongest person among them. If even Wei Qingshan is dead, all of them will have to die here.

“Qingshu, hurry up.”

Wei Qingshan was also hard-spirited, and his whole body was soaring in an imposing manner. He swung his sword and the robust man almost completely regardless of his injuries. Every blow was a killer move of burn both jade and stone, and it suppressed the robust man for a while.

Of course, this is just appearance.

In Yang Xuan’s view, Wei Qingshan is already strong in appearance but weak in reality, and it will not take long before he has to die here.

Wei Qingshu also understood this, without the slightest hesitation, holding a sharp sword in one hand and look pale in the other. Wei Qingfeng, who was covered in shiver coldly, was like a little chicken and went away quickly.

“You guys also go quickly.”

Seeing Wei Qingshu taking Wei Qingfeng away, Wei Qingshan’s mouth is shouting loudly again. As he speaks, his offensive never stops, and a sword continues With one sword, he madly attacked the robust man.

Chapter 685 Chasing after each other

“Let’s go!”

At the order of Wei Qingshan, the martial artists of the Wei family started their physical skills one after another. Wei Qingshu and Wei Qingfeng went away, and at the same time they continued to block the chasing soldiers behind him.

In order to snatch the magic jade slip, no one is willing to give up.

Except for the demon race robust man who was entangled by Wei Qingshan, everyone was murderous-looking to catch up.

A group of over 30 people, both young and old, holding swords, and the lowest cultivation base is 5 Heavenly Layer. Among them, there are two young martial artists with cultivation base reaching the 4 Heavenly Layer of division force. .

Two people, one is Chu Family Young Master Chu Yang, the other is Zhou Family Young Master Zhou Wen.

The former is dressed in red with a jade crown on his head and looks handsome, while the latter is dressed in blue clothed, standing tall and looking like stars.

In the vast middle domain, the two have a prominent family background and are both extremely prestigious geniuses with extraordinary bearing and strength far beyond the cultivation base.

Although their cultivation base is not as good as Wei Qingshu of Divine Force 6 Heavenly Layer, they work together and are not afraid of Wei Qingshu.

“Wei Qingshu, you can’t escape, leave the magical jade slip.”

The two shouted in unison, the imposing manner soared, and the speed is getting more and more. Hurry, jade slip is bound to win.

Compared to Divine Item, the magic jade slip is more precious.

Since entering this vast ruin, they have not heard of anyone finding treasures such as jade slip, not to mention that this is a relic of the Ancient Great Emperor.

Ancient Great Emperor, the ability to connect to heaven penetrating the earth, and what it left behind is the Divine Ability jade slip, how could it be anything.

When you encounter this type of Supreme Treasure, if you don’t use all means to grab it, you will regret it for life.

“You want magical jade slip unless you kill me.”

Wei Qingshu didn’t turn his head back, his voice was full of anger.

He is an unprofitable hypocrite, yes, but he will not be so stupid that he will give away the treasure he has obtained.

Although he has not had time to check the magic jade slip, this jade slip was obtained in front of an emperor’s bones under a ruin. How could it be rubbish.

The only thing that made him depressed was that when he found jade slip, there were many outsiders present, which immediately caused a frantic scramble.

In the end, it not only attracted Chu Yang and Zhou Wen, but also the demon race robust man.

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!”

“You better don’t stop, or this ruin is your land of burial.”


Chu Yang and Zhou Wen were angry, and their speed increased.

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