robust man is extremely angry, the stick shadow in front of him flickers, the demonic energy is surging, and the afterimage is blasted out like crazy.


Yang Xuan is extremely retreat, avoiding like lightning, passing by along the way, the afterimage reappears.

“Under the demon, you can’t hide.”

The robust man opened his mouth and let out a loud roar, the sound shook the sky, his eyes shot out a murderous intention, waving his hands. The demonic energy turns into a large black net, which is more than ten feet in size, shrouded in a large afterimage of the front.

And Yang Xuan’s real body is in this afterimage.

He was surprised, but his reaction was not slow, so he took out a long sword and urged the sword dao Profound Truth to slash towards the big black net.

Under the blessing of sword dao Profound Truth, the ordinary long sword can also be comparable to the magic weapon.

What’s more, Yang Xuan still has the power of nearly 100,000 Jin. Under this fierce power, even without using any secret skills, might of a single sword, it is enough to tear open a huge mountain without power. match.


The sharp sword light flashed past, and the big black net was divided into two, which was instantly torn apart.


The robust man was stunned, and his hideous face was full of disbelief.

Be aware that this big black net is made with pure demonic energy. The defensive power is more than twice as powerful as the simple demonic energy, but now it is torn apart by Yang Xuan. It doesn’t take much effort to go up.

Yang Xuan didn’t say anything. He rushed out, as strong as a Divine Dragon, came to the robust man with a brush, and slashed with a sword with boundless power.


The robust man reacts very fast, with his hands raised up the wolf fang club, the demonic energy on the stick rolls, and a strong confrontation with Yang Xuan, the collision between two weapons of completely unequal size , There was a piercing sound of gold and iron, sparks splashed and black air burst out.

“A lot of strength!”

The robust man let out a muffled roar, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

After a short handover, he judged that Yang Xuan’s fleshly body strength was not necessarily inferior to himself.

Yang Xuan also retreated. Robust man’s power was already very strong. After his power increased greatly after being enchanted, he was not much worse than him. Fortunately, his fleshy body was tyrannical, but also No injuries.

It’s just that the long sword in my hand is useless. The sword is full of cracks and may break at any time.

This is also normal, after all, it is just a very ordinary high grade Spirit Sword, how can it compete with the wolf fang club in the hands of Robust Man.

“Fight again!”

The robust man roared wildly, swept all over his fighting intent like a tide.

In the vast Underground World, his fleshy body is unparalleled. It is difficult for anyone in the same level to fight him. Now it is rare to meet a person who can evenly match him. Naturally, he must fight happily. Last game.

There is no extra nonsense, he even left his supernatural power jade slip behind and swung the wolf fang club and swooped at Yang Xuan.

bang bang bang!! !

The sound is like thunder, hundreds of afterimages collapsed invisible, in a flash, the robust man brazenly killed Yang Xuan in front of him.

At this moment, Yang Xuan vision freezes again. He was a little uncertain just now, but now it seems that after the Robust Man became enchanted, the pair of eyes became sharp, and all the afterimages seemed to him They were all blindfolds, they couldn’t stop him at all.

“You big guy can see my real body, whatever, I will play with you.”

This is the first time Yang Xuan has spoken since the battle. The voice echoed, making everyone stunned, as if they didn’t expect this person who snatched the magic jade slip and evenly matched the robust man to be so young.

“Boy, you are too mad. Not only will you die today, you will also have to be swallowed up by me. This will definitely strengthen my fleshy body.”

“If you want to swallow my blood and energy, it depends on your ability.”

“See the real chapter under your hand.”

While speaking, the two of them expand In a close duel, you will die.

Every time they collide, like two violent giant beasts banging against each other, like two mountains colliding, they make a sound like heaven falls and earth rends.

One after another terrifying air wave raged, and within a hundred zhang, pieces of ruins were razed to the ground, and billowing smoke rose into the sky.

In this situation, people who are far away from the battlefield take a breath.

Only by the aftermath, we can see how fierce this battle is.

What made them feel the most ups and downs was that the one who fought against the robust man was still a young man. With that voice just now, everyone knew that he was not to old.

What everyone can’t figure out is that there is a young talent with this battle strength in the world.

“It won’t be Huangzhou Yang Xuan, right!?”

Someone seemed to think of something, and whispered.

This immediately caused an uproar.

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