“Young Master, you go quickly , we will break the queen for you.”

At this moment, the martial artist who fell in the last seven or eight Wei Jia stopped resolutely.

There was a resolute color on everyone’s face, and there was no hesitation between each other. They almost waved their weapons in parallel to meet Chu Yang and Zhou Wen.

“striking a stone with an egg!”

Chu Yang was disdainful and slashed with his sword, without being half-distracted.


Wei Qingshu shouted, but it was too late. Several sword energy cut through the sky, as fast as electricity.

puff puff puff! ! !

Several people were beheaded on the spot, and blood flew across. Two of them were the worst, their heads all flew out, and blood rushed to Lao Gao at the decapitation, horrible to see.

“You guys too!”

Zhou Wen started more ruthlessly. He ran the divine force, and the man and the knife combined, and the whole person instantly turned into a Blade Qi storm, and the rest The three of them were strangled into flesh and blood.

“Beast, you deserve to die.”

“Go together and avenge the dead brother.”

There are several more cultivation bases of Wei The martial artist stopped and wanted to perish together with Chu Yang and Zhou Wen.

Unfortunately, the difference in strength is too big. Even if a few people perform their geniuses, it is difficult to compete with the two. They were swept away by a sword energy and instantly violent death.

“So cruel!”

Wei Qingfeng looked pale, scared witless and said: “Cousin, I, shall we not die?”

Chu Yang and Not to mention Zhou Wen, he has a faint feeling that the demon race robust man will soon be killed, when the time comes, even if Wei Qingshu is willing to hand over the jade slip, they have no chance of survival.

“Shut up, say one more thing, I will throw you idiot out right away.”

Wei’s martial artist killed more than a dozen people with dazzling eyes, and Wei Qing’s book was upset. Chaos, now hearing Wei Qingfeng’s words, he can’t wait to throw away his cowardly cousin.

Wei Qingfeng was secretly angry, but he did not dare to talk back because his strength was far inferior to the cultivation base. If Wei Qingshu hadn’t brought him by his side, he would be chased by Chu Yang, Zhou Wen and the others soon. on.

“Young Master, the place ahead is a stormy place, shall we change direction?”

At this moment, a martial artist from the Wei family caught up and whispered to Wei Qingshu.

“Qingshan Elder is not the opponent of the demon race robust man. The latter will probably catch up soon. For the present, it is to go deep into the storm.”

Wei Qingshu gritted his teeth. .

Although the land of the storm is extremely dangerous, but the so-called death and resurrection, he will be overtaken by the demon race robust man sooner or later, and with the demon race temperament, they will not be cut. It’s strange to kill everything.

“Does Wei Qingshu want to escape into the stormy land to avoid disaster?”

“You can’t look at the wrong direction, let’s speed up, and we must not let him escape smoothly into the stormy land “

A group of thirty people are chasing very tightly. For them, the land of the storm is a Death Forbidden Land. Even in the peripheral zone, there is a danger of life.

“Damn it!”

Chu Yang and Zhou Wen had ugly faces, and they had obviously guessed what Wei Qingshu was thinking.

The two glanced at each other, and they unfolded the secret skills of the family heirloom. They waved their swords all the way to kill the martial artist of the Wei family who fled at the end.

“Everyone should work harder and try to take Wei Qingshu down before he enters the land of the storm.”

Others have also increased their speed, following Chu Yang and Zhou Wen, continuously Attacked the martial artist of the Wei family.

For a time, the martial artist of the Wei family died several more people, which made Wei Qingshu, who fled at the front, furious.

“Chu Yang, Zhou Wen, you guys are bullily intolerably, if my Wei Qingshu can escape this time, you Chu Family and Zhou Family will wait to bear the anger of my Wei Family Supreme.”

“It’s ridiculous, your Wei family has supreme, don’t my Chu Family and Zhou Family have supreme?”

“That’s all, a newly promoted supreme, no matter how strong can it be? Go, my Zhou Family ancestor alone will be enough to kill him.”

Chu Yang and Zhou Wen continued their speed, chasing and attacking the martial artist of the Wei family, without being threatened by Wei Qingshu.

“Wei Peng, you guys run away separately. By the way, take this guy away.”

Wei Qingshu didn’t hesitate to be authentic, while speaking, he threw Wei Qingfeng in his hand to the side directly. This Wei family martial artist.

This is a middle-aged man, looks plain, not tall, but the cultivation base has reached the level of divine force 6 Heavenly Layer.

He grabbed Wei Qingfeng while frowns said: “What is Young Master saying, we swear to protect you to the death, and never abandon you and run away?”

“What they want It’s a magical jade slip, it’s only going to chase me, and now the land of the storm is approaching. I’m on my own, faster. I will definitely be able to enter the land of the storm first. As long as I enter the land of the storm, I’ll be safe.”

“The land of the storm is not a joke, Young Master, you must not take personal risks!”

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