“Damn thief, there is a kind of stop dignified and fight with me righteously.”

robust man roared, needless to say, the thief in his mouth is Yang Xuan.

Under the Free Spirit Step, his Myriad Bodies Transformation, illusory, is the fastest in the world, and repeatedly avoided the attack of the robust man.

For him, Robust Man’s offensive is fast and violent, but it is much inferior to Walkabout Sect’s Protecting Sect Free Spirit Step.

“This impossible, who on earth are you?”

For a long time, I have not won Yang Xuan, and I saw Yang Xuan shuttled around, never stopping, the robust man was so angry. Shouting, a pair of eyeballs are almost bleeding, and the offensive has become more and more fierce.

While he waved the wolf fang club in his hand, one after another corrosive demonic energy surged out, knocking out a large amount of afterimages into ashes.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain, and Yang Xuan was still not injured.

Chapter 688 Burns with Fury

Free Spirit Step, one of the Walkabout Sect protecting sect magical powers, has 81 steps.

Although Yang Xuan is only able to master the first nine steps now, each step contains mysterious. Taking nine steps in a row can form a potential that can burst out unpredictable and mysterious speed.

One step, two steps, three steps…

Yang Xuan, with his clothes fluttering, took nine steps quickly, the sky and the ground are almost all his afterimages, just naked eye can’t tell whether that afterimage is a phantom, and that afterimage is his real body.

Don’t talk about naked eye, the robust man’s temples are agitated, and it is hard to lock Yang Xuan’s real body with his full force of Divine Consciousness.

His Divine Consciousness, every time he captures Yang Xuan’s real body, Yang Xuan will take the lead.

Although he constantly waved the wolf fang club to emit billowing demonic energy and wipe out the surrounding shadows, he never even touched the corner of Yang Xuan’s clothes.

Everyone watching the battle was dumbfounded. It is impossible to imagine that a martial artist in the destiny state could explode with such terrifying speed.

So far, no one except robust man has been able to see Yang Xuan’s looks clearly.

But everyone has detected that Yang Xuan is only the cultivation base of 3 Heavenly Layer.

This kind of cultivation base belongs to the bottom of these people, but the speed at which Yang Xuan reveals right now makes them feel shocked and beyond reach.

“Thief, you provoke me.”

All the attacks failed to win Yang Xuan, the robust man fell into a rage, and his whole body of demonic energy rose up with a Demon Like God, it is shocking.

The crowd all change color. Everyone understands that this big man from the demon race is going to fight with all his strength.


Without any fancy movements, the thick wolf fang club in his hand moved, and the whole person turned into a black storm of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, towards the sky The afterimage of suppress and kill In the past, a large afterimage was crushed at once.

However, although the offensive was fierce, it still failed to hurt Yang Xuan.

When Yang Xuan dodges, there are afterimages.


The robust man went crazy and directly cast his “Enchanting”.

This is the only killing move of their Demon clan. Once they enter this state, whether it is defense, speed, strength, endurance, etc., they all increase greatly.

Of course, there are pros and cons. Enchantment consumes a lot of demonic energy and spirit strength, which can only last for a few minutes.

Although it is not long, it is enough.

But in the blink of an eye, the robust man’s muscles swelled, the black light of the magic pattern on his body was shining, and his pair of scarlet eyes became extremely bloodthirsty. The whole body was full of slaughter and destroying all the hostility. Wei Qingshu, Chu Yang, and Zhou Wen, who were closest to the battlefield, were sweating in cold sweat and backtracking again and again.

Under this maddening pressure, they only felt that the fleshy body and Divine Soul were about to collapse, extremely terrifying.

The three of them are like this, let alone the others, although they are not a short distance away, everyone feels extremely depressed and suffocated, as if they were choked by their hands. Same, difficulty breathing.

A few people with a low cultivation base can’t bear it at all. They stepped back and propped up the Origin Force, so they felt better.

“Is this the demon race of the demon race? It is similar to my dark Martial Spirit. It has several points of.”

Yang Xuan’s heart moved secretly, while his figure was shaking, appear and It disappears unpredictably, erratic, and walks around the robust man again and again, leaving densely packed afterimages around the latter, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.


The robust man roared, and the wolf fang club in his hand swept out wildly. A stick of power was enough to crush a mountain, and the stirring air screamed endlessly .

puff puff puff! ! !

The afterimages collapsed together. In the demonized state, the robust man’s strength skyrocketed by at least 30%. With just one blow, all the afterimages were almost cleared.

“really strong!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes condensed, and he took another nine steps. Above the void, thousands of afterimages suddenly appeared.

“It’s not over yet.”

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