As far as martial artists are, everyone has a Heart Demon, and their Demon family is no exception.

Even due to the special physique and the relationship of cultivation demonic energy, their Heart Demon is much stronger than martial artists of other races.

In the underground world, every year, many people are weak-willed on the way of cultivation and are eaten by Heart Demon.

And if he made the Heart Demon oath here, he would really dare not do anything to Wei Qingshu.

“I knew that you this bastard never thought about letting me go.”

Wei Qingshu breathed fire in his eyes, resentful, and he promised to hand over the jade slip. However, Robust Man refused to take an oath, which clearly meant to put him to death.

“You’re right, I never thought I would save your life.”

robust man nodded, coldly said: “The nonsense ends, I count three times, Within three sounds, if you surrender the jade slip, I will leave you a whole body.

On the contrary, I will break your bones and drain your blood. You are also a Genius, I must have sucked your blood. It should make my fleshy body stronger.”

The Demons have cultivation and secret skills, they can refining Spiritual Qi blood to strengthen themselves, and the more The more powerful creatures are, the more attractive they are.

A genius with a prominent family background like Wei Qingshu has been immersed in various cherished medicinal liquids since childhood, and then began body refinement when he was older, within the body is full of vitality and blood, if it can swallow its vitality and blood, Can definitely make Fleshy body get a great nourishment.

Thinking of this, the robust man licked his mouth involuntarily, and stared at Wei Qingshu with blood-light eyes.

Wei Qingshu’s whole body is standing upside down. Under the fiery eyes of the robust man, he only feels that he is a beast that has been stripped and cleaned, and he may be swept up by the robust man at any time.

When I heard the phrase Robust Man sucked up your blood, whether it was Chu Yang, Zhou Wen, or others, they all felt have one’s hair stand on end, trembling with fear.

“Three, two…”

If there is no one beside the robust man, he immediately started reporting the number.

“Don’t count, I’ll give you the magic jade slip.”

Wei Qingshu interrupted, took out something from his arms, this is a palm-size, The jade slip is as thin as a silkworm wing and has a bright white body.

“Supernatural power jade slip!”

The expressions all of all people became hot.

“Give it to me.”

The robust man shouted with breathlessness. This is an inheritance supernatural power left by an Ancient Great Emperor. If he can learn it, he will definitely increase his strength.

“Here you are, you have to pick it up.”

So, Wei Qingshu unexpectedly threw the magic jade slip towards Chu Yang and Zhou Wen in the distance.

“Little beast, you are courting death.”

robust man extremely angry, but Chu Yang and Zhou Wen were overjoyed, and the two almost rushed towards the jade slip together.

“You two hairless brat dare to get involved in the jade slip, really act recklessly.”

robust man screamed, punching out a huge black air, Rolling and roaring towards Chu Yang and Zhou Wen.


Chu Yang and Zhou Wen were surprised and angry, but they could only choose to dodge.

Their strength is still inferior to Wei Qingshu, how could they be Robust Man’s opponents, if they are hit by this black air, they will definitely die.

“haha, my supernatural power jade slip belongs to me.”

One blow to repel the two geniuses, the robust man gave out a smug laugh, and opened his hand a powerful force The suction power is ready to take the magical power jade slip into the hand.

But at this moment, a silhouette rushed up from under the chaos, taking away the magical jade slip at a ghost-like speed.

“Thief, leave the jade slip for Lao Tzu.”

The flesh to his mouth was missing, and the robust man went crazy on the spot.

He stood up in the air, waving wolf fang club in his hand, one stick after another, making a roar in the void, and frantically attacking the person who snatched the jade slip.

Just no matter how fierce his offensive is, the wolf fang club in his hand will not hit anyone. The people present can only see the flash of afterimages in the sky, but they can’t see whether it is who stole the magic jade. slip.

“Who is this person, the speed is really invincible!”

At this moment, no one can keep calm.

Even Wei Qingshu, Chu Yang, and Zhou Wen all fell into a sluggishness.

If it weren’t for seeing this with their own eyes, they would never believe that someone could explode with such terrifying speed.

How fast is the Robust Man’s attack, and the incoming person can dodge under a large number of stick shadows, which shows that its speed has reached an unimaginable level.

“Go to die, die to Lao Tzu.”

The robust man is mad, a wolf fang club dances like tigers and tigers, all kinds of killer moves are displayed one after another, piece by piece The blast killed the afterimage, but there were too many afterimages. One afterimage just disappeared, and another afterimage appeared again, endlessly killing.

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